Doug Rowse



These weekly messages from New River Church will encourage you in your relationship with Jesus. We believe that Jesus is enjoyable and our lives are meant to overflow with His joy and hope to the world around us. We pray that you are encouraged.


  • Comfort and Joy


    Is comfort and joy an escapist pipe dream? Is it possible to experience it when so much sorrow and drama are present? The answer is YES! Joy is not a feeling. It is a condition of our soul. Now that Christ has come, comfort and joy are possible in any circumstance.

  • The Weary World Rejoices


    In this message, Audrey walks us through the Book of Habakkuk in preparation for our Christmas celebration. Be encouraged! There is a reason and a way to rejoice, even when you're feeling wearied by life.

  • Jesus, the movement continues, Mark 16:9-20


    In this final message from the Gospel of Mark, Pastor Doug discusses the difference between truly believing in and merely agreeing with the truth. We also talk about the snake handling verse. Did Jesus really say that? Listen and find out!

  • Jesus, The Risen King, Mark 16:1-8


    Mark brings his Gospel to a powerful close by offering us hope, with a challenge. Do you know that the resurrection of Christ extends beyond Easter? It has practical implications for your everyday life!

  • Jesus, the cross and the betrayal, Mark 14 & 15


    In Mark 14 & 15 we witness the greatest act of love the world has ever known. God steps in and takes our place, becoming a substitute for us so that if we trust Him, we can escape the wrath and judgment that is rightfully due us.

  • Jesus, the Triumphant, Mark 11:1-13:37


    Jesus redefines what it means to succeed. We think of triumph as overcoming trouble. But here we learn that "Triumphant" means giving all we have even though we have a million reasons to hold back and be selfish. This is the heart of an intimate relationship with Jesus. In religion we are allowed to hold a lot back for ourselves, as long as we check the right boxes. In relationship, we give all, out of love.

  • Jesus, the Suffering Servant, Mark 8:31-10:52


    Jesus does not allow us to define Who He is and what He has come to do. He defines it for Himself. Will we receive Him as He is, or will we continue to define Him in ways that are comfortable for us?

  • Jesus, the Messiah, Mark 7:1-8:30


    Today we reach the culmination of Mark's Gospel. Finally, through Divine revelation, the disciples discover that Jesus is indeed, The Messiah. But what about you? Who do you say Jesus is? Your perception of Jesus will change everything about your life.

  • Jesus, the Movement Mark 6:1-56


    Many people believe in Jesus, but few people actually follow Him. To follow Him means I believe He is a good leader and Someone worth imitating and learning from. In the first five chapters, Mark demonstrates that Jesus is powerful. In chapter six, Mark shows that Jesus is worth following!

  • Jesus, the Ultimate Power Mark 4:35-5:43


    We were made to fear God, but in our fallen condition, we fear everything else but God. Jesus steps into our world and corrects this problem. The most common response people had to Jesus in Mark's Gospel was fear, but in fearing Him, we are drawn into trusting Him because He has focused His power on helping us!

  • Jesus, the Teacher Mark 4:1-34


    It is easy for us to follow Jesus with wrong motives and find out we are not really following Jesus at all! In Mark 4, Jesus teaches a story designed to expose our hearts and bring us into a deeper connection with Him. This message leaves us thinking about where we stand in relationship with Christ. We hope you are blessed!

  • Jesus, the Lightning Rod, Mark 3:6-35


    You can hate Jesus or love Jesus but you cannot remain neutral in your response to Jesus. He demands a response. In this message, we look at four different typical responses to Jesus and are challenged to evaluate how we will respond to Him.

  • Jesus, the Ultimate Authority


    Mark's gospel continues to build the case for why Jesus is "The Good News that changes everything". In this section, Mark demonstrates that Jesus is the Ultimate Authority. Someone with Jesus' authority, power and compassion can truly forgive you of sin and set you free.

  • The King has come!


    In this first message of our study in Mark, we discover that Jesus is unlike any other leader we have ever encountered. He uses His power to enter our "wildernesses" and rescue us.

  • The Only Right Choice is Life


    In this "pro-life" message, we simply walk through Scriptures to hear the heart of God and the supreme value that He places on all human life.

  • The Revolution of Rest


    In this message, Pastor Kenny tales us to Luke 10. In a world where people are addicted to chaos, where can we find peace and rest?

  • The Gospel According to Mark


    In this extra message, Pastor Doug walks us through Mark's Gospel to explain how a person can enter into a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

  • The power of Understanding


    In this message, Pastor Kenny digs into the power of understanding. Proverbs says that in a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out. Could you be that "man of understanding"?

  • The Power of Blessing


    The blessing of God on the life of a child of God is powerful. It literally can impact nations! You doubt it? Listen in as we learn from the life of Joseph!

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