Reasonable Doubts Podcast

rd03 Skeptics Sunday School



Our third episode features a look at the religeous rights frustration over the new republican canidates as well as a counter-apologetics segment that debunks the "science" behind the Family Research Institutes attacks on homosexual parents. Also featured is a new segment: The Skeptics Sunday School. On the Skeptics Sunday school we draw upon biblical criticism, archeology, and comparative mythology (and the bible itself) to illuminate bible stories and doctrines. This is stuff you wouldn't ever hear in church, yet it is common knowledge amongst reputable biblical scholars. In this segment we take a look at some intriguing passages from the Hebrew Bible referring to child sacrifice...and ask the question did the ancient Israelites actually preform the "detestable" practice that their scriptures so passionately argue against? Please spread the word about Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challen