Northside Church - Sydney

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 220:17:05
  • More information



Northside Community Church Podcast, preaching, music and more..


  • Never Ending Story Week 6 AM: Impacting Eternity


    9AM & 10:45AM – Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Never Ending Story Week 6: Impacting Eternity Imagine that Eternity was a line that starts at your front door, stretches around the globe, and returns. Your life would be a dot on that 25,000km. Time is a small slice of eternity on loan from God, but can have significance that lasts forever. How would living from Eternity help you impact the now? Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

  • Never Ending Story Week 5 PM: The Power of One


    6PM – Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Never Ending Story Week 5: The Power of One It’s one thing to observe an opportunity, it’s another to seize it! What would happen if you crossed the road to not only find a need, but meet it? Reading: Luke 10:27-37

  • Never Ending Story Week 5 AM: The Power of One


    9AM & 10:45AM – Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Never Ending Story Week 5: The Power of One It’s one thing to observe an opportunity, it’s another to seize it! What would happen if you crossed the road to not only find a need, but meet it? Reading: Luke 10:27-37

  • Never Ending Story Week 4 PM: Overflow


    6PM – Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Never Ending Story Week 4: Overflow All of us have been given resources from God, and yet we wonder how could I ever make a big difference? God achieves great things through people who may have small resources but big hearts! Reading: James 2:14-17

  • Never Ending Story Week 4 AM: Overflow


    9AM & 10:45AM – Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Never Ending Story Week 4: Overflow All of us have been given resources from God, and yet we wonder how could I ever make a big difference? God achieves great things through people who may have small resources but big hearts! Reading: James 2:14-17

  • Never Ending Story Week 3 PM: Intersections


    6PM – Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Never Ending Story Week 3: Intersections If you have intersected with God, and you are intersecting with others, He wants to influence them THROUGH YOU. It means then that the stranger you happened to speak to, or the person who cut across your path may not just be there by accident? What would happen if we payed closer attention to the intersections of life? Reading: 1 Peter 4:7-1

  • Never Ending Story Week 3 AM: Intersections


    9AM & 10:45AM – Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Never Ending Story Week 3: Intersections If you have intersected with God, and you are intersecting with others, He wants to influence them THROUGH YOU. It means then that the stranger you happened to speak to, or the person who cut across your path may not just be there by accident? What would happen if we payed closer attention to the intersections of life? Reading: 1 Peter 4:7-1

  • Never Ending Story Week 2 PM: Your Passion/His Purposes


    6PM – Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Never Ending Story Week 2: Your Passion/His Purposes Each year you will have been given 525, 600 minutes. Often we look back and wonder where did they go? What you love is seen in your passions, priorities and purposes.Therefore aligning our loves with God’s loves is key to uncovering a life of purpose and passion in even the smallest increments of time… Reading: Ephesians 4:11-16

  • Never Ending Story Week 1 PM: His, Ours, Your Story


    6PM – Speaker: Sam Haddon – New Series: Never Ending Story Week 1: His, Ours, Your Story How do we become difference makers in the world around us? God’s desire since the beginning off time, has been to write His Story across the pages of History, through every day people. This series is about discovering what God has given you in this life and using it, no matter how big or small. How will you use your story in His story? Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

  • Never Ending Story Week 1 AM: His, Ours, Your Story


    9AM & 10:45AM – Speaker: Sam Haddon – New Series: Never Ending Story Week 1: His, Ours, Your Story How do we become difference makers in the world around us? God’s desire since the beginning off time, has been to write His Story across the pages of History, through every day people. This series is about discovering what God has given you in this life and using it, no matter how big or small. How will you use your story in His story? Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

  • Staying Cool When the Heat is On!


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Staying Cool When the Heat is On! Conflict among people (even Christians) is an inevitable part of life. How we handle conflict – especially what we say can make a huge difference to how the issue is eventually resolved. If we’re growing in Christ and allowing His Spirit to control our conversation, we can choose words that will help to minimise the chances of serious conflict. Reading: Acts 15:36-41 (GNT)

  • Five x 5 Week 5: Five Things to Say To Help Young People Keep The Faith


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Five x 5 Week 5: Five Things to Say To Help Young People Keep The Faith Most research indicates the present generation of young people are turning their backs on Church and Christianity in droves. This leads many to wonder about the viability of the Christian Church in the future. What can we say today to the young people in our care, to help them stay true to their calling in Christ? Reading: 2 Timothy 3:10-17 (GNT)

  • Ditto Week 6: Walking as Jesus Walked


    Speaker: Sam Haddon Cont. Series: Ditto – Walking as Jesus Walked Join us for a night of insight, as we process what it means to walk as Jesus Walked or do “Ditto”

  • Five x 5 Week 4: Five Things to Say To Strengthen Your Marriage


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Five x 5 Week 4: Five Things to Say To Strengthen Your Marriage On the day of the wedding it’s those two words “I Do” that bring a huge smile to the faces of the Bride, the Groom and their assembled friends and family. However, beyond that day, a married couple choose many words as part of their ongoing journey together and these are the words which either make of break their union. With God’s help we can choose the right words… Reading: Ephesians 6:21-31 (GNT)

  • Ditto Week 5: Read as Jesus Read


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Ditto Week 5: Read as Jesus Read In Jesus’ time there was no kindle, no self help section of the bookstore, no vast array of” life guiding” seminars, and yet he managed to life the perfect human life.How did he do it? God’s word. God’s word was paramount in every aspect his life, and for those seeking to live a Ditto life – we’ll uncover how we make it central in ours. Reading: Matthew 5:17-20 (NIV)

  • Five x 5 Week 3: Five Things To Say To Someone Who Claims Not To Believe


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Five x 5 Week 3: Five Things To Say To Someone Who Claims Not To Believe With atheism on the rise in Australia and its “evangelists” becoming more militant, most of us will have many people within our circle of family members, friends and acquaintances who claim they don’t believe in God. What does Christianity have to say to them? How can we cause them to have a re-think? Reading: Acts 26:19-28 (GNT)

  • Ditto Week 4:Obey as Jesus Obeyed


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Ditto Week 4:Obey as Jesus Obeyed Obeying God sounds like it can be restrictive and a “kill-joy”. Yet, for Jesus he appeared to do it with ease? What are the trademarks of a life that naturally desires what God desires? How do you move your life to a pattern of obeying God, not because you have to, but because you want to? Reading: John 15:19-27 (NIV)

  • Five x 5 Week 2: Five Things To Say To Minimise Conflict


    Speaker – Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Five x 5 Week 2: Five Things To Say To Minimise Conflict Conflict among friends, within marriage, in the workplace etc. is inevitable; it’s how we handle those conflict situations that’s of crucial importance. Naturally our selection of words in dealing with the issues can make a difference to the outcome. With God’s help, we can choose the right words.. Reading: Acts 15:36-41 (GNT)

  • Ditto Week 3: Pray as Jesus Prayed


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Ditto Week 3: Pray as Jesus Prayed Prayer can be seen as a religious exercise, or something that Christians have to do as part of their church life. Jesus shows us something radically different. Prayer was the very lifeline for God’s guidance in His life, and the good news is that it can be the same for us also. Reading: Luke 11:1 (NIV)

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