City Baptist Church - Weekly Sermons



Welcome to the weekly podcast of City Baptist Church in Vancouver, led by Pastor Paul Conner. To learn more, visit our website at


  • After The Storm

    14/11/2020 Duration: 50min

    Our message from last Sunday continues the story of Paul and the storm. God's presence and peace was with Paul and He faithfully delivered the whole crew. They ended up on the Island of Malta and here we see Paul work through some uncertain circumstances. Paul had some special opportunities here to share the Gospel, and make the name of Jesus known in this unfamiliar place. As we continue Church on the Move, we are reminded to not be "weary of well-doing." We must be faithful to God whether in a storm, or on safe land. No matter the season we find ourselves in, we must remain alert for the enemy's attack, and know God is always with us. Scripture: Acts 27-28

  • Peace In The Storm

    08/11/2020 Duration: 44min

    Our recent message from Church On the Move gives us hope and faith. In Acts 27, we have the familiar story of Paul in the storm with the Roman fleet. Everyone was full of despair and fear in the midst of this chaos, but Paul was of faith. Paul knew Who He belonged to and had God's promises, presence and purpose. We also have a God given purpose over our lives, and His promises are ours to claim. As the church very much on the move today, we should always remember these truths in troubling times. We have His presence, promise and purpose. Scripture: Acts 27

  • Almost Persuaded

    31/10/2020 Duration: 42min

    Our message last Sunday focuses in on when Paul stands before Agrippa in Acts 26. We are reminded once again of the power of the Gospel and how we are commissioned to share it with those in need. The church is God's primary avenue of revealing this to the world, and we are challenged to have a renewed passion and focus on reaching those who are lost. Scripture: Acts 25-26

  • God's Got This

    23/10/2020 Duration: 45min

    Church on the Move continued as we see the Apostle Paul facing an incredibly difficult situation. As a result of continuing to faithfully preach the Gospel, 40 men had sworn an oath to kill him. With other events conspiring against him, Paul was truly in a difficult season. However, our message reminds us that difficult situations reveal God's control and our own faith. From these scenarios, we see another common theme from our series: God is always in control! As His church, we are called to be a witness and share the Gospel. In doing so we will face some opposition, but in those moments we only need to trust, and watch God faithfully move on our behalf.

  • Fill Up The Suffering Of Christ

    18/10/2020 Duration: 31min

    We loved having guest speaker Pastor Eric Leveille bring the Word at our Missions Emphasis Sunday. We heard a powerful message on suffering for Jesus Christ. At times it is essential to suffer, in order for others to hear the Gospel message. Jesus suffered because His love was infinitely greater than His suffering. Any suffering we face for the cause of Christ could never compare with what Jesus went through to save us from all our sins. As His followers, we must be willing to suffer for Him and with Him, so that others can receive the same gift as we have. Scripture: Colossians 1:24-29

  • Standing By You

    10/10/2020 Duration: 40min

    God truly had an amazing plan for the Apostle Paul's life, and used Him in an unexplainable way. Our message last Sunday reminds us of the special purpose and plan He also has for us. Until the work of God is done in our lives, we have no reason to fear. God is always in control of our world, and our times are in his hands. He has a special purpose and will for our lives, and as His church, we can confidently know every trial and test is part of the story He is writing in our lives. The Father has work for us to do, and we can know He will finish what He has began. As we faithfully follow Jesus, we will see God miraculously work on our behalf - because He loves us, cares for us, and is with us. We just need to trust, and follow Him. Scripture: Acts 21

  • Chaos In Jerusalem

    04/10/2020 Duration: 47min

    Church on the Move continued last Sunday with simple, yet powerful truths from Acts 21. We must never underestimate the power of our faith in someone else's life. Our own faith can also move others to following Jesus. It is by our faith that we also follow God's will for our life - and following His will leads to fulfillment and peace that nothing in this world could ever replace. Scripture: Acts 21

  • Follow, Not Follow?

    26/09/2020 Duration: 49min

    Church on the Move continues on with a Word centred on following the will of God. From Acts 21, we see that God's will for our lives can be known. Being in His will does not always mean life will be easy, but it does mean that we will experience His promises, blessings, and the great things He wants to do through us. Our message gives us powerful truths on how to discover God's will, and pursue it in our lives. Scripture: Acts 21

  • Parting Words

    20/09/2020 Duration: 47min

    We heard a powerful and unique reminder from the Word last Sunday. Our message reminded us of the responsibility and importance for the pastoral role and leadership God gives in the church. The pastor is a shepherd, and must be so sensitive and listen for the Spirit of God to give discernment in leading the flock. We also see the need to pray for our church leadership, and the blessings that our found in encouraging the man of God. Scripture: Acts 20:25-38

  • Persevere For The Future

    12/09/2020 Duration: 25min

    Our message last Sunday comes from our 6 Year Celebration. Pastor Paul brought a powerful challenge for us to embrace from Acts 20 as we kick off a new season. We are reminded that we exist to glorify and serve Jesus Christ with a passion! We must boldly prioritize the Gospel in all we do, and persevere in faith towards the great things God has in store! When we look back we can marvel at God's faithfulness and goodness. However, we must always look ahead in faith and anticipate what He will do next. Our message challenges us to persevere full of faith for the future, in anticipation for what God has in store! Scripture: Acts 20

  • An Encouraging Spirit

    05/09/2020 Duration: 45min

    As we continue to follow the early church, we come to the story of Eutychus. We are once again reminded of the necessity in encouraging one another and the power found through serving God together! We are also reminded of the importance in gathering for worship and how we can be prepared for meeting together and with God. All in all, our message last Sunday once again shows us that we as the church must be unified in sharing and living out the Gospel through encouragement! Scripture: Acts 20

  • The Results Of Revival

    23/08/2020 Duration: 38min

    We received a powerful Word from our message last Sunday. Continuing on the theme of the Gospel's transformational power, we see its results on display. Gospel transformation will bring persecution, but God's constant protection is promised! God is far more in control and powerful than any opposition we can face in this life. To advance the Kingdom of God is to preach the Gospel and watch God work on its behalf! We are the church of Jesus Christ and are a representation of the power of the Gospel. We must continue to magnify Christ with our voices and life, and watch the transformational power of the Gospel work in those around us. Scripture: Acts 19

  • The Gospel to Ephesus

    19/08/2020 Duration: 55min

    Ephesus was a city deeply rooted in idolatry and wickedness. However, Paul body preached the Gospel as the Spirit lead him. The people of Ephesus realized many things that were drastically holding them back in bondage. It is amazing to see the transformation of Ephesus as God once again works through the power of the gospel. Many times in order to move forward in our own walk with God, we must remove certain things so that His Word can truly prevail in our lives. Our message reminds us that we must allow the Gospel to continually transform us and take root in our own hearts. We must be carriers of its transforming truth and remove barriers in our own lives - so that we as the church can allow others to experience this same power. Scripture: Acts 19

  • A Legacy Of Discipleship

    08/08/2020 Duration: 39min

    Our message from last Sunday pointed us back to the importance of discipleship and investing into the lives of others! In Acts 18, we see the importance of redeeming the time God has given us. We must show grace to one another in different area never underestimate the power of influence in someone else’s life. God uses His people to reach others in need, and your story or testimony could be exactly what someone needs to take a step of faith or growth in their walk with God. We need to be like Aquilla, Priscilla, and Apollos - being willing to grow and allow our lives to disciple others and point them to a greater knowledge of God. Scripture: Acts 18

  • Encouraged By Jesus

    02/08/2020 Duration: 43min

    Encouragement is such an essential aspect in our walk with God. As we continued CHURCH ON THE MOVE last Sunday, Acts 18 showed us the timely encouragement Paul received to continue on during a difficult season. True encouragement comes from fellow believers and above all, from Jesus! The words of encouragement He speaks reminds us to not fear, know He is with us, and grasp that the work we do for Him is never in vain. As followers of Jesus, we must allow Him and others to encourage us, and encourage others the same.

  • The Loud Cry

    24/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    Pastor Josh Towns brought the Word last Sunday. Many times in life, we can question as to why it seems that the wicked prosper and the righteous face many trials. But from Psalm 7, we see a powerful reminder of how God has a special plan and purpose for your life. Every trial we face is so Christ may receive glory and honour! Rather then facing life with doubt and anger, we should respond with praise and know God's purpose is revealed through every circumstance we encounter! Scripture: Psalm 7

  • Declaring Jesus

    19/07/2020 Duration: 48min

    Our message last Sunday continues in Acts 17. From the previous week, we saw how Paul's heart was stirred by what he saw. But now, he boldly declares the Gospel. We see Paul declare that God is the Creator, the Sustainer, and in control of all things. But he also declared to the people that this all-powerful God is knowable, and wanted to have a real relationship with them. This is the beauty of the Gospel and why God sent Jesus. His gift of love and forgiveness will overcome all our sin and is key to having this relationship with Him! The application for us is simple: the gospel must be lived out and shared with those around us each day. Whether in word or deed, this is how we the church must reach others today! Scripture: Acts 17

  • Stirred In Our Spirit

    11/07/2020 Duration: 40min

    From Acts 17, we see Paul in the city of Athens. However, his heart was strongly stirred by the culture that had fully embraced idolatry. It is clear that our world today holds many values and ideals strongly opposed to the Word of God. It is so important that we look at our own hearts and evaluate how we view the world around us. We are to be in the world, but not of it! As followers of Jesus, God has placed us where we are for a reason. We must fulfil our God given purpose, and allow our hearts to be stirred by what we see. The Gospel is what will change those around us, and our mission is to share that with those in need. This is our identity and who we are in Jesus. Scripture: Acts 17

  • An Upside Down World

    04/07/2020 Duration: 54min

    Church on the Move continued with a timely reminder for us from Acts 17. Learning to study the Word of God is absolutely essential to sharing our faith. In this current day, there is much deception about the truth of the Gospel and Who Jesus is. We need to be like Paul, and firmly know in our hearts what God’s Word says about His Son. We must be bold in our witness and allow God to place a desire in our hearts for the truth His Word. Scripture: Acts 17

  • Gospel Power In Philippi

    29/06/2020 Duration: 48min

    In our message last Sunday, we see the power of the Gospel transform lives throughout Philippi. From saving a wealthy business woman, freeing a demon-possessed girl, and opening the eyes of a Roman jailer: in Acts 16, we see the Gospel give life and healing to those in need. The Gospel must always be at the centre of everything we do, and His love is how others will know we are His disciples. Scripture: Acts 16

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