Doug Rowse



These weekly messages from New River Church will encourage you in your relationship with Jesus. We believe that Jesus is enjoyable and our lives are meant to overflow with His joy and hope to the world around us. We pray that you are encouraged.


  • Snapshot #4: The Seven Seals


    In this message, we get the veil between the natural and the spiritual worlds pulled back and we begin to see what is really going on in our world. With open eyes, we can begin to fight the battle that God is calling us to fight. Let's go!

  • Snapshot #3 The Throne and the Lamb


    In Revelation 4 & 5, John receives a vision of the Throne of God and it is breath taking! This literally changes EVERYTHING! God bless you as you listen.

  • Snapshot 2: How Jesus Sees Us


    What does Jesus see when He looks at His Church? Revelation 2 & 3 contain seven personal messages from Jesus Himself to His Church. Our obvious threats are not our greatest threats. Jesus reveals the obstacles about which we need to focus.

  • Snapshot 1: Jesus and His Glory


    The first thing John sees in Revelation is so breathtaking that he cannot find the language to express it. John sees JESUS and He is awesome. It makes sense that John would see Jesus first. After all, a clear vision of Jesus brings the pain of life into proper perspective. Buckle up. Jesus is stunning.

  • Revelation Intro


    When studying the Book of Revelation there are four important factors that we need to keep in focus. If we do not keep all four of these in mind as we study, we can easily become wonky in our interpretation of this wonderful book.

  • Who are we New River Church?


    Many people are seeking their identity these days. In this message, Pastor Doug asks the question for us corporately. Who are WE as a local church? One thing is certain, when we understand the majesty and glory of the Rock from which we have been cut, we will never underestimate ourselves again!

  • Hope Sunday


    In this message, Michael teaches through Psalm 124. We learned that God makes us strong in order to use our strength to serve others.

  • Looking back to move forward


    If we do not properly grieve the losses of our past, they will weigh down our souls and produce a backlog of bitterness. In this message, Pastor Doug uses Psalm 22 as a template for processing grief. Please see the attachments for a resource that will help you walk through your own losses using Psalm 22.

  • New Heart, New Worship


    Caston wraps up our Christmas season with a message on worship. We often think of worship as singing, raising hands, or other expressive forms. However, true worship is much deeper.

  • Finding our hope through worship


    In this message, Pastor Kenny takes us to Matthew 2 and teaches us about how worship leads us to hope. You feeling hopeless? Worship! Set your affection on God and you will soon find that hope returns to your soul.

  • The Redeeming Power of Hope


    In this message, Matt dives into Luke 2 and reminds us that when we give our hopelessness to God, He can not only restore our hope but redeem it for good purposes.

  • Restoring Hope


    Losing hope is an occupational hazard of life on earth. In this message, Doug talks about the difference between earthly hope and heavenly hope and how we can maintain it.

  • The Power of Gratitude


    Today we welcomed Kenny Sullivan to New River Church. In this powerful message he talks about the power of gratitude.

  • Leviticus 11: Living With God, part 3


    In this final message from Leviticus we talk about developing a holy rhythm and how important it is for helping us to maintain a close walk with God.

  • Leviticus 10: Living with God part 2


    In this message, David tackles Leviticus 4 & 5, but focuses on the tricky topic of unintentional sin. If we can sin by accident, then sin is a serious problem for us. Our only cure is Jesus.

  • Leviticus 9: Living With God (part 1)


    In this message we begin the final three teachings from Leviticus. In them we talk about what its like to live with God. Here's a question: How do you show your love for God? He is certainly worthy of it!

  • Leviticus 8: God Wants You Back


    We often cycle through stages in our intimacy with God. Sometimes we are super close and enjoy Him. Other times we are distant. Often times, this distance causes trouble which then brings us back to closeness with God. In His Grace, God has made provision for this in our lives and we learn about it in Leviticus 26 & 27.

  • Leviticus 7: Leadership Lessons


    Leadership matters and godly leadership matters GREATLY! In Leviticus 21-22 God spells out four areas to which His priests (including us!) must pay attention.

  • Leviticus 6: Approaching God


    This is part 6 of our study in Leviticus and today we look at Leviticus 8-10. If our worship does not invite the Presence of God, it is merely a ritual. The challenge is clear: let us pursue the Presence of God!

  • Leviticus 5: moral purity is a heart issue


    In this message, Ben Davis talks about the kindness of God in spelling out these moral issues for Israel (and us!). He brilliantly connects it all to Jesus who is the perfect example of moral purity.

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