City Baptist Church - Weekly Sermons



Welcome to the weekly podcast of City Baptist Church in Vancouver, led by Pastor Paul Conner. To learn more, visit our website at


  • Stirred In Our Spirit

    11/07/2020 Duration: 40min

    From Acts 17, we see Paul in the city of Athens. However, his heart was strongly stirred by the culture that had fully embraced idolatry. It is clear that our world today holds many values and ideals strongly opposed to the Word of God. It is so important that we look at our own hearts and evaluate how we view the world around us. We are to be in the world, but not of it! As followers of Jesus, God has placed us where we are for a reason. We must fulfil our God given purpose, and allow our hearts to be stirred by what we see. The Gospel is what will change those around us, and our mission is to share that with those in need. This is our identity and who we are in Jesus. Scripture: Acts 17

  • An Upside Down World

    04/07/2020 Duration: 54min

    Church on the Move continued with a timely reminder for us from Acts 17. Learning to study the Word of God is absolutely essential to sharing our faith. In this current day, there is much deception about the truth of the Gospel and Who Jesus is. We need to be like Paul, and firmly know in our hearts what God’s Word says about His Son. We must be bold in our witness and allow God to place a desire in our hearts for the truth His Word. Scripture: Acts 17

  • Gospel Power In Philippi

    29/06/2020 Duration: 48min

    In our message last Sunday, we see the power of the Gospel transform lives throughout Philippi. From saving a wealthy business woman, freeing a demon-possessed girl, and opening the eyes of a Roman jailer: in Acts 16, we see the Gospel give life and healing to those in need. The Gospel must always be at the centre of everything we do, and His love is how others will know we are His disciples. Scripture: Acts 16

  • Not As Planned

    20/06/2020 Duration: 44min

    Church on the Move continued last Sunday with a powerful truth for us all! From Acts 16, we are reminded that things do not always go exactly as we plan. If we stay surrendered to Him, God will always guide us. This could be through closed doors, circumstances we face, and many times though His Word! But wherever He may lead, He promises to be with us. We can firmly trust that the Father's way is best. Confidently following the will of God will open doors and opportunity we never could’ve imagined. This is the life God has designed for us to experience in pursuing Him! Scripture: Acts 16

  • Grace Alone

    14/06/2020 Duration: 59min

    Last Sunday, we heard a powerful message on grace. We are saved by grace, and the abundant christian life is experienced through growing in that grace. Because of God's amazing grace, we shouldn't place our non-biblical preferences on others, nor should we allow our liberty in Christ to cause others to stumble or create division. Embracing God's grace will always unify and cause others to grow in their knowledge of Christ. From Acts 15, we learn that God's grace must be defended, demonstrated and declared in our lives. Jesus plus nothing, equals everything! Scripture: Acts 15

  • Determined In the Work Of God

    07/06/2020 Duration: 46min

    As we dive back into "Church on the Move", we get a powerful challenge from Acts 14! Despite Paul and Barnabas facing persecution, together they stayed determined and made a declaration to follow their Lord. They were constantly knocked down from different situations, but through the Holy Spirit, they continued on with hearts full of joy. God wants to see faithfulness and determination in our own hearts. No matter what we face, we need to stay strong, take courage, and live for Him. Scripture: Acts 14

  • A Commission For Missions

    16/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    As we continue moving through the Book of Acts, we are reminded of the reality of a spiritual battle we face everyday. As the early church grew and fulfilled the great commission, the enemy retaliated. But the church of Antioch fervently sought the Lord during these times and trusted God's leading in every situation. We are the church today and in different ways the enemy sends opposition to us. But as God's children we need to let Him strengthen us. Like the church in Antioch, we should intentionally seek God's leading and claim the victory that He has already given. We must be faithful, courageous and let Him lead us, rather then fight in our own strength. From Acts 13, we receive this powerful and encouraging reminder of the victory we must proclaim through Jesus Christ! Scripture: Acts 13:1-12

  • How to Respond to a Crisis

    08/05/2020 Duration: 45min

    Last Sunday's message brings hope in the midst of any uncertainty we face. In Acts 12, we see Peter locked up in prison. He is moments away from his possible death - but rather than breaking out in fear, he sleeps. How could Peter possibly respond this way in such a crisis? From this passage we see the power of assuming God's presence even in the midst of chaos. When we choose to respond this way, God is able to work through us and mightily display His power. No matter what we face, His presence will always give us peace. Scripture: Acts 12

  • A Church That Changed The World

    02/05/2020 Duration: 44min

    As we continue our journey in the Book of Acts, we see God begin to show His transforming power through the early church. In Acts 11, we see this is because the church of Antioch had a heart of evangelism, discipleship, and genuine compassion for others. They were unified together in their passion for the gospel, and as a result their city was tremendously impacted for the cause of Christ. Acts 11:19-30

  • Living Hope

    11/04/2020 Duration: 30min

    Our message from Easter Online was a powerful declaration of the living hope we have in the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This hope turns our tears to joy, fears to courage, and doubts to belief. With this hope, we can boldly share the gospel and Christ's love with those around us! This is the hope for eternity we as believers have - because our Saviour is alive. Scripture: John 20

  • Victory Through Christ

    04/04/2020 Duration: 36min

    Our message from last Sunday firmly reminds us of the victory we have through Jesus Christ. We are certainly in a battle, but that battle belongs to the Lord. This is a battle He has already won for all eternity! From Ephesians 6, we see that in order to receive this God given victory, we must day to day put on the armour of God. Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20

  • Victory Over Doubt

    28/03/2020 Duration: 25min

    Human expectation will always create doubt. But heavenly experiences create an unwavering confidence rooted in the Word of God! Our past experiences with God should determine our expectations of what He can and will do. From Luke 7, Pastor Paul brought this encouraging blueprint to find victory over doubt. Scripture: Luke 7:18-23

  • Victory Over Worry

    20/03/2020 Duration: 31min

    We are truly in the midst of a different season, but our message today reminds of the victory we already have in Jesus Name. In our times of worry, the Father offers His peace. God wants His people to have faith and to believe His unchanging Word. His peace and promises will always bring worry to it's knees. To have this victory, we must walk by faith, trust the Father, and always put Him first. Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34

  • How To Have Rest

    14/03/2020 Duration: 41min

    Our message last Sunday was a timely Word of encouragement. In seasons of desperation, we the church are called to edify and encourage - in times of worry and anxiety, Jesus offers His rest. The Spirit is what gives us peace and a right response to any situation we face. All in all, we are reminded to not fear, but choose to trust His Word no matter what. Scripture: Acts 9

  • The Damascus Road

    07/03/2020 Duration: 46min

    We heard an encouraging and powerful message from last Sunday's message. Acts 9 gives us the familiar story of the Apostle Paul's conversion. Paul called himself the "chief of sinners", and yet God used him in an unexplainable way. Comparing our inadequacy to Paul's truly eliminates any doubts of God's ability to use us. The Father glories in our weakness and wants to turn our brokenness to something beautiful. Once again, we are reminded that God wants all of His children to serve Him, and is only looking for a surrendered heart to display His power through. Scripture: Acts 9

  • Into The Desert

    01/03/2020 Duration: 40min

    As we return to our study in Acts, we have the familiar story of the Ethiopian Eunich. The Spirit of God spoke to Philip, and with a heart of surrender, he responded. Like Philip, His Spirit also prompts us. As His church, we must have a surrenederd heart and be a willing servant. God's love is for everyone, and we need to obey when He is calling us to share it. Scripture: Acts 8

  • The Accuracy Of The New Testament

    23/02/2020 Duration: 42min

    Last Sunday, we were privileged to have Tobi England, from the faculty of West Coast Baptist College, bring the Word! We received a very helpful message accurately showing how scripture has been historically and archaeologically preserved. God will always preserve His Word, and this builds our faith, equips us as disciples, and gives hope for the future.

  • The Gospel To Samaria

    16/02/2020 Duration: 47min

    As we continue our journey with the early church, we see the encounter with Simon the Sorcerer. Simon wanted to buy the ability to give the Holy Spirit to others. From Acts 8, we learn that the power of God can never be bought. There are no shortcuts to God’s power. We can only attain this by truly surrendering to Him and His Word. The Holy Spirit can then work in our hearts and God’s true power can be displayed as we live in a way that points others to Him. The believers were scattered to make in a strong difference everywhere they went. We too are scattered every single week and can show the message of the Gospel through our very lives. Scripture: Acts 8

  • A True Hero Of The Faith

    09/02/2020 Duration: 41min

    In our message last weekend, we see the powerful story of Stephen. Stephen was a true hero of the faith. He lived and spoke like Christ and courageously pointed others to him. But Stephen also sacrificially gave His for the Lord, and as a result, God transformed countless others. From the life of Stephen, we can remember to ask ourselves if we too are giving our own lives as a living sacrifice to reach others with the Gospel. Scripture: Acts 6-7

  • Stronger Together

    05/02/2020 Duration: 48min

    As we continue to see the birth of the early church, we are reminded on the value and importance of serving together. As God grows His church, the enemy will always try and retaliate. But when such problems arise, the solution is to always go back to what truly matters: serving the Lord together in unity. God always has greater things ahead, and in order to receive such blessings His people need to faithfully serve together in what He's called us to do.

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