Northside Church - Sydney

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 220:17:05
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Northside Community Church Podcast, preaching, music and more..


  • Impact…Making Your Life Count // Week 5: What Is My Mission?


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Impact…Making Your Life Count // Week 5: What Is My Mission? Most of us envy people who seem to have found their mission in life. Invariably they exude lots of drive, passion and enthusiasm and in our more “ambivalent” moments, we all wish we had more of these qualities. However, discovering our mission in God’s Kingdom is something within reach of all of us – and that’s what this message will be about….

  • Modern Family // Week 5: Spiritual Warfare


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Modern Family – Week 5: Spiritual Warfare CS Lewis once said “The General public either ignore the forces of evil altogether, or are taken by an unhealthy interest in everything demonic, which can be just as bad in the long run”. Spiritual Warfare in the Christian life is a topic not often talked about, yet vitally important in building a faith that stands firm amongst the trials of life. Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20 (NIV)

  • Impact…Making Your Life Count // Week 4: What Am I Holding Onto?


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Impact…Making Your Life Count // Week 4: What Am I Holding Onto? Letting go of past hurts, grievances, disappointments etc. is much easier said than done. However, it is essential we do just that, if we’re to maximize our influence on other people. Harbouring the pain of the past significantly reduces our effectiveness, when it comes to the positive impact we can have on those around us. Fortunately, Jesus has the answer…

  • Modern Family // Week 4: Spiritual Submission


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Modern Family // Week 4: Spiritual Submission The topic of submission, particularly in regard to relationships, has caused much controversy in recent times. One academic labelled the word far worse than obey, as it had connotations of slavery. Could it be however, that a proper understanding of this concept leads not to slavery, but freedom? Reading: Ephesians 5:1,21, 6:5-9 (NIV)

  • Impact…Making Your Life Count // Week 3: What are my Priorities?


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – New Series: Impact…Making Your Life Count // Week 3: What are my Priorities? People who make a positive impact on the lives of others are generally focused in terms of how they live their lives. They know what they’re about and they try to minimise distractions. Much easier said than done, right? Next week we’ll discover how to more effectively arrange our priorities… Reading: Colossians 1:24-29

  • Modern Family // Week 3: Spiritual Growth


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Modern Family // Week #3: Spiritual Growth Ever had an issue with a call centre employee who couldn’t solve your problem? After all the frustration, you realise that the solution lies not with them, but the management. So it is with us! Spiritual growth is not a matter of starting with behaviours, they are like the employee. In that case, where do we go to grow?

  • Impact…Making Your Life Count // Week 2: What Do I Believe About Myself?


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Impact…Making Your Life Count // Week #2: What Do I Believe About Myself? Someone has said: “The Me I See, Is the Me I’ll Be…”. How we see ourselves has a profound effect on our effectiveness in life. Self esteem is an area of personal and spiritual development many people (including Christians) struggle with. What does the Bible say about how we should view ourselves and how important it is to ensure we have the right perspective?

  • Modern Family // Week 2: Spiritual Gifts


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Modern Family – Week 2: Spiritual Gifts They were a major source of division back then, and they can be in the church today. Spiritual Gifts is an area of God’s Modern Family that bring much contention – and yet are the very resource by which God equips His New Humanity. What are they, what do you have? Ephesians 4: 7-13 (NIV)

  • Impact…Making Your Life Count // Week 1: What Do I Believe About God?


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Impact…Making Your Life Count Week 1:What Do I Believe About God? What impact is your life having? Who are you influencing and how are you influencing them? This Series will explore the issues that shape our lives and the lives of those around us. We will look at the beliefs we hold, the choices we make – and the impact these have on the world around us…

  • Modern Family // Week 1: Spiritual Life


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Modern Family – Week 1: Spiritual Life Who said the concept of a bunch of radically different people learning to live together, (and being changed by each other) was a new idea? It’s not only for a TV series about a Los Angeles Family. In the next six weeks we’ll walk through the book of Ephesians, looking at what God does when he makes you a Christian, and your ensuing part, in His “Modern Family”. Ephesians 1:1-14 (NIV)

  • Guest Speaker: Edwina Blair


    Guest Speaker: Edwina Blair The Bible describes two types of peace that we are to have as followers of Jesus – the peace of God and peace with God. Too often we have one but not the other but both are critical to live the life we are called to live

  • Eyes Wide Shut


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Eyes Wide Shut There are few scenes in the Bible filled with as much disappointment and dejection as the one involving the two men on the Emmaus Road. They are shattered, as they trudge back to Emmaus following the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their physical eyes are open, but their spiritual eyes are shut, until… Reading: Luke 24:13-27(GNT)

  • Easter Sunday: Easter Changes Everything


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Easter Sunday: Easter Changes Everything The greatest single event in history, from a Christian perspective is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Belief, by faith, in this defining moment of all time enables us to experience life as it’s meant to be lived…rich, with meaning and purpose…a life that’s full and free! Reading: John 20:1-10 (GNT)

  • 24 Hours// That Changed the World – Week 4: Crucifixion


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: 24 Hours// That Changed the World – Week 4: Crucifixion The cross, the instrument of death used in crucifixion, has become the universal symbol of the Christian Faith. It stands at the very heart of all we believe and represent our highest values and ideals: sacrifice, service, selflessness… The death of God’s only Son is the pivotal event of history and shows the lengths to which God our Father was prepared to go, to redeem His lost children. Responding to this act of love involves surrender and self-denial which, paradoxically, are the key to fulfilment in life. Reading: Matthew 27: 32-44 (GNT)

  • 24 Hours// That Changed the World – Week 3: Betrayal & Denial


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – New Series: 24 Hours// That Changed the World – Week 3: Betrayal & Denial At the very time Jesus needed all the friends He could muster, they all fled. Yes, Peter showed a degree of courage by hanging back but even he, when put under pressure, did what had been predicted – he denied any knowledge of Jesus. It’s hard to imagine how lonely and abandoned Jesus must have felt at that time, but He managed to face His accusers with steely determination. In doing so, He provides a powerful life lesson for us when we feel abandoned and alone. Reading: Matthew 26:69-75 (GNT)

  • Wallflowers// Living Life from the Sidelines? Week 6: Paul – A Messenger for All


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Wallflowers// Living Life from the Sidelines? Week 6: Paul – A Messenger for All In the beginning of the Bible story, God introduces His rescue plan for the world through one message to one person. Now it’s one message through all His people, for all people. What is it and how does it bring hope for you and I this week?

  • 24 Hours// That Changed the World – Week 2: Gethsemane


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – New Series: 24 Hours// That Changed the World – Week 2: Gethsemane Many believe the humanity of Jesus is more evident during this time in the Garden of Gethsemane, than at any other time. Deep down He knew what He was destined to do but at the human level, He struggled with the thought of suffering and death, to the point where (like any of us), He asked if it were possible to avoid it. How Jesus handled this defining moment in His life is a powerful lesson in courage and resolve… Reading: Matthew 26:36-46 (NIV)

  • 24 Hours// That Changed the World – Week 1: The Last Supper


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – New Series: 24 Hours// That Changed the World – Week 1: The Last Supper Imagine the anguish Jesus must have felt as He tried to celebrate the freedom associated with the Passover, while at the same time contemplating His imminent capture. His predicament was further exacerbated by the failure of the disciples to fully grasp what was happening. How Jesus handled this confusing situation is a powerful lesson in commitment and strength… Reading: Matthew 26:26-35 (GNT)

  • Wallflowers// Living Life from the Sidelines? Week 4:Jesus – A Saviour for All


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Wallflowers// Living Life from the Sidelines? Week 4:Jesus – A Saviour for All If “Wallflowers” are being called to participate the “Dance at the Centre of the Universe”, then what does that specifically mean? If living a “Big Life” requires a “Big Mission”, then what is it and how do you know you are living it? Reading: John 17.6-13 (NIV)

  • Clay… Potter… Masterpiece… Week 2


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Cont. Series: Clay… Potter… Masterpiece… Week 2 It’s not the most glamorous substance, yet throughout the Bible God uses clay to teach us about the relationship He desires to have with each of us. In one of the most vivid passages (Jeremiah 18:2), the Lord gave the old prophet an assignment: “Go down to the potter’s house and there I will give you my message…” In this two part Series, we will discover the essential elements of that message and see the way God intends to shape us into “Masterpieces” for His glory… Reading: Romans 9:19-26 (GNT)

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