Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep372 New Year Solution to your Resolution



If you know the Coach you will know that I HATE New Year’s resolutions. The thought of starting something new on the first day of the new year is silly. If this thing that you are committing to was so important you would have started it a long time ago! I have a better idea for you for 2021.  I know a lot of you are carrying anger and disappointment with you from 2020. Just seeing the number 2020 gets the blood boiling. On New Year’s Eve you will have people on social media or 6 feet away from you at your new Year’s outdoor gathering yelling “&$%#@ 2020!!!!”  Don’t put so much energy into it! I have a better idea for you for 2021. I want you to do something different this year. I want you to do a little exercise that I use and I share with my athletes and mentorees. Instead of spending the last day of 2020 thinking about what you want to change I want you to do the opposite. I want you to think about all the things you want to continue. I want you to write down all the positive things you did in 2020. I w