Northside Church - Sydney

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 220:17:05
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Northside Community Church Podcast, preaching, music and more..


  • Wallflowers// Living Life from the Sidelines? Week 3: David


    Speaker: Cont. Series: Wallflowers// Living Life from the Sidelines? Week 3: David If you have heard of the biblical character of David, surely Goliath pops into mind. A Shepherd boy slays a giant with a sling… what a story! Yet, that was nothing compared to what God had in store for David to achieve in the long run. Some of us would be satisfied with slaying one or two big giants in our lifetime, but what if God was calling you to be involved in something so big, it made the Goliath’s on your horizon look like like nothing? Reading: 2 Samuel 7:4-19 (NIV)

  • Clay... Potter… Masterpiece...Week 1


    It's not the most glamorous substance, yet throughout the Bible God uses clay to teach us about the relationship He desires to have with each of us. In one of the most vivid passages (Jeremiah 18:2), the Lord gave the old prophet an assignment: "Go down to the potter's house and there I will give you my message..." In this two part Series, we will discover the essentialelements of that message and see the way God intends to shape us into "Masterpieces" for His glory...

  • Wallflowers// Living Life from the Sidelines? Week 2: Moses


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Wallflowers// Living Life from the Sidelines? Week 2: Moses If you’ve ever had or wanted an excuse for not getting involved in the plans of God, then the guy we look at tonight has them all. Let’s see what happens when your vision of who God is, and who you can be, get’s a radical shake up. Reading: Exodus 3:1-14 (NIV)

  • Anyone Listening?


    Matt Destry is a singer, speaker, pastor and musician. He is inspired by the Scriptures as the large, sweeping, singular story of God’s love for world, and is compelled to share that story in creative ways. Previously serving as the Worship Pastor at Kingsway Community Church, he has most recently been engaged in leading the Vox Community (a church for young business people and creatives) in Paddington. Reading: 1 Samuel 3

  • Saying YES to God


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Saying YES to God Amazing things happen when we say “yes” to God… when we respond with passion and enthusiasm to His bidding… when we embrace His precepts and principles for effective living. Saying “yes” to God is risky and requires faith and a sense of daring – but saying “yes” to God is the only way to ensure we aspire to our full potential as individuals and as a church. Reading: Luke 5:1-11 (GNT)

  • Overflow – What Goes In Must Come Out Week 3: It's System


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Overflow – What Goes In Must Come Out Week 3: It’s System We will do, what we are. That is, whether actively or passively we’ve sought change, our whole life is simply an Overflow of who we really are. That’s where Christianity comes in. It’s not about rules, but becoming the kind of people who routinely and easily walk in the goodness and power of Jesus our Master. How do we go about it? Reading: Psalm 65:11-13; Matthew 12:33-35 (NIV)

  • Journeying into 2013 Week 4: A Place of Power


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Journeying into 2013 Week 4: A Place of Power Before His departure (in a physical sense), Jesus told His disciples “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you….” (Acts 1:8). It’s one thing to talk about being in a place of freedom, confidence and influence in 2013, but we cannot arrive at these destinations without the power that comes from God Himself, through the Holy Spirit. Reading: Acts 1:6-11 (GNT)

  • Overflow – What Goes In Must Come Out Week 2: It's Selection


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Overflow – What Goes In Must Come Out Week 2: It’s Selection “It won’t heppen overnight, but it will heppen”. Excuse the New Zealand accent, but Rachael Hunter’s Pantene Pro V principle, applies to our spiritual life. According to Pantene, hair is only transformed when we decided to apply some conditioner. According to God, our lives a transformed when we decide to apply some key conditions too. Come find out what that looks like in the second installment of this New Series: Overflow Reading: Psalm 119.30-40, 1 John 2:3-6 (NIV)

  • Journeying into 2013 Week 3: A Place of Influence


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Journeying into 2013 Week 3: A Place of Influence Jesus said “You are the light of the world…” (Matthew 5:14) That’s one of the descriptions He gave to His disciples and in doing so, He was referring to the opportunities provided to each one of us to be a person of influence. Letting the light of God’s love, grace, forgiveness and justice shine through us is one of our great privileges (and responsibilities) in the Christian life. Reading: Matthew 5:13-20 (GNT)

  • Overflow – What Goes In Must Come Out Week 1: It's Source


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Overflow – What Goes In Must Come Out Week 1: It’s Source There are two ways to blow up a balloon – 1. from the inside, or 2. you can try and suck all the air out of the room. Our lives are not that much different. In a world that offers a plethora of strategies for self-inflation, what if this New Year you decided to expand your life from within, instead of seeking to suck the air from everywhere else? Welcome to the principle of “Overflow”, where New Years Resolutions focus not on commitments, but character. Reading: Psalm 1; Matthew 6:22-23,33 (NIV)

  • Journeying into 2013 Week 2: A Place of Confidence


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Journeying into 2013 Week 2: A Place of Confidence Jesus said to His disciples on one occasion: “Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid…” (Matthew 14:31) Fear robs us of confidence and this is not how God intends us to live. He wants us to be in a place where we exhibit courage, strength and confidence in all areas of our lives. Reading: Matthew 14:22-33 (GNT)

  • Journeying into 2013 Week 1: A Place of Freedom


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – New Series: Journeying into 2013 Week 1: A Place of Freedom Jesus said “If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed…” (John 8:36) “Freedom” is a word Christians talk and sing about a lot, but what does it mean? In what ways are we free & how is our freedom meant to affect our lives?. Reading: John 8:31-36 (GNT)

  • Back to Earth (After Christmas)


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Back to Earth (After Christmas) Coming back to earth after Christmas is never easy – and it wasn’t for those involved in the first Christmas! For Mary and Joseph, following the breath-taking beauty of Bethlehem it was back to the normality of Nazareth! Fortunately we can learn much from the experiences of these two, along with people like Simeon & Anna, who missed the main event (Jesus’ birth), but were there when things “returned to normal” Reading: Luke 2: 25-38 (GNT)

  • Reverse Garbage – Finding Treasure in the Familiar


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – New Series: Reverse Garbage – Finding Treasure in the Familiar Love, Hope, Peace, Joy – they’re words pulled out each and every Christmas…. How might you rediscover new value in the overly used?

  • Gift Ideas: For the One who has Everything


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Gift Ideas: For the One who has Everything What do you give to the person who (apparently) has everything?? That’s the dilemma many of us face every year and it seems to get worse as you get older, with family and friends accumulating more and more “things”. What about the Wise Men, at the first Christmas? What were they to give the One who (literally) had everything… the One through whom “everything was created, in heaven, and on earth…” (Col 1:16). Well, they chose “wisely” and in this message Graham will reveal the significance of their gifts. Reading: Matthew 2:1-8 (GNT)

  • Reverse Garbage – Finding Treasure in the Familiar - Hope


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – New Series: Reverse Garbage – Finding Treasure in the Familiar Love, Hope, Peace, Joy – they’re words pulled out each and every Christmas…. How might you rediscover new value in the overly used?

  • God's Promise of Hope


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – God’s Promise of Hope Long before Jesus was born, God dropped hints along the way promising hope for the world. Join us as we hear of God’s compassion revealed in the greatest gift: Jesus. Reading: 1 John 4:9-12

  • Christmas According to iTunes Top 20 Week 3: Lonely Boy


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Playlist – Christmas According to iTunes Top 20 Week 3: Lonely Boy Black Keys iTunes hit says: “Well I’m so above you and it’s plain to see but I came to love you any way…So you pulled my heart out and I don’t mind bleedin’ and the whole time you keep me waiting, waiting, waiting” Can you see how we might share “Christmas according to iTunes” this week? Reading: Phil 2.1-11 (NIV)

  • Christmas: Tis the Season to be Daring Week 3: Will You Take A Risk?


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Christmas: Tis the Season to be Daring Week 3: Will You Take A Risk? We can approach Christmas 2012 in one of two ways: we can simply drift into this season in all the usual, predictable ways: the round of parties, the gift giving, the frenetic pressure and stress. Or we can take a more risky approach and decide to intentionally reflect on the significance of this seasons; raise our level of generosity to needy causes; resolve not just to sing about “peace and goodwill” but be an instrument of peace and goodwill. Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21 (GNT)

  • Christmas According to iTunes Top 20 Week 2: Get Along


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Cont. Series: Playlist – Christmas According to iTunes Top 20 Week 2: Get Along Can we all just get along? Guy Sebastian’s No#1 iTunes hit asks a very legitimate question. What does the bible say about the deep rifts that divide humanity, and how might the “Prince of Peace” shed some light on the situation this Christmas? Reading: Isaiah 8:19-9:6 (NIV)

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