Angel Talk Tuesday



Are you ready for this weeks energy forecast?Join us now on Angel Talk Tuesday as Julie Geigle and Susan Schueler allow Masters from beyond to speak directly through them sharing weekly ENERGY FORECASTS.Julie channels Archangel Metatron and the Pleiadians and Susan works with a collective conscious known as Jacob, Master Teachers from the Akasha.Combined they share a BEAUTIFUL ENERGY FORECAST that shines the light on where your attention is best spent right now. This information is sure to help you navigate the ups and downs of being human here on planet earth.Just being in this higher vibrational energy will help you awaken, expand and REMEMBER YOUR MAGNIFICENCE.Listen Live every Tuesday, 10AM ET, on


  • Journey of Joy

    20/01/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 10:00 AM ETMore people on this planet are now awakening or are awakened than not. You are past the tipping point, but many may have expected that awakening would bring an instant cease and desist of pain, fear and worry, only to be disappointed that it did not. Joy is a journey. As a human you did not come here to bypass, if you will, the emotional scale of discordance. Instead, you came here to charge through discordance and triumph. In that regard, the journey is so much sweeter when you get to the joy. It is the yin and yang of life and in the end there is not one experience that is better than the other. All of your experiences have simply unfolded for the evolution of your soul.

  • Happiness is a Choice

    13/01/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 12 January 2016, 10:00 AM ETFor some of you, your dominant human nature is one of skepticism and doubt. Happiness may be elusive and something that is fleeting at best. In today’s episode the spiritual channeled master teachers will help you to shift your perception, dissolve the shadows and teach you how to align with the frequency that will bring you the most fulfilling experiences. When you realize happiness is available to everyone and not just to people who have everything going for them, that’s when you become a true creator of your reality and step into your power to CHOOSE happiness in every moment of your day.

  • Love Your Life

    06/01/2016 Duration: 47min

    Aired Tuesday, 5 January 2016, 10:00 AM ETMake everyday a celebration. Don’t save the good china for holidays. Paint your nails red and LIVE out loud. Celebrations can be an everyday occurrence. Celebrate finishing the laundry, celebrate a great hair day, celebrate and love every moment of your life. It is a vibrational frequency that you are creating that will draw magic and miracles into every moment of your beautiful, wonderful life.

  • Rainbows, Lollipops & the New Earth Children

    30/12/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 29 December 2015, 10:00 AM ETThe New Earth Children play a pivotal role in the continued expansion and evolution of your planet. We invite you to take the time to “notice” if you will, to pay attention to these tiny humans. They are here to teach you many lessons of shifting your primary frequency out of doing and into being present here, now. So put away your mobile devices and tune into the beautiful song they are singing for they have truly come to HEAL the planet and healing the planet begins with YOU.

  • Fitting In

    23/12/2015 Duration: 48min

    Aired Tuesday, 22 December 2015, 10:00 AM ETSometimes no matter how much you may want to fit in you still have times you feel like an outsider within your own life. Feeling like an outsider is at an all-time high due to the ease of access to technology and social media. Sometimes seeing how much others are enjoying their life minute-by-minute, might make you feel even more like there is something wrong with you. Let’s explore how you can challenge your illusions and allow yourself to know you do fit into the world and are needed by others just the way you are.

  • Teenagers

    16/12/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 15 December 2015, 10:00 AM ETTeenagers – the roller coaster of transformation from child to adult. When to guide, when to let go, when to speak truth, when to be silent..? Listen today and discover how to maintain balance during this ride of your life!

  • The Dance of Boundaries

    09/12/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 8 December 2015, 10:00 AM ETWE ARE SPIRIT! WE ARE ONE… DO WE REALLY NEED BOUNDARIES? IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?On today’s show we will be looking at FAMILY, and specifically the topic of boundaries within the family unit. Many family systems struggle in the dance of boundaries. What is healthy? What is not? Are boundaries necessary? Are they even real in the sense that we are all connected through the energy of spirit?Tune into this episode to learn the dance of boundaries.

  • Finding Balance

    02/12/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 1 December 2015, 10:00 AM ETFor many of us the primary reason we experience stress and disease is because we do not know how to create a balance within our lives. Finding a way to balance out personal responsibilities along with creating the time to explore things that bring you joy is what we are here to discuss today. Balance doesn’t have to mean you are no longer available to help the important people within your life, but it does mean learning when saying no is the best option for you. So join us and learn ways to create a balanced life so you have the time and energy to share your gifts with yourself as well as your world.

  • Do Past Lives Affect Me Now?

    25/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 24 November 2015, 10:00 AM ETNOW is where your power lies not in thinking or worrying about past lives you have lived or not lived, but as many of you are so curious and feel as if there is something you need to understand we shall expand more on the subject of Past Lives. In this episode we will explore how past lives may be interfering with your career, romance or ability to love yourself and how to clear and release this interference. The most important thing your angels want you to know is that your power lies in the NOW not in going back and rehashing and reliving pain from childhood experiences or past lives. The new frequency allows you to clear all karma as you bathe yourself in the new transparency chakra.

  • Near Death Experiences

    18/11/2015 Duration: 46min

    Aired Tuesday, 17 November 2015, 10:00 AM ETNear death encounters serve three purposes. 1. They give people a second chance. As you have made the choice to leave this planet before your contract has expired you are given an opportunity to choose again before death becomes a permanent solution. 2. They give people a wake-up call. This is similar to a disease or a missed accident. If you are moving down a course in your life that is not aligned with your soul’s mission you may have placed a NDE in the mix to help your soul get back on track before it’s too late. 3. They give people an opportunity to jump start their psychic gifts. Near death experiences are becoming the new normal instead of an anomaly. Humans are able, at will, to purposely transport themselves into other dimensions and interact with other beings as they desire. Tune into this episode to learn more about psychic phenomena that occurs during a near death experience.

  • ET Encounters and More

    11/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 10:00 AM ETET’s are alive and well. There are many positive ET beings that exist that are helping planet earth evolve such as the Sirians, the Pleiadians, Ashtar Command and the Arcturians. They are all working to help our collective consciousness evolve. As a multidimensional being you have the ability to work with these ET’s and many of you currently are.You live on a planet of dark and light which exists within a Universe of dark and light beings, energies and entities. Just as there are nice people here on this planet there are also people that are not nice. This is a fact across time and space in all dimensions and factions across the universe. This is not anything to be afraid of. As a matter of fact, the more you are afraid of any lower energy the more power you give them. As with anything, fear feeds lower energies. Love dissolves them. We will not speak to the dark ET’s at this time but know that all ET’s are not the same.Are there really extra terrestrial beings out

  • Things that Go Bump in the Night

    04/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 3 November 2015, 10:00 AM ETYou live on a planet which has a VEIL. On the other side of the veil are beings, energies and entities, some good and some not so good. These energies can interact with you here through noise, electronics and telekinesis. In this episode you will learn how to identify malevolent vs. benevolent energies and how to help them. Some of you have been assigned the role of GATEKEEPER. As a gatekeeper you may experience many energies (almost as if you have a revolving door) who come to you seeking assistance. They may be confused and ready to cross into the light but need your help. A short meditation will be included that you can listen to again and again to clear, cleanse and release energies into the light that are stuck in the earthbound dimension.

  • Transparency as a New Chakra

    28/10/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 27 October 2015, 10:00 AM ETThe 13th DNA strand is now being activated amongst humans across the globe. As you begin to move into a higher frequency of consciousness the chakra paradigm is evolving into a gold sphere of light creating a transparency within the physical structure. In the past chakras were put into place to keep the body grounded and in a confined space of limitation because of the frequency level it was at. With the new energy, the body has evolved to a level of transparency and unlimited potential. In this episode you will learn what that means for you and how to best utilize your magnificence as a spiritual being within a physical structure.

  • You Are the Light

    21/10/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 20 October 2015, 10:00 AM ETWe are here today to remind you of the light that you are. You are who you have been looking for all along, there is no magic bullet or secret key. The time is here, the place is now and you are the star shining brightly restoring peace and harmony not only to your personal circle of influence but to the entire universe. As you embrace this truth, your whole world, your entire experience and perception of yourself will explode into a sparkling, shimmering, ray of infinite healing, light filled with an overflowing wellspring of love.

  • Balance & Surrender

    14/10/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 13 October 2015, 10:00 AM ETAs human beings you have an incessant need and desire to be constantly “doing.” You have a tendency to take on much more than your physical bodies are able to handle. It is due to this constant overwhelm that you often find yourselves in a place of dis-ease and disharmony. In today’s episode you will learn how to balance your life and surrender to the harmony of the Universe where everything is in Divine and perfect order, always.

  • Healthy, Happy & Whole

    07/10/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 6 October 2015, 10:00 AM ETIn this episode learn how to heal yourself with Vibrational Attunement. With this new energy that is moving through NOW it is possible to heal yourself, family and friends simply by tuning in to your soul’s blueprint of WELLNESS. When you do this it engages the RIPPLE effect and anyone connected to you experiences a sacred healing as well. It’s simple, it’s effective and best of all it’s FREE because it is inside of you. NO pills to take, no appointments to keep (except with yourself) and no running willy nilly trying to figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it. You simply attune to your SOUL’s WELLNESS and open your heart to receive. Come and learn how to open the connection to your soul’s blueprint of wellness and activate the healing you’ve been looking for.

  • Invoking Your Spirit Guide

    30/09/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 29 September 2015, 10:00 AM ETJoin the Psychic Angel Channelers as they cleanse, clear and renew your aura so that you can attune to a higher vibrational frequency to connect with your Spirit Guides. Guides move in and out of your life depending on the issue you are working on. They are here, like a coach, to assist you with something specific. Oftentimes you can invoke specific Spirit Guides to help you work through different life experiences. We will end our segment with a meditation to help you invoke a specific guide to assist you. Whether its love and relationships or financial abundance, connecting with your Spirit Guide can change your life!

  • Recognizing Your Soul Tribe

    22/09/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 22 September 2015, 10:00 AM ETJoin the Psychic Angel Channelers as they give you simple steps to find and recognize your soul tribe. Your Soul Family is that group of people you have an instant connection with. It’s often a warm feeling of coming home. We all come here to this planet with a tribe, but oftentimes it is interspersed with everyone else’s tribe. Join us Tuesday to learn how to call in your people and align with your very own tribe. When we do this a sense of ease comes in with a deep sense of connectedness and belonging which creates more harmony and joy in our life.

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