Sunrise Community Church



Sunrise Community Church in the Cayman Islands. We publish our sermons weekly. Enjoy and drop by for a visit.


  • Asa & His Sin Rehab - II Chronicles 16

    29/08/2010 Duration: 42min

    Often times we believe or are duped into believing that the entire goal or aim of the Christian life is to NOT SIN. However, it would be a lot more productive for us to focus on how we respond to sin when we commit it -- as we can learn from the life of Asa.Through the example of this king who had 35 good years as Judah's monarch before failing to respond well to his sin, Pastor Ryan offers a few strategies for effective, godly Sin Rehabilitation.(* Please excuse some strange audio feedback at a couple points during the recording).

  • Religion vs. Reality: Sharing Your Story

    22/08/2010 Duration: 40min

    "They're all pretty much the same thing." Ever heard anyone say that about religion? We live in an age where religions -- their beliefs, customs, followers -- all blend together in the minds of so many. Even good religious talk can confuse a person & discourage interest.Your story of how God rescued you from a life of sin & a destiny of death presents a reality, gives flesh & bone to the truth of the gospel message -- where some may be left otherwise confused.Pastor Ryan walks us through the Apostle Paul's Story in Acts 26, and provides us with a helpful framework in how to organize & share it.

  • Sharing God's Gospel ...On Napkins

    15/08/2010 Duration: 38min

    Learn how to share the gospel on the most convenient & available paper source -- napkins.God's Gospel Message - II Corinthians 5:18-21.After some requests, Attached is a PDF file so you can now SEE God's Gospel on a Napkin.

  • Sharing God's Gospel - God's Perspective/My Perspective

    08/08/2010 Duration: 37min

    Continuing our mini-series from II Corinthians 5, we see in II Cor 5: 16-17, that our perspective of God changes how we perceive ourselves, which in turn alters how we perceive others & begin to relate the gospel to them. Pastor Ryan offers us, from God's Word, practical tips on how to take an eternal persepective and relate it to real people we encounter down here on earth.

  • Sharing God's Gospel - God's Motives/Our Motives

    01/08/2010 Duration: 41min

    The start of a sermon mini-series on sharing God's Gospel with others -- using His motives, His perspectives, and His methods as we see in II Corinthians 5.From II Corinthians 5: 11-15, Pastor Ryan explains that the most effective motives that will help us make walk across the room and open our mouths to share have very little to do with the person with whom we're sharing.

  • Lot - the drifter

    18/07/2010 Duration: 23min
  • Forgiveness

    18/07/2010 Duration: 30min
  • Luke 18: 15-17 - Little children: Our role models of Spiritual Reality

    27/06/2010 Duration: 32min

    Jesus loves little children. That's true. But in these verses we've often thought Jesus applauds little children & their faith because of their innocence...nothing could be further from the truth.This teaching from Jesus, instead, can lead us into lives of contented, bold dependence that God the Father greatly delights in.

  • Luke 18: 9-14 - I thought Jesus wants me to have a healthy Self-Esteem

    20/06/2010 Duration: 35min

    A True Father's Day Sermon about Man's Best Friend -- Not Fido but rather his true best friend: Pride. When you find yourself in a dogfight with your pride how are you going to fight it? A better question, however, is WHO is going to fight it?

  • Luke 18: 1-8 - Strange Bedfellows: Prayer & Raging Rebellion

    13/06/2010 Duration: 35min

    Pastor Ryan contends that one of the hardest things to do in the Christian life (PRAY) can be best achieved through one of the more natural things to do in life (REBEL).

  • Luke 17: 20-37 - A Surprising Kingdom, A Surprising Glory

    06/06/2010 Duration: 44min

    This King currently reigns through a most unusual, undignified sign -- and this brilliant strategy brings Him maximum glory.How can you be a part of this Kingdom?How is God calling you to participate in His glory?

  • Luke 17: 11-19 - Fighting a "Can I/Can't I" Faith

    30/05/2010 Duration: 37min

    There is such thing as a wrong question and it may just reveal how one still doesn't 'get it' when making decisions in light of their relationship with the Lord.Learn how to fight against a "Can I/Can't I" faith and fight for a passionate faith that finds greater and more lasting pleasures in Jesus.

  • Luke 17:7-10 - THE Reason to Carry On

    24/05/2010 Duration: 38min

    In Luke 17: 7-10 - Jesus gives two portraits: The Portrait of a Servant with whom God is pleased and the Portrait of the Human Condition -- namely, how difficult we find it to persevere. The latter portrait makes achieving the former pretty darn difficult.Everyone needs a reason to carry on & persevere in serving the Lord. In this sermon, we learn the reason for carrying on.

  • Luke 17: 1-6 - Watch Yourself!

    16/05/2010 Duration: 42min

    When it comes to helping others not fall into temptation & how we respond when people sin against us, Jesus says: "Pay attention to yourself!"But most of us want a vacation from constantly paying attention to ourselves & our performance. So how do we follow Jesus command?Pastor Ryan shares a crucial key that helps us pay attention to our livess and give us the rest we need.

  • Luke 16: 19-31 - I thought God is what's the Deal with Hell?

    09/05/2010 Duration: 37min

    Jesus tells 40 parables, 2/3 of which have Hell and/or Divine Judgment as their focus.Pastor Ryan makes a case that the goodness of God is so great that we can see it reflected even in His establishment of Hell. He gives 3 reasons why the existence of Hell, as long as you're not in it, can be good & helpful. As crazy as all that might sound....

  • Luke 16: 13-18 - Jesus: Not patient about some things

    02/05/2010 Duration: 39min

    I thought Jesus is patient with people to get on board.Jesus' authority calls for an urgent response. An urgent response to His kingdom and an urgent response in sharing the good news of His Kingdom. The key strategy to all this may lie in the example of 007.

  • Luke 16:1-13 - I Thought Jesus always wanted us to be straightforward

    25/04/2010 Duration: 39min

    The common perception: I thought Jesus always wanted me to be simple & straightforward with other people. Turns out that Jesus doesn't always approve of the Knight in Shining Armors nor does he always condemn the used-car salesman. Somewhere in between there's a Robin Hood type he appreciates -- especially when that person aims to use their resources to make gospel connections with others.

  • Luke 15: 25-32 - Elder brothers & Jesus

    18/04/2010 Duration: 41min

    There are two ways to get pleasure in life -- getting by going and getting by giving. The latter is far more dangerous because it is the better counterfeit & it is the predicament of the elder son in this parable. Do you approach your relationship with God like an elder son? How can you tell? What can you do about it? These questions are addressed by Pastor R in this sermon on Luke 15: 25-32.

  • Luke 15:11-32 - Taking me back: What's the Catch?

    11/04/2010 Duration: 42min

    I thought God expected something in return for taking me back. Jesus challenges this notion through our first look at the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

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