Reasonable Doubts Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 32:50:46
  • More information



Reasonable Doubts takes an informative and humorous look at religion from a freethinking perspective; offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, agnostics, humanists, courageous religious believers looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions. In addition to interviewing the top minds in skepticism (former guests include Christopher Hitchens, Susan Jacoby, Paul Kurtz, Edward Tabash, DJ Grothe) RD offers regular segments on counter-apologetics, biblical criticism, creationism intelligent design and church state issues. RD also examines the psychology of religion, reviewing recent and exciting research you won't hear about anywhere else. Tune in for a hard-hitting critique of religion balanced by plenty of humor, a fair-minded attitude and a commitment to critical thinking. Check out our website at for information, episode links or to email questions, comments and challenges. Reasonable Doubts...for those who won't just take things on faith.


  • rd13 Hitchens Vs. Hitchens


    In addition to sharing DNA, both Christopher and Peter Hitches posses a passion for ideas, eloquence of speech and razor-sharp wit. But this is where the similarities end. Christopher Hitchens, author of "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" is an outspoken Atheist and defender of the Iraq War. His brother Peter is a devout Anglican Christian and anti-war journalist. After a recent reconciliation the two met for their first (and possibly last) public debate in nearly a decade. The result was a fantastic debate on God and war that left a bewildered audience wondering who to cheer for. With the help of the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies & Center For Inquiry Michigan, Reasonable Doubts was able to seize a rare opportunity to interview both Hitchens brothers together in the peaceful moments just before things got ugly. Also be sure to check out for video and pictures from the Hitchens vs. Hitchens debate and to hear more great interviews with todays top skeptical minds

  • rd12 Stupid Americans with guest Susan Jacoby


    How is it, that in an age of unprecedented access to information, ignorance and anti-reason could be so widespread in American society? Susan Jacoby author of Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism joins us to discuss her latest book, the Age of American Unreason. During the "golden age of American freethought" the great agnostic Robert Ingersoll could argue for religious skepticism before huge and ideologically diverse audiences. But in a world where video culture has replaced print culture, where sound-bytes and 24 hour infotainment have replaced thoughtful dialogue, Americans are able to isolate themselves from other viewpoints that might challenge their own. Can freethinkers learn anything from their own intellectual heritage, that will aid them in combating unreason today? Also: Buddhist violence, another installment of God Thinks Like You, listener e-mails and a totally psychedelic Stranger Than Fiction. Check out the Reasonable Doubts Podcast group on or for a

  • rd11 Bizarro World

    13/03/2008 Duration: 01h08min

    What if an alternate universe exists parallel to our own-a horrific bizarro universe where all defenders of reason and skepticism are transformed into religious apologists? On this episode the apostles of doubt get a small taste of what such a world would be like as they confront their own internet doppelganger--the Reasonable Faith podcast. Apologist William Lang Craig heads this apologetics podcast, where he advances his favorite arguments for the existence of God. Luke, Jeremy, and Fletch are unconvinced and spend the show taking on Craig's arguments. But can skeptics breath a sigh of relief trusting that our hero's have once again made the world safe for freethought? Rd's journey into the depths of this alternate universe takes a nightmarish turn as they confront the bizarro version of their favorite skeptic in the extended comic short "LOGOS" with Reverend Carl Sagan. Also this month: Look for Reasonable Doubts: SKEPTICS GONE WILD, a special "spring break" episode available exclusively to members of th

  • rd10 Islam, Science and Modernity Part Two with guest Taner Edis


    Join us as we conclude our interview with Taner Edis, author of "An Illusion of Harmony: Science and Religion in Islam." Muslim immigrant communities continue to grow throughout Europe and in some cases they continue to grow more isolated and hostile towards western secular values . Are the teachings of Islam to blame? Or do socioeconomic factors provide a better explanation? And how should concerned skeptics respond? Difficult questions seldom yield to simple answers, and even freethinkers need to be on their guard for those who would offer superficial rhetoric over real understanding. Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions.

  • rd09 Islam, Science and Modernity Part One with Guest Taner Edis


    Taner Edis, author of "An Illusion of Harmony: Science and Religion in Islam" joins us on the show to discuss the rise of Islamic pseudoscience in the Muslim world, in this first installment of a two part series. We explore why a growing number of Muslims believe the Qur'an prefigures many scientific discoveries of today, and what this reveals about Muslim attitudes towards science and modernity in general. Also featured: Where to get premium bottled holy water for believers who live an active lifestyle (sadly that’s not a joke). And Dave geeks out on his blasphemous music playlist. Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions.

  • rd08 God Thinks Like You


    Why do people believe? Why do they doubt? What can psychological research tell us about religious belief? And can it tell us anything about non-believers and skepticism? For this episode the RD crew draws upon one of its greatest resources...our co-host Luke Galen, Associate Professor of Psychology at Grand Valley State University. Luke shares with us some of the research that he is conducting on the psychology of religion. Also featured: RD responds to a challengers e-mail and a new segment "stranger than fiction." Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions.

  • rd07 The Gospel Of Doubt with guest DJ Grothe


    Religious apologists are fond of sharing "testimonies"; emotional stories of the life changing experiences often associated with religious conversion. But what happens when a person looses faith? DJ Grothe (associate editor of Free Inquiry Magazine, host of the Point of Inquiry as well as Vice President and Director of Outreach Programs for the Center For Inquiry)joins us on the show to share his personal "de-conversion" story. Jeremy and Dave also comment on the joys and frustrations of leaving the faith, while Luke shares some illuminating research comparing the psychology of skeptics verses the religious when confronted with life's difficult moments. Also featured is a brief "History of Reasonable Doubts" in the form of an old time radio short. Please spread the word about Reasonable Doubts: your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions.

  • rd06 Peace On Earth with guest Paul Kurtz


    Celebrate the holiday with humanist pioneer, Dr. Paul Kurtz as he joins us in the studio for an inspiring interview. Paul Kurtz is, in many ways, the founder of the Secular Humanist movement and has had an impact on nearly every aspect of modern skepticism. He is the author of the Humanist Manifesto II, founder and chair of the Council for Secular Humanism, the Center for Inquiry, Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (formerly CSICOP) and editor of Prometheus Books. For this special Christmas episode Kurtz shares with us his vision of peace on earth. He envisions a new enlightenment where the recognition that human beings are all members one species, with equal dignity and value, serves as the foundation for creating a planetary ethic. Also in this episode join us for Skeptics Sunday School where we will examine the Christmas narrative and belief in the virgin birth of Jesus. Finally we offer some gift ideas for freethinkers this holiday season. Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and

  • rd05 Separation On State Street with guest Rob St. Marry


    Does your grandmother run a dungeon? Independent film maker Rob St. Marry joins us in the studio to discuss his new documentary The Separation on State Street. His film follows the story of Anonka owner of a new age gift shop and "Witch Museum" in a small conservative Michigan town. Anonka's shop met with protests and boycotts from the beginning. But "all hell broke loose" when she challenged the cities decision to have a nativity scene placed on the court lawn. Soon afterwards Anonka and her family had to endure violence, death threats and intimidation at the hands of their "Christian" neighbors. Rob St. Marry shares the fascinating story, much of which he was personally an eye-witness to. Also featured: the Dali Lammas controversial statement about his future successor, Scholars of Religion take on the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and the latest development in stem-cell research that has the Religious right (prematurely) saying "I told you so!"Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news a

  • rd04 Theocracy with guest Eddie Tabash


    Join us for a discussion with Eddie Tabash current chair of the national legal committee of Americans United for separation of Church and State as well as the Council for Secular Humanism's First Amendment Task Force. In addition to his better known role as an official campaign speaker and debater for numerous presidential candidates (including Bill Clinton & Jimmy Carter) Tabash is also a professional counter-apologist having debated such world famous Christian philosophers as: Peter van Inwagen, Greg Bahnsen, William Lane Craig and Richard Swinburne on the existence of God. In an extended interview, Tabash discusses a wide-range of topics: from disarming the arguments of Christian philosophers to the "unholy alliance" between the religious right and the postmodern academic left. The show concludes with a disturbing glimpse at the difference just one Supreme Court justice could make for American secularists...and the very real possibility that we may be on the verge of a theocratic America. Please spread the

  • rd03 Skeptics Sunday School


    Our third episode features a look at the religeous rights frustration over the new republican canidates as well as a counter-apologetics segment that debunks the "science" behind the Family Research Institutes attacks on homosexual parents. Also featured is a new segment: The Skeptics Sunday School. On the Skeptics Sunday school we draw upon biblical criticism, archeology, and comparative mythology (and the bible itself) to illuminate bible stories and doctrines. This is stuff you wouldn't ever hear in church, yet it is common knowledge amongst reputable biblical scholars. In this segment we take a look at some intriguing passages from the Hebrew Bible referring to child sacrifice...and ask the question did the ancient Israelites actually preform the "detestable" practice that their scriptures so passionately argue against? Please spread the word about Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challen

  • rd02 Doubt On Campus with guest Lauren Becker


    Our second episode features an interview with CFI On Campus organizer and Point of Inquiry editorialist Lauren Becker. Lauren shares the story of her transformation from park ranger and education enthusiast to secular activist and organizer. She also tells us about the challenges facing non-religious students on college campuses nationwide. She explains the mission of CFI On Campus, their strategy to promote critical thinking and challenge religious dogmas, and how anyone can help promote free inquiry at their local campus. Also featured in the second episode is a humorous look at evangelists trying to save digital souls in the web-based virtual world "Second Life" and a counter-apologetics segment responding to the charge that atheists have no foundation for morality. Please spread the word about Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions.

  • rd01 Anti-Evolution After Dover with guest Wesley Elsberry

    19/10/2007 Duration: 54min

    Episode 1 Features an interview with Dr. Wesley Elsberry, former Information Project Director for the National Center for Science Education who is currently a Visiting Research Associate at Michigan State University, where he works with Robert Pennock studying the evolution of intelligence through computer simulations. His enlightening discussion focuses on the state of "Anti-evolution after Dover"--how creationists have been adapting their arguments after the devastating legal blow they received during the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial in late 2005. Please spread the word about Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions.

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