City Baptist Church - Weekly Sermons



Welcome to the weekly podcast of City Baptist Church in Vancouver, led by Pastor Paul Conner. To learn more, visit our website at


  • Trouble Within

    18/04/2021 Duration: 43min

    Last Sunday we continued our study in Revelation by looking at the church of Thyatira - this was a church deeply rooted in false teaching and many other ungodly practices. From studying this church, we again receive a strong reminder on our mission to uphold sound doctrine, and that there is no place for ungodliness in the church. But this same principle can and must be applied to our own lives! We are the temple of the Holy Ghost, and many times we can tolerate practices and belief systems that have no place in the life of a believer. We must remember that God calls us to repentance, and there is always unending grace and mercy offered to those who come in need.

  • Infiltrated By The Enemy

    10/04/2021 Duration: 48min

    As we continue our study through the book of Revelation, we heard a strong challenge from the church of Pergamos. This was a church that had allowed all sorts of false teachings, doctrines and horrific practices to infiltrate their church. Whilst more subtle, this can sadly be the case today for local bodies who don't consistently teach the foundational truths of God's Word. As the church and bride of Christ, it is our mission to uphold sound doctrine and proclaim the true Gospel of Jesus. We must guard our own hearts from ungodly influences, and allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten us to the truth of His Word. We can know God will continue to build His church here and now, and with that knowledge, continue to proclaim and live out the Gospel. Scripture Revelation 2:12-17

  • Death Could Not Hold Him

    03/04/2021 Duration: 30min

    Our Easter Online celebration was a phenomenal time. Pastor Paul brought an encouraging message on experiencing the hope found in resurrection. Because of the resurrection, we no longer need to fear. When we receive Him, we die to our old selves and are raised to life with Him and in Him! But this hope also gives us a mandate - a commission to share this same living hope with those in need. The gospel is for everyone, and we all must share it with the world!

  • Persecuted Not Abandoned

    13/03/2021 Duration: 44min

    Last Sunday we continued in Revelation chapter 2 and studied the church of Smyrna. Smyrna was a persecuted church, but not abandoned. As the church today, persecution is indeed part of the christian life. But as God's people, we can confidently know He will never abandon us. His promises of provision and protection reign true today, and we can know His gospel message will continue to spread here and now. As we fulfill our God given purpose, we too will be persecuted - but never abandoned. We must be faithful in being the church He has called us to be. Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11

  • The Church That Lost Its Love

    07/03/2021 Duration: 46min

    Part 2 of our Revelation series challenged us to return to our "First Love". We mustn't let discouragement cause us to loose our passion and commitment for the ministry and furthering of the Gospel. We should ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts, and reveal what must be removed. Regardless of the season, we are the church - and our mission and purpose remains true. Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7

  • God's Plan Revealed

    27/02/2021 Duration: 37min

    Last Sunday, we began a brand new series that will go through the book of Revelation. Our first message solidified that understanding the truth of this unique book can give us a confidence and purpose as we follow Jesus even through uncertain times. The book of Revelation is God's future plans revealed to us! Scripture: Revelation 1

  • Hang In There - God's Answer to Discouragement

    21/02/2021 Duration: 44min

    Last Sunday, Pastor Paul brought a message full of hope and encouragement. This season we all face has definitely been discouraging in many ways, but from the life of Elijah we receive God's answer to this. We must submit to His wisdom and sovereignty, remember His love and grace which is always over our lives, and confront the lies we believe. We must always remember God's promises and know that in every season, He is with us and faithful. We can choose to trust Him and receive His love, grace, and peace.

  • Renewed In Christian Behaviour - Part 3

    06/02/2021 Duration: 35min

    Last Sunday's message closed off our Renew series! To end off our study, we were again reminded to find renewal through repaying evil with good. This is a way of life that will set us apart from all others. Because of who we are in Christ and what He has done for us, it is possible to live in this way. This is a reality of the Christian life and essential to experiencing the full life God has for us. Forgiveness is a key part of Christian behaviour, and living in this way will advance God's kingdom and the gospel here and now! Scripture: Romans 12

  • Renewed In Christian Behaviour - Part 2

    30/01/2021 Duration: 37min

    Our message from last Sunday continued focusing in on finding renewal through serving others! We were challenged in the command to "love your enemies" and repay evil with good. We also were reminded to identify with those in need, and to "weep with those who weep". Like Jesus, we need to serve others by rejoicing with them in victory and weeping with them in times of trial. All around, our message points us again to unity within the church and truly loving others as Jesus loves us. By showing this love even to those who may not seem to deserve it, we can find renewal that only comes through serving Jesus. Scripture: Romans 12

  • Renewed In Christian Behaviour

    23/01/2021 Duration: 38min

    Our message last week focused in on finding renewal through serving others. As we continue to look at Roman's 12, we're reminded that we are called to love one another. As we saw last week, we all play a special part in the body of Christ, and so we must be attentive to know the needs of other! This is how we can live out the grace of God and be a light even in this difficult season. You may have a special way to encourage and strengthen someone that no one else could! The world will know we are Jesus' disciples by our love, and this love is for everyone. Scripture: Romans 12

  • Renewed In Service

    16/01/2021 Duration: 46min

    As we continue our Renew series, we are reminded of the spiritual gifts God gives us and challenged to use them in our service to Him. If we are part of the body of Christ, we have purpose, destiny and a part to play in advancing the Gospel. Our gifts are given to us to glorify God and shine His light into others. We must have a humble heart, strive for unity in the body of Christ, and exercise our spiritual gifts in service to Him. This is how we can live a fulfilled and abundant life in Jesus. Scripture: Romans 12

  • Transformed

    09/01/2021 Duration: 42min

    Week 2 of our new series continues our study in Romans 12. We now focus in on the need for our lives to be transformed by the Gospel and through the Holy Spirit. We are challenged to look at what we consume into our hearts daily, and if it is causing us to become more like Jesus or fill our minds with a worldly influence opposed to His Word. The message from last Sunday is a strong challenge once again, reminding us to surrender to His Spirit, and let our minds be renewed through Jesus to be transformed into His image. Scripture: Romans 12

  • Renew

    02/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    The first message of 2021 kicks off our new series, Renew. We begin our study together in Romans 12, and the power found in renewing our hearts and minds through Jesus and His Word. Often times, renewal requires a removal of something. We must surrender every part of our lives to Jesus, and allow His peace and Word to rule in our hearts. Scripture: Romans 12

  • What Jesus Confirms

    27/12/2020 Duration: 26min

    Last Sunday was the final message of our Christmas series! In the past weeks we have seen why Jesus came and Who He is - now we see what He confirms to us. His coming gives a hope and a perfect peace that nothing else could ever give us. He came to pay the penalty for the sins of mankind, and offer His gift of love. Because of Who He is, we can confidently face the future, knowing His love and faithfulness will never leave us.

  • Who Jesus Is

    24/12/2020 Duration: 25min

    Part 2 of Behold was a powerful reminder of Who Jesus is. In the midst of chaos, remembering Who Jesus is brings perfect peace and comfort to our hearts. As followers of Jesus, the story of His birth reminds us of His never-ending love and the redemptive power of the Gospel.

  • How Jesus Came

    12/12/2020 Duration: 30min

    Our sermon last Sunday kicks off our 3-week Christmas series for this Advent season! Together we focus in on the miracle and significance of the virgin birth of Christ. Jesus is God made flesh, and this amazing truth of His birth reminds us of His incomparable love for us and why He came.

  • Final Acts

    03/12/2020 Duration: 37min

    As Church on the Move comes to a close, we receive a final, powerful challenge. Chapter 28 of Acts ends on an unresolved note - and this is because the story continues today! We are the "church on the move", and we are continuing the Book of Acts. Are we willing to write the next chapter? Are we purposed to let our lives shine the light of the Gospel, and remain faithful to be the church we are called to be? As the church, we need to let our lives show the transformative power of the Gospel. No matter the season we face, God is with us and for us. We must be bold, and continue to follow and trust our God! You are the "Church on the Move"! Scripture: Acts 28

  • Are We There Yet?

    21/11/2020 Duration: 31min

    As we near the end of "Church on the Move", we are reminded of the power found in togetherness. As the church, there are so many blessings found in friendship with other believers. Community and encouraging one another has been a common theme in our journey, and in Acts 28 we are reminded of this yet again in a new light. We are the church, and we are not meant to do this life alone. Encouragement and friendship is essential to live out our God given purpose, and essential for a child of the King. Scripture: Acts 28

  • After The Storm

    14/11/2020 Duration: 50min

    Our message from last Sunday continues the story of Paul and the storm. God's presence and peace was with Paul and He faithfully delivered the whole crew. They ended up on the Island of Malta and here we see Paul work through some uncertain circumstances. Paul had some special opportunities here to share the Gospel, and make the name of Jesus known in this unfamiliar place. As we continue Church on the Move, we are reminded to not be "weary of well-doing." We must be faithful to God whether in a storm, or on safe land. No matter the season we find ourselves in, we must remain alert for the enemy's attack, and know God is always with us. Scripture: Acts 27-28

  • Peace In The Storm

    08/11/2020 Duration: 44min

    Our recent message from Church On the Move gives us hope and faith. In Acts 27, we have the familiar story of Paul in the storm with the Roman fleet. Everyone was full of despair and fear in the midst of this chaos, but Paul was of faith. Paul knew Who He belonged to and had God's promises, presence and purpose. We also have a God given purpose over our lives, and His promises are ours to claim. As the church very much on the move today, we should always remember these truths in troubling times. We have His presence, promise and purpose. Scripture: Acts 27

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