Doug Rowse



These weekly messages from New River Church will encourage you in your relationship with Jesus. We believe that Jesus is enjoyable and our lives are meant to overflow with His joy and hope to the world around us. We pray that you are encouraged.


  • The Power of Blessing


    The blessing of God on the life of a child of God is powerful. It literally can impact nations! You doubt it? Listen in as we learn from the life of Joseph!

  • The Power of Timing


    Not all time is the same. Some time is more valuable than others. When God is at work, this is the most valuable time of all! In this message, we draw encouragement from a woman in 2 Kings who rose up and was faithful in the time that God called her.

  • The Power of Conversation


    In this message we look at John 4 and talk about the power of a simple conversation. What if the people of God became known as the best conversationalists?

  • The Power of Prayer


    Continuing our summer series, Zoe Flynn teaches us about prayer. Its amazing, God welcomes us into His presence! What a gift!

  • The Power of Wisdom


    In this highly practical message we talk about how powerful wisdom is and how we can access the wisdom of God for any situation. If you have ever wondered how to get the will of God about a situation, this message is for you!

  • The Power of Compassion


    In this message, we continue our look into how to use wisdom to save our city. One of the blessings we bring to the city is compassion, which is a reflection of the very heart of God.

  • Women's Prayer Breakfast


    This is a message preached by Jodi Hoover at our women's prayer breakfast.

  • The Power of Focus


    Today we begin a new series on the powerful impact of wisdom at work through our lives. In this intro, Doug sets up the study by taking a look at Judges 19-21 and identifying the enemy we are up against.

  • Divine Appointments


    In this message, David takes us to Acts 10 and the work God did to connect Peter to Cornelius so that Cornelius could hear the Gospel. Here's a question: Is every encounter a Divine Appointment?

  • Praying from our Roots


    In this message, Matt takes us beneath the surface to talk about how being connected to Christ is vital to a powerful life of prayer.

  • The Simplicity of Loyalty


    In this message we look at three powerful scenarios from Scripture that paint the contrast between the audacity of religion and the simplicity of loyalty to Jesus. God bless you!

  • Mother's Day 2022: What Can I Do?


    On this Mother's Day we are blessed to hear from real life "super mom" Audrey Schneider. God's goal for us is to make us holy and He uses our family to do it. This is good, but it can also be hard. This message is mega encouraging for everyone.

  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit


    In this message, Pastor Kenny teaches from 1 Corinthians 12-14 and challenges us to "let God out". God wants to give through us, we need to let Him do it.

  • Final Snapshot: King Jesus Returns!


    It's Easter and we are completing our study in Revelation by digging into the final few lines of the entire Bible. What we discover is surprising. Jesus is returning! And He invites us to join Him in calling thirsty ones to embrace the life that His victory bought for us.

  • Snapshot #10: Everything Made New


    "It is DONE" are three of the best words ever spoken by Jesus because they mean that everything has been made new! In this hope filled message, the final pages of the Bible encourage us that not even death can separate us from the love of Christ. Death itself is "DONE"!

  • Snapshot #9: Final Judgment (and a wedding!)


    As we come near the end of Revelation, it becomes more and more clear that Jesus wants to marry His people and pour out His kindness on us forever. This message is deeply encouraging and will help to put the fight back into you.

  • Snapshot #8: The Fall of Babylon


    In Revelation 17 & 18 John uses a graphic image to depict God's judgment against the systems of human government that have brought nothing but abuse and oppression to the world. But we also see God's unwavering commitment to His people. If you are His, be encouraged. He has His eye on you!

  • Snapshot #7: The SEVEN BOWLS


    There comes a point in history when God calls "time of death" on planet earth. Today we begin the final judgment of God on earth. In this message, God pours out wrath against false religion.

  • Snapshot #6 The BATTLE


    The goal of Revelation is to put the fight back into you so you get back into the fight. This message focuses on Revelation 12-14.

  • Snapshot #5 The Seven Trumpets


    We continue our deep dive into the Book of Revelation by asking this question, "How much pain does it take to make you change course?" In the seven trumpets, we see God's kindness colliding with our stubbornness, and it brings us a lot of pain. Have we reached our breaking point yet?

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