Northside Church - Sydney

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 220:17:05
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Northside Community Church Podcast, preaching, music and more..


  • Christmas: Tis the Season to be Daring Week 2: Ordinary People Took A Risk


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Christmas: Tis the Season to be Daring Week 2: Ordinary People Took A Risk One of the many stunning features of the first Christmas is the number of ordinary people who stepped out in faith and took a risk: Joseph ran the risk of condemnation when he chose to marry his pregnant fiance; the Wiseman embarked on a risky journey to greet the Christ child and Mary had to give birth in a risky, less than ideal setting. Responding to God’s call inevitably involves risky choices… Reading: Matthew 1:18-25 (GNT)

  • Christmas: Tis the Season to be Daring Week 1: God Took A Risk


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – New Series: Christmas: Tis the Season to be Daring Week 1: God Took A Risk Love is always risky because when we love, there is no guarantee our love is going to be returned… no guarantee the object of our love is going to respond in the same way. That’s the risk God took in order to seal our redemption in Christ. The Bible says: “He came to His own people, but they did not receive Him. But to those who did receive Him He gave the right to become God’s children!” God continues to take risks, in that He entrusts us with the work of bringing in the Kingdom… being His hand, His feet in the ongoing task of reconciling the world to Himself. Reading: John 1:1-13 (GNT)

  • I Saw That Snigger


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – I Saw That Snigger Graham is going to adapt a message he recently presented to our morning congregation. Based on the sotry of Sarah (Abraham’s wife), the message tackles the issue of unanswered prayer and outlines practical steps to cope with this challenging aspect of the Christian journey. Reading: Genesis 18:1-15 (GNT)

  • Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 5: Esther


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 5: Esther In her life Esther was to discover there are moments when we need to courageously step up and respond to God’s call. Esther came to the realisation she had been appointed as Queen “for such a time as this: and went on to play a huge role in the salvation of her people. Reading: Esther 4:4-14 (NIV)

  • DNA of the Christian Life. Week 6: Mapping our experiences.


    This series has had a powerful impact on many people, especially those involved in our Connection Group network. Next week we'll here from several group members about their experiences and the discoveries they have made about the DNA of the Christian life. In addition, Sam will wrap up the series with a final powerful word.

  • Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 4: Joseph


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 4: Joseph In his life Joseph was to discover you can be in “the pits” one moment and serving in a Royal Palace the next! Yes, Joseph’s life was one of huge contrasts but through it all he remained faithful to God and his faith was eventually rewarded. Reading: Genesis 37:1-11 (GNT)

  • DNA of the Christian Life – Week 6: Contented


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: DNA of the Christian Life – Week 6: Contented “The iPhone 4s is sooo yesterday! “It’s amazing in our culture today, how quickly new things become old things. How easily we become discontent in a society that has everything…. How do we find “Contentment?” Reading: Philippians 4:10-13 (NIV)

  • Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 3: Gideon


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 3: Gideon In his life Gideon was to discover if God wants you to do something He’ll make it known! Gideon’s famous “fleece test” is one of those special moments in the Bible where we see the vulnerability of a great man of God who is very unsure of how he should respond to God. The incident contains important life lessons for us all… Reading: Judges 6:36-40 (GNT)

  • DNA of the Christian Life – Week 5: Rejoice?


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: DNA of the Christian Life – Week 5: Rejoice? It may sound harsh and oversimplified, but there are 2 types of people in the world – those in the middle of tough times and those headed for them. What do we say to people who are struggling, without sounding “cheesy”, and what do you do if you are in the middle of hardship and pain? Reading: Philippians 4:4-6 (NIV)

  • Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 2: Sarah


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 2: Sarah In her life Sarah was to discover with God anything is possible – even having a baby when you’re old enough to be a grandmother! Of course it wasn’t easy and there were major challenges along the way, but eventually she and her husband Abraham became the parents “of a great nation…” Reading: Genesis 18:1-15 (GNT)

  • DNA of the Christian Life – Week 4: Discontented


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: DNA of the Christian Life – Week 4: Discontented Imagine you stumble out of the airport of a foreign country for the first time. “Where might I get a hamburger?” you ask? I know the perfect place the attendant replies, just drive that way for a bit. Can you be more specific? Often we can be given directions in the Christian life that are just as vague. Vagueness does us no good – so let’s get specific as to how we grow. Reading: Philippians 3:12-15 (GNT)

  • Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 1: Moses


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – New Series: Superheroes: Life Lessons from the OT Week 1: Moses In his life Moses was to discover there’s a lot of wilderness to cross before you get to the Promised Land! In fact, a large slice of his life was spent in the wilderness but through it all, he remained faithful to God. There’s a powerful life lesson here for all of us. Reading: Exodus 3:1-14 (GNT)

  • DNA of the Christian Life – Week 3: Simplicity


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: DNA of the Christian Life – Week 3: Simplicity Ever looked at the Christian life and thought it was a set of overcomplicated do’s and don’ts? Good news: get ready to get simplified! Reading: Philippians 3:1-9 (NIV)

  • DNA of the Christian Life – Week 2: Essence


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: DNA of the Christian Life – Week 2: Essence There is a quality that naturally seems to attract others and is never complained about. One can never have enough and no one cares if you have to much. It’s the first part of what Paul describes in Philippians 2. Reading: Philippians 2:3-11 (NIV)

  • Guest Speaker: Mike Hardie The Swing Theory


    Guest Speaker: Mike Hardie The Swing Theory Mike Hardie is the pastor & founder of THRIVE Community Church. Mike & his wife, Terasa are passionate about the vision of THRIVE to bless the city & community through love, hope, justice and a whole lot of good news . People everywhere are discourage and people everywhere can encourage. Encouragement helps people get unstuck from life’s muddy moments. Reading: Psalm 42:5-11 (NLT)

  • DNA of the Christian Life – Week 1: Worthy


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – New Series: New Series: DNA of the Christian Life – Week 1: Worthy DNA is the core set of instructions from which all known living organisms grow. For all it’s complexity, life grows from simplicity. What if Christianity could be that simple? In this new study of Philippians, we’ll uncover one of the most relevant books of the bible, and the blueprints that comprise the DNA of the Christian Life. Reading: Philippians 1:27-30 (NIV)

  • No Reservations Week 3: Jesus & A Failure


    Speaker: Kristyn Haddon – Cont. Series: No Reservations. Week 3: Jesus & A Failure This encounter is especially unexpected, given Jesus had been dead for some time already! What happens when Jesus has brunch with an old colleague who had let him down? Reading: John 21:10-24 (NIV)

  • No Reservations Week 2: Jesus & A Sinful Woman


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: No Reservations. Week 2: Jesus & A Sinful Woman In this unexpected encounter with Jesus, it’s an unexpected guest that prompts some challenging dinner conversation around forgiveness. Reading: Luke 7:36-50 (NIV)

  • No Reservations Week 1: Jesus & A Traitor


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – New Series: No Reservations. Week 1: Jesus & A Traitor Some of the best teaching from Jesus, didn’t necessarily take place in the heart of temples and cities, but in the interactions of everyday life. In this new series, we’ll look at 3 mealtime encounters with Jesus and what happens when he has “No Reservations” Reading: Luke 19:1-10 (NIV)

  • Never Ending Story Week 6 PM: Impacting Eternity


    6PM – Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Never Ending Story Week 6: Impacting Eternity Imagine that Eternity was a line that starts at your front door, stretches around the globe, and returns. Your life would be a dot on that 25,000km. Time is a small slice of eternity on loan from God, but can have significance that lasts forever. How would living from Eternity help you impact the now? Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

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