Angel Talk Tuesday

How to Magnetize Your Soul Mate to You



Aired Tuesday, 7 February 2017, 10:00 AM ET Are you blissed out and in love? Or wandering alone in the dark? When we get right with ourself, everything else in our life tends to fall into place. Many people are worrying and waiting for the perfect partner to come along. They get frustrated, disappointed and afraid that they will be alone forever. The only way you will be alone forever is if you create it for yourself. Your vibration influences everything in your life. You do not have to be in love to be blissed out. The key to move from frustrated and fearful to blissed out and in love with life is finding something to love in your present circumstance. It’s as simple as that. Gratitude and blissed out about YOU magnetizes your soulmate to you. Join the Psychic Angel Channelers as they share Angelic tips and tricks on how to shift out of the pity party and magnetize true love into your life. We are now taking live calls so if you have any questions about the channeling or about your life feel free to call in