Sunrise Community Church



Sunrise Community Church in the Cayman Islands. We publish our sermons weekly. Enjoy and drop by for a visit.


  • Don't be an atheist because of the Resurrection

    04/04/2010 Duration: 39min

    The Easter Sermon encourages loving God with our minds by considering the evidence for and the skepical challenges against the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Luke 15:1-10 - You & God: A two-way street?

    28/03/2010 Duration: 39min

    This week's popular idea about Jesus & His teachings: I thought a relationship with God was a two-way street.

  • Luke 14: 25-35 - A Leap of Faith?

    21/03/2010 Duration: 43min

    The first sermon in our new series, "The Overlooked Jesus: Luke 15-18." The Usually Rare, Often Overlooked, & Regularly Surprising Teachings of Jesus Christ. Each week we'll look at how Jesus takes commonly-held perceptions of God and turns them upside-down. This week: I thought Jesus wanted me to take a Leap of Faith - Luke 14: 25-35.

  • Salvation for Dummies

    07/03/2010 Duration: 23min

    Guest Speaker Karl Nyssonen lays out the pure gospel in a straightfoward manner.

  • The Worship Sermon

    28/02/2010 Duration: 35min

    Focusing on the themes of 'gain' & 'loss' in Phillipians, we examine the two biggest problems when it comes to the phenomenon of Sunday Worship -- Getting caught up in performance & getting caught up in the worship styles. Its a simple look at what the Bible says about worship and what changed from the Old Testament to the New.

  • The Church: What's it all for?

    21/02/2010 Duration: 37min

    Ephesians 4: 7-16. In this passage, the Apostle Paul suggests that the church & using spiritual gifts in it has a far grander goal than just being a unified body -- there is an opportunity to give a taste of something more lasting & eternal.

  • The Church: E Pluribus (merita) Unum

    14/02/2010 Duration: 37min

    Ephesians 4: 7-13. Pastor Ryan investigates why we spend our lives going back and forth between wanting to be unique and wanting to get in line to belong to something greater. The key is found in being given and using one's spiritual gifts to serve the church.

  • Q & A on Spiritual Gifts (7 min.)

    14/02/2010 Duration: 06min

    Folks texted in their questions about Spiritual Gifts for Pastor Ryan to respond to after his sermon.

  • Church: What's the AND in you and i ?

    07/02/2010 Duration: 41min

    Ephesians 4: 1-6. Pastor Ryan explores the following questions: What is the goal of a church? What is the glue that binds relationships in a church together? How do we maintain our strongest bond for the sake of unity?

  • The Pastors Plural

    31/01/2010 Duration: 45min

    Acts 20: 28-31. Pastor Ryan discusses the role that the pastor-elder team plays in the life of the local church.

  • The Pastor: Part II

    24/01/2010 Duration: 42min

    Acts 20: 17-38. Part II in detailing a pastor's job description. This week: The Pastor as a Trumpet, an Appraiser, and an Executor. Pastor Ryan then addresses our need to consider how our beliefs fuel what we value and then how we live our lives.

  • The Pastor: Part I

    17/01/2010 Duration: 47min

    The first in this new series: "The Church & its Pastor." Pastor Ryan shares a good bit about his encounter with the church before turning our attention to Acts 20: 17-38 & talking about a pastor's job description. **Due to some technical difficulties, the audio is cut short.

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