Angel Talk Tuesday



Are you ready for this weeks energy forecast?Join us now on Angel Talk Tuesday as Julie Geigle and Susan Schueler allow Masters from beyond to speak directly through them sharing weekly ENERGY FORECASTS.Julie channels Archangel Metatron and the Pleiadians and Susan works with a collective conscious known as Jacob, Master Teachers from the Akasha.Combined they share a BEAUTIFUL ENERGY FORECAST that shines the light on where your attention is best spent right now. This information is sure to help you navigate the ups and downs of being human here on planet earth.Just being in this higher vibrational energy will help you awaken, expand and REMEMBER YOUR MAGNIFICENCE.Listen Live every Tuesday, 10AM ET, on


  • Coping with Modern Disorders Like Depression, ADD, ADHD and PTS​D​

    03/05/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 2 May 2017, 10:00 AM ET Coping with Modern Disorders Like Depression, ADD, ADHD and PTSD It is impossible to live in today’s society and not hear about certain mental health concerns like depression, ADD, ADHD, and P​TSD​. If this isn’t something you are dealing with, probably someone you know is! Join the Angel Talk Channelers today as they discuss the ins and outs of these issues, as well as coping strategies for you and your loved ones who may be dealing with these concerns. ​We are taking live calls! ​ ​Dial in with​ any questions ​or comments about your life or the topic at hand​ at 202.570.70​57​.

  • Transformation

    26/04/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 25 April 2017, 10:00 AM ET Transformation Transformation is available to us through various opportunities eg. our physical condition, our relationships, work, living environment to name a few. Our wonderful planet Earth shows us that transformation is possible and needed for growth. Earth’s seasonal transformations can remind us that we also have amazing opportunities for our own personal transformation and growth. Seeing these opportunities as positive instead of negative can be a liberating way to view changes in our life. Join the Angel Channelers for thoughtful insight about Transformation. We are now accepting live calls during the show for mini readings or to discuss the channeled messages. 1-202- 570-7057 10-11am (CST) or 7-800 am (PST)

  • Perfectly Imperfect

    19/04/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 18 April 2017, 10:00 AM ET Perfectly Imperfect In today’s society we are sold the idea of perfection. We can’t get away from it, it seems to be everywhere – in marketing, music, entertainment, movies. In each of these venues, we are told that we should live in the perfect home, drive the perfect car, have the perfect partner, be a perfect parent and look like the perfect “10” Join the Angel channelers to discuss the importance of embracing the flaws which make us beautiful individuals with unique talents and abilities. We are now accepting live calls during the show for mini readings or to discuss the channeled messages. 1-202- 570-7057 10-11am (CST) or 7-800 am (PST)

  • Renew, Revamp, Recharge Your Relationship

    12/04/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 11 April 2017, 10:00 AM ET Renew, Revamp, Recharge Your Relationship It has been said that relationships are a mirror of your self – good, bad or indifferent. Join the Angel channelers to take a look at your relationships and consider if the relationship could use some “renewing,” “revamping” or “recharging.” We are now accepting live calls during the show for mini readings or to discuss the channeled messages. 1-202- 570-7057 10-11am (CST) or 7-800 am (PST)

  • Sitting in the Power

    05/04/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 4 April 2017, 10:00 AM ET Sitting in the Power Spring is a wonderful time to take the opportunity to reacquaint yourself with your soul. So many of us are always on the go, going to work, school, hobbies, market etc. Sitting in the power of Spirit is a way to realize that you are more than your human form, more than your daily issues or concerns. Join the Angel channelers, who will speak about how to get into the space of spiritual power, what it feels like and what it can do for you. We are now accepting live calls during the show for mini readings or to discuss the channeled messages. 1-202- 570-7057 10-11am (CST) or 7-800 am (PST)

  • The Afterlife

    29/03/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 28 March 2017, 10:00 AM ET The Afterlife If the soul is everlasting, where do we go when we leave our human bodies and the Earth plane? Death is a part of life, and this has been an important question for all time. Join the Angel Channelers on today’s show as they share their knowledge and information about the afterlife. Be sure to check out the “Angel Talk Tuesday Break Room” on Face Book for any questions or comments during the show at 202.570.7057.

  • Pets Are Family Too!

    22/03/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 21 March 2017, 10:00 AM ET Pets Are Family Too! Many people today view their animals as members of the family, so when these much beloved pets pass, it can be quite traumatic. Today’s show will discuss the connection between humans and their animal soul relationships, in both the physical world and the afterlife. Feel free to call in at 202.570.7057 with any questions and don’t forget to join the channelers in the Angel Talk Tuesday Break Room on Face Book.

  • The Loss of a Child

    15/03/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 14 March 2017, 10:00 AM ET The Loss of a Child We all know someone who has experienced the loss of a child and the extraordinary sort of grief associated with this passing. Grieving parents often refer to themselves as “being in the club that no one wants to belong to” and this is painfully true. For whether if we know someone who has lost a child, or perhaps even lost one yourself, regardless of how old they are, each death holds a unique sort of human pain. Join the Angel Talk Channelers this week as they discuss dealing with the death of a child. Feel free to call in at 202.570.7057 with any questions about the messages, as well as for mini psychic or mediumship readings.

  • Living with Grief

    08/03/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 7 March 2017, 10:00 AM ET Living with Grief It is impossible to be a human and not experience grief, for death is very much a part of life. No two people will handle the experience of death in the same way, for it not only encompasses the loss of a loved one, but also the hopes and dreams connected to that person. Join the Angel Talk Tuesday Channelers this week as they discuss the facets of grief, learning to live with it, and how it enhances growth of the human soul. Feel free to call in at 202.570.7057 with any questions about the messages, as well as for mini psychic or mediumship readings.

  • Love Beyond Measure

    01/03/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 28 February 2017, 10:00 AM ET Love Beyond Measure Our connection with God, the Divine Source Energy, is what holds the most power in our lives. It is not the connection with our parents or partners or even children. It is our connection with God who is the ultimate source of LOVE. When we tune into God’s love for us, it sparks love for ourself and for others. God loves you unconditionally. He loves all your brokenness, your imperfections, your mistakes. He is there when everyone else is too busy to care. He is endlessly, infinitely showering love upon you with every breath you take and every step you make. Breathe into this love beyond measure and find solace. On today’s show the Psychic Angel Channelers will help you activate a new frequency of love by amping up your connection to the Divine. We are now taking live calls so if you have any questions about the channeling or about your life feel free to call in at 1-202-570-7057. And don’t forget to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Break

  • Broken Hearts

    22/02/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 10:00 AM ET Broken Hearts Sometimes we feel broken when our love life is in shambles. Some of you here signed up to heal your heart and it is not an easy task. A broken heart is the result of depending too much on another person for your own happiness. For as your heart begins to mend, you will begin to realize that love is not dependent on what someone else does or does not do. You are an eternal being of love. It is your nature. Take back your power, the key to mending your heart is loving yourself. When you love yourself fully and completely no one will ever break your heart again. Join the Psychic Angel Channelers as they share insights from the Angelic realm on mending a broken heart and loving yourself again. We are now taking live calls so if you have any questions about the channeling or about your life feel free to call in at 1-202-570-7057. And don’t forget to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom” where we post our favorite quotes from the show.

  • How to Magnetize Your Soul Mate to You

    08/02/2017 Duration: 54min

    Aired Tuesday, 7 February 2017, 10:00 AM ET Are you blissed out and in love? Or wandering alone in the dark? When we get right with ourself, everything else in our life tends to fall into place. Many people are worrying and waiting for the perfect partner to come along. They get frustrated, disappointed and afraid that they will be alone forever. The only way you will be alone forever is if you create it for yourself. Your vibration influences everything in your life. You do not have to be in love to be blissed out. The key to move from frustrated and fearful to blissed out and in love with life is finding something to love in your present circumstance. It’s as simple as that. Gratitude and blissed out about YOU magnetizes your soulmate to you. Join the Psychic Angel Channelers as they share Angelic tips and tricks on how to shift out of the pity party and magnetize true love into your life. We are now taking live calls so if you have any questions about the channeling or about your life feel free to call in

  • Celebrate Your Life

    01/02/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 31 January 2017, 10:00 AM ET How are you celebrating your life? Are you just going through the motions and getting things done or are you living on purpose? What are you looking forward to? In today’s show the Psychic Angel Channelers will show you how to create a purpose-filled life full of things to celebrate! We are now taking live calls so if you have any questions about the channeling or about your life feel free to call in at 1-202-570-7057. And don’t forget to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom” where we post our favorite quotes from the show.

  • Action Creates Awesome

    25/01/2017 Duration: 46min

    Aired Tuesday, 24 January 2017, 10:00 AM ET Last week we touched on inspired action vs goals. This week we will DELVE DEEPER into what is inspired action, how to know if it is inspired or if it is wishful thinking and how to get in the zone to receive inspired action. On today’s show the Psychic Angel Channelers will help you activate a new frequency where inspired action is the dominate driving force in your life. We are now taking live calls so if you have any questions about the channeling or about your life feel free to call in at 1-202-570-7057. And don’t forget to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom” where we post our favorite quotes from the show.

  • Divine Order

    18/01/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 17 January 2017, 10:00 AM ET Are you trying to force things to happen in your life? Do you get attached to wanting something so badly that you become obsessed with the outcome? Goals are good but inspired action is better! And as the Buddha says, “Attachments are the root of all suffering.” Join the Psychic Angel Channelers as they tap into the wisdom from the Angelic realm on how to allow Divine order to flow into your life instead of always trying to control everything. We are now taking live calls so if you have any questions about the channeling or about your life feel free to call in at 1-202-570-7057. And don’t forget to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom” where we post our favorite quotes from the show.

  • Shifting Stuck Energy

    11/01/2017 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 10 January 2017, 10:00 AM ET Do you have blocks to abundance and prosperity that are interfering with the quality of your life? We all have a Divine right to be abundant, it is not just for some, it is for ALL. Money is simply energy which comes through people not from people. When you embrace this simple truth it changes everything! Join the Psychic Angel Channelers as they share Angelic tips and tricks on how to shift stuck energy and reclaim your Divine right to be abundant and prosperous. We are now taking live calls so if you have any questions about the channeling or about your life feel free to call in at 1-202-570-7057. And don’t forget to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom” where we post our favorite quotes from the show.

  • The Deadly Strength of the Tongue

    28/12/2016 Duration: 55min

    Aired Tuesday, 27 December 2016, 10:00 AM ET Words often roll off our tongues without much thought. But in Proverbs 15:4, it states, “Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Gossip is like this, it can destroy another person with as much force as a knife to the heart. It is important to realize that our words hold power. When we speak ill of others, it’s like a double edged blade, for it hurts both the recipient and the speaker. Please join the Psychic Angel Channelers this week as they remind us about the power of our words, teaching us that we need to be responsible for what we allow our tongues to speak, especially with gossip. Be sure to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom” for any questions or comments as they engage with you during the commercials.

  • Social Media

    21/12/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 20 December 2016, 10:00 AM ET We are exposed to many forms of social media on a daily basis, from Facebook to Twitter, it’s everywhere! Things are written on an array of topics and can stir great emotions, both positive, as well as negative. Join the Psychic Angel Channelers today as they speak on the topic of using social media to help raise the vibration of others with love, kindness and respect. Not only will it help them, but you too will feel its effects! Be sure to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom” for any questions or comments as they engage with you during the commercials.

  • Healing Others With Alphabet Soup

    14/12/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 13 December 2016, 10:00 AM ET Remember when you were a child, how fun it was to make silly words from alphabet soup? Diligently searching for letters that fit just right to make the words you wanted? We may be grown up now, but we are still making a batch of “alphabet soup” on a daily basis for others. It’s up to you if this “soup” will be healing, or cause more sickness with the words you choose to create. Join the Psychic Angel Channelers for this week’s segment as they discuss how to create words that heal and support others. Be sure to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom” for any questions or comments as they engage with you during the commercials.

  • Training Your Inner Monologue

    07/12/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 6 December 2016, 10:00 AM ET Many of us are focused on keeping our physical bodies strong and healthy. We race to get our workouts and then spend time reading labels and preparing wholesome foods to nourish us. But what about our minds? What do we do to keep our thoughts healthy? Positive? How do we create these thoughts to allow nourishment for our bodies and souls? Today the Psychic Angel Channelers will be discussing the importance of creating a positive inner monologue, an inner voice that will help to raise your vibration, and the vibration of those with whom you interact. Be sure to join us on FB in the “Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom” for any questions or comments as they engage with you during the commercials.

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