Reasonable Doubts Podcast

rd11 Bizarro World



What if an alternate universe exists parallel to our own-a horrific bizarro universe where all defenders of reason and skepticism are transformed into religious apologists? On this episode the apostles of doubt get a small taste of what such a world would be like as they confront their own internet doppelganger--the Reasonable Faith podcast. Apologist William Lang Craig heads this apologetics podcast, where he advances his favorite arguments for the existence of God. Luke, Jeremy, and Fletch are unconvinced and spend the show taking on Craig's arguments. But can skeptics breath a sigh of relief trusting that our hero's have once again made the world safe for freethought? Rd's journey into the depths of this alternate universe takes a nightmarish turn as they confront the bizarro version of their favorite skeptic in the extended comic short "LOGOS" with Reverend Carl Sagan. Also this month: Look for Reasonable Doubts: SKEPTICS GONE WILD, a special "spring break" episode available exclusively to members of th