Coach Glass Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 366:24:36
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Coach Glass Podcast is for coaches, athletes and anyone wanting to maximize their potential. The King of Rotational Power shares his training techniques, golf fitness, coaching philosophy, mental coaching, nutrition and everything else that helps you take your life to the next level! Jason Glass is Edutainment! Dream Big Over Deliver and be Undeniable! @jasonglasslab


  • CGP Ep379 ERS Energy Recovery System

    10/02/2021 Duration: 44min

    This episode is for all of you who feel the need to constantly red line life 24/7! You are compelled to constantly maximize your potential. I get it, there are times when you want extra horsepower but to have it at your finger tips you need to focus on your recovery. What if I told you that doing less is more? What if you were able to harvest bonus energy both in your training and mentally in your daily life. Store it up for when you need a boost? F1 race cars have developed a system that takes the kinetic energy and heat from the car to charge an electric battery that can add 160 horsepower to their already impressive 800 horses under the hood. I use a similar technique in my programming to help my athlete's reserve a turbo kick for those moments when the sh@t is on the line! I also use techniques in my Mentorship that allow professionals to reserve some special sauce with their brand, business and personal development for their big launch. We go DEEP into all these concepts in today's episode. We are holdin

  • CGP Ep378 Frontstage Backstage

    04/02/2021 Duration: 41min

    The great Geddy Lee once said "All the World's indeed a stage and we are merely playas!" later to be plagiarized by William Shakespeare. Our Frontstage is what we project to the world. Through our social media, the fake smile at checkout, the version we share of ourselves on a first date and the way set up our Zoom calls. The Backstage is reality. It is our authentic self. The one that we hide in fear that someone wont like what they see. In this episode we go DEEP into the murky waters of Goffman's Dramaturgy and encourage you to pull back the curtain and bring your backstage to the forefront. We are holding our next Coach Glass Mentorship this January. Talk about kicking 2021off on a good foot! If you want to be a part of the Coach Glass Mentorship family, its simple, apply and tighten your seatbelt. More info and application at I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better  http://performb

  • CGP Ep377 Secret to Self Assessment

    27/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    At first glance you may think you are good at providing yourself with feedback. That voice inside your head that says your are drinking too much, need to lose 5lbs or thinks your new top is the bomb is not self assessment. That is your ego! Self assessment requires a framework that removes emotion and allows you to objectively analyze your performance. You need to create a framework that stands the test of time and not just in the moment to suit your current needs. Once you have your assessment created you need to report your findings without emotional bias. Each week look at your overall self assessment using categories that measure your performance. In golf you may record post round your assessment of various parts of your game. If you putt good all week give yourself a 8/10 not a 2/10 because you are pissed you missed a putt on 18. Keep emotion out of your analysis. Over the weeks we will see trends. Putting got better, body got sore, energy was stable and attitude decreased. Like wearable technology it wo

  • CGP Ep376 Junior's Journey to College with Coach Melissa Luellen

    23/01/2021 Duration: 35min

    In this bonus episode we jump deep into the murky waters of selecting a college and how to navigate the highly competitive world of junior golf. What tournaments should my child play? What college is the best choice for my student? What kind of questions should I ask the coach when interviewing a school? What is needed to make the move from junior golf to college golf successfully? These questions and so much more are answered in this special edition of the Coach Glass Podcast with my guest Coach Melissa Luellen. I couldn't ask for a better person to help us navigate this extremely complex and competitive stage of a junior's development. A little about Coach Luellen: Melissa Luellen is in her third season as Auburn's head women's golf coach in 2017-18. She came to Auburn after spending the previous 13 years as the women's golf coach at Arizona State, leading the program to an NCAA title in 2009. Luellen's coaching accomplishments have earned her several personal coaching honors. After the Sun Devils' NCAA Cha

  • CGP Ep 375 Real Junior Development Coaching

    20/01/2021 Duration: 34min

    Coaches, parents, pull up a chair! Junior development involves WAYYYYY more than you think. You may coach golf, basketball, hockey or gymnastics but that is the last thing the junior needs. They need leadership, guidance, compassion and an unbiased ear. You think YOU are stressed right now? Think back for a minute about your adolescence. For many of you this was not only the most awkward and stressful stages but also one of the most life defining time of your life! Now add the stress of COVID and the unknown future of the world they are to one day inherit. In this week's Coach Glass Podcast we go DEEP into the mind of the junior and share some tools that you can use to help your junior through these times. YOU owe it to them! They trust you. Open the conversation with them about how they REALLY feel. "How are things going...." is not enough. It is time for you to be a coach! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better  http://perf

  • CGP Ep374 Exercise Progression?

    13/01/2021 Duration: 36min

    Enough is enough is enough! How many progressions can you do with a cable press? Standing on a Bosu Ball on one leg while spinning a Kettle Bell on the non pressing hand with your eyes closed? WTF! Some things just dont need progressions. Each day technology is moving forward by adding new features, gadgets and more pixels. That doesn't mean your exercises have to progress at the same rate. We are consumers who always want more to consume. But there are limitations! How far can you go before you run out of holes to fill? In this episode we go DEEP into the pros and cons of exercise progression and why keeping it basic may just give you the best bang for your buck! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI for upcoming dates and event. Without them I wouldn’t be able to afford

  • CGP Ep373 Stay in YOUR Lane

    06/01/2021 Duration: 45min

    Hey! Yeah YOU! How about you stay in YOUR lane?  I am asking you to do this for your own good. I know it seems like going outside your lane and getting involved in other people's lanes would be more productive but....its not. FOCUS!!!! In this episode I share numerous examples where putting your energy into what you are good at, have control over and what you are passionate about will yield greater output than trying to do it all. Fitness coaches trying to be golf instructors, golf coaches prescribing exercises, players focussing on external locus and the general public using valuable brain space for other people's problems. STOP! Im not saying you shouldn't educate yourself in other aspects outside your world. Just don't think for a minute you will be able to compete with a focussed expert in their designated field. Have an awareness of the changing world around you but dont get mentally and emotionally involved with things outside your control. Save that mental emotional power for yourself and what you can

  • CGP Ep372 New Year Solution to your Resolution

    30/12/2020 Duration: 50min

    If you know the Coach you will know that I HATE New Year’s resolutions. The thought of starting something new on the first day of the new year is silly. If this thing that you are committing to was so important you would have started it a long time ago! I have a better idea for you for 2021.  I know a lot of you are carrying anger and disappointment with you from 2020. Just seeing the number 2020 gets the blood boiling. On New Year’s Eve you will have people on social media or 6 feet away from you at your new Year’s outdoor gathering yelling “&$%#@ 2020!!!!”  Don’t put so much energy into it! I have a better idea for you for 2021. I want you to do something different this year. I want you to do a little exercise that I use and I share with my athletes and mentorees. Instead of spending the last day of 2020 thinking about what you want to change I want you to do the opposite. I want you to think about all the things you want to continue. I want you to write down all the positive things you did in 2020. I w

  • CGP Ep371 Glass & Gill Holiday Show

    23/12/2020 Duration: 42min

    More anticipated than the arrival of Old Saint Nick himself, its the Glass & Gill Show! If you are new to the Glass & Gill Show its a series that is normally recorded while these two buddies travel the globe together and enjoy an adult beverage after 2 days of performing on stage! But in these unique times we had to do it virtually and for the first time you get to Zoom in and see the shenanigans. So grab a festive brew and join us two because traditions are traditions. In this episode we share memories of Christmas past, stories of how we are both navigating the Covid crisis and a ton of holiday fun. We also discuss strategies we both used to pivot our business, navigated virtual training and somehow made it through the past 9 months. Who doesn't need a little comedy, laughter and heart felt banter? From Lance @lgp_inc and myself we want o wish each and every one of you a fantastic holiday season and all the best for 2021! Make sure you check out everything LGP at from Remo

  • CGP Ep370 Stimulating Convo with Dr Emily Splichal

    16/12/2020 Duration: 50min

    Dr Emily Splichal @dremilydpm is one of the world's leading experts in enhancing performance through barefoot science. This makes for a rather stimulating conversation between Emily and the Coach! In this episode they go DEEP into neuroscience, mechanoreceptors, balance training, motor and sensory homunculus, and everything that connects the nervous system to performance. Dr. Emily and her team developed the Naboso product line that is designed to stimulate and enhance movement by utilizing the bodies ability to respond to its external world. But wait we go even DEEPER than that! We go to the intrinsic side of sensory stimulus. Just listen tot the episode and it will all make sense. Ohhh and we discuss how you can get more information about Dr. Emily's techniques and discounts on her amazing products : Naboso Products  Your code word for 10% off  is GLASS , Education Company EBFA  and her personal Podiatry Practice www.dremilysplichal We would also like to thanks our amazing

  • CGP Ep369 Success is a 7 letter word

    09/12/2020 Duration: 54min

    Success is a funny thing. If I ask people what they want out of life they often stay they want to be a success. When I dive deeper and ask what success means to them they often reel off a list of things that society deems important. “I will be happy and a success once I get my…” Many spend their lives chasing money, fame, credentials, approval from their peers and loved ones and creating a life of leisure and luxury. Some attain it and still find themselves with a unexpected sense of emptiness while others live in misery and die with a sense of failure for not attaining their dreams. Both of these pursuits seem like a waste of time and an unfortunate way to live out your life.  So what is success then? Success is living a life of purpose. Living a life where you are able to share your unique gifts with the world. Express your greatness without a filter or someone else’s vision of who they think you should be dictating your actions. For some of you, surviving these challenging times is the success you seek. Bu

  • CGP Ep368 Deconstructing The Squat

    02/12/2020 Duration: 47min

    There are few more debated exercises in the world of strength and conditioning than the squat. Not whether we should squat or not squat but how? Knees out? Front or back? Ass to grass or avoid the butt wink at all costs? Single leg, split or bilateral? Strength coaches debate these concepts to exhaustion and when they run out of people to debate with they pick fights with other training philosophies like Crossfit and yoga! “Thats not a squat! You need to have the tibia…your arm to leg discrepancy is….you need a weight belt or you will…” In this episode I deconstruct the squat from a different angle. How much do you need a squat in YOUR performance program? Its simple. Not everyone will need to squat their house but they do need to squat. Now lets get down to the NittyGritty! We are holding our next Coach Glass Mentorship this January. Talk about kicking 2021off on a good foot! If you want to be a part of the Coach Glass Mentorship family, its simple, apply and tighten your seatbelt. More info and application

  • CGP Ep367 Recipe for Success

    25/11/2020 Duration: 48min

    Having a DreamBIG is like having a craving for your favourite dish from your favourite restaurant. Once you get it in your head you cant stop thinking about it. You want it so bad you can almost taste it. It takes over your entire thought process and no matter what you eat in it’s place your appetite is never satisfied. Your DreamBIG is the same. You can accomplish other things, get an opportunity here and there but you will never be truly happy till your DreamBIG is fulfilled. I use to go to this New York Style Pizza place called Nat’s in Kitsalano Vancouver. I would order their 1/2 order of spaghetti bolognas with side salad every week when I was in the neighbourhood.  I was obsessed with the flavour of the red sauce and the salad was perfectly seasoned every time. I would peer over the counter into the kitchen in the hopes that I would see what kind of tomatoes they used in their sauce. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t create the colour or flavour of this rich and tangy sauce. I would ask the owner Fr

  • CGP Ep366 Coach Don Fleming

    18/11/2020 Duration: 48min

    Coach Don Fleming is the man that inspired me to be the coach I am today. I was extremely lucky to have Coach Fleming at a time in my life when I was figuring out the world and how I could fit in it. He was my Richmond Hill High School PhysEd instructor and coached me in basketball, lacrosse and life! It is truly a bucket list item checked off to be able to share with my mentor what an impact he had on my life. We talk about old school coaching, empowering athletes, teaching the hard lessons and leading by example. Don taught his students that respect is something earned and how to be a man in the face of adversity. I truly believe the world would be a better place if every kid had a coach like Don to guide them through the vulnerable high school years. We also discuss life after coaching and how you never lose your competitive edge even after the body won’t allow you to enjoy some of your favourite pastimes. A life of contact sports and training can be hard on the body but what it adds to the heart and mind

  • CGP Ep365 Deconstructing the Deadlift

    11/11/2020 Duration: 36min

    The deadlift is my one of my favourite patterns for rotational athletes…but not for the reasons you may think! The deadlift is one of the greatest vertical thrust exercises on the planet….but that’s not why I love it. In this episode we go DEEP into the Hip Hinge and how rotational athletes can use the deadlift to maintain their posture and rotate with power in their sport. What else could you ask for? Ohh you want more? How about if we break down the pros and cons of early extension and then show you how to use the deadlift to enhance each quality. Ohh you want more? NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!! We are holding our next Coach Glass Mentorship this January. Talk about kicking 2021off on a good foot! If you want to be a part of the Coach Glass Mentorship family, its simple, apply and tighten your seatbelt. More info and application at Want to improve your athletic ability using neuromuscular training? Sign up for either my LoadXplode 16 Week or High TripleXity 8 Week Programs. Bo

  • CGP Ep364 Oxygen Mask Express Yourself

    04/11/2020 Duration: 37min

    Oxygen mask is a series where we take a moment to stop, breathe and acknowledge that its all going to be okay. When the shit hits the fan you need to take the oxygen mask first so you are then in a position to help others. If you are stressed about COVID, your business, the election, family crisis or the state of the world as a whole…this episode is for you! If you are crushing life and everything is going your way…you need to go DEEP! This episode is for you. Express Yourself, Connect and Take Time For Yourself. This week’s challenge you ask? Walking meditations. It will change your life if you slow down, unplug and allow yourself to acknowledge you are alive. We are holding our next Coach Glass Mentorship this January. Talk about kicking 2021off on a good foot! If you want to be a part of the Coach Glass Mentorship family, its simple, apply and tighten your seatbelt. More info and application at Want to improve your athletic ability using neuromuscular training? Sign

  • CGP Ep363 Coach Corey Taylor

    28/10/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Coach Corey Taylor @coach_ctaylor is my kind of coach. Smart, old school, overdelivers, and connects with his athletes. CT goes deep with his players regardless of what level they are at. Whether its preparing them for the NFL, MLB, PGATour or high school athletics, this man gets results! After playing in the NFL CT decided to take his drive for success to the gym floor and never looked back. People say those who can’t... coach but in this case CT can talk the talk and walk the walk with the best of them. @Perform_better speaker and creator of the digital download speed development program FOOTWORK In this episode we go DEEP into the softer side of coaching and how to squeeze every ounce of performance out of our athletes. It is a MUST LISTEN epic episode. Enjoy! We are holding our next Coach Glass Mentorship this January. Talk about kicking 2021off on a good foot! If you want to be a part of the Coach Glass Mentorship family, its simple, apply and tighten your seatbelt. More inf

  • CGP Ep362 Using Your Past to Help Your Future

    21/10/2020 Duration: 37min

    I am all about the present. I meditate, masterbate and vasodilate in the present! BUT! Sometimes you can help your future self by revisiting POSITIVE moments from your past. They say anxiety occurs when you focus on things you cant change in your past or obsess about what may happen in the future. Neither of which you have any control over! BUT you can enhance your present and future by pulling some memories where you were undeniable, strong, resilient and overcame adversity. A memory of you singing karaoke to a standing ovation in college may help you overcome the fear of public speaking at your weekly board meeting. Hitting a 3 pointer at the buzzer to win the championship in grade school may help you settle your nerves standing over a 6 footer to win $5 from your Saturday foursome. The key is to not focus on the negative memories from the past. Losing your job, bombing at an open mic, wearing white pants at the wrong time of the month or failing to get it up are all memories that can stay in the past. They

  • CGP Ep361 DreamBIG Right Now!

    14/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    In this episode I share some stories about athletes, artists, musicians, comedians and colleagues who have chased their DreamBIGs and succeeded. They did it their way. Coloured outside the lines, threw away the paper and then started to draw their own lines. I also share stories of those who failed and why! Of course there are also some off colour jokes, a few rants and a couple detours along the way. Just like life! So DreamBIG RIGHT NOW!!!! What are you waiting for? Right NOW! If you want to be a part of the Coach Glass Mentorship family, its simple, apply and tighten your seatbelt. More info and application at I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @performbetter use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI for upcoming dates and event. Without them I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and

  • Best of Coach Glass Podcast Mike Boyle

    08/10/2020 Duration: 56min

    Mike will cringe when he reads this but the fact is, he is a mentor of mine and has been a huge influence on the strength coach and Perform Better presenter I have become today! I will never forget the day I was introduced to his book Functional Training for Sports. It defined a generation of strength coaches and personal trainers who saw their clients as athletes and adapted their training techniques to challenge them in an athletic, multi-plane, multi jointed manner that is now the norm in athletic conditioning programs. As a speaker Mike gave me sage advice before my first Perform Better that I still use to this day almost 10 years later. In this Best Of Mentors episode Mike opens up and shares with us all some life lessons that will once again guide me through the next phase of my growth as a coach, presenter and family man! Enjoy! Coach Glass 2020 Mentorship is right around the corner. Mark your calendars: June 18-20 in Vancouver Canada. More info coming soon. Email me Subjec

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