Morning Manna

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 104:01:53
  • More information



Morning Manna is a Monday - Friday devotional podcast. Our goal to to help you get a fresh start to your day.


  • For Such A Time As This

    09/09/2021 Duration: 05min

    Scary times we're living in... right? But did you know that God knew all we would be facing in this times. He has a plan for us just like he did for Esther. In spite of our fears... in spite of the uncertainty in this times... let's trust that God already has a plan for us as to how we can make a difference.


    08/09/2021 Duration: 06min

    HKPPH is an acronym for a part of my morning prayer routine. It my request for God help to me for being Humble, Kind, Patient, Pure and Holy. Maybe you should add this to your start the day prayer.

  • Be Ready

    07/09/2021 Duration: 06min

    Are you ready? God's got work for you and I to do today. Let's get ready from 1 Peter 3:13-17. Let's be excited for how God will use us today.

  • Monday Mission

    06/09/2021 Duration: 07min

    Are you ready for another week? Here's your Monday Mission! Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. - Hebrews 12:1-3

  • Rerouting

    03/09/2021 Duration: 05min

    As an Uber/Lyft driver, GPS is critical to my mission of picking up and dropping off my passengers. At times there will be a road closure or an accident and my map will reroute me so I can complete the ride. Where would we be without GPS. Remember those huge Rand McNally map books? Thank God that His Word helps us to reroute our lives when we're heading in the wrong direction.

  • Easy Preachin' - Hard Livin'

    02/09/2021 Duration: 07min

    Life is certainly challening and especially what we've been facing the past couple of years. What keeps us from going crazy and off the rails? What keeps us balanced, focused and on mission? In today's episode I'll share from Romans 12 and be ready... because this truth is what I call, "Easy Preachin'- Hard Livin'."

  • Our Heritage

    01/09/2021 Duration: 06min

    I'm so blessed and encouraged by Isaiah 54:16-18. It speaks truth to the heritage that we have and defeats the fear that we may be feeling. God's got this! Let's live out our heritage in these last days.

  • Be There

    31/08/2021 Duration: 05min

    Our minds can travel far and obsess with things we can't control. The sad thing about that is that it makes it difficult for us to be in the present... connected with the people and experiences around. So Be There... in those precious moments. Be 100% there, listening, loving and responding.

  • Word Up

    30/08/2021 Duration: 07min

    There is so much power and help in God's Word, but is it a priority in your life. Do you seek His Word everyday or is it just like brushing your teeth or making you bed? I love what Isaiah 55:11 says; "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Give His Word first place in your life today!

  • The Shepherd

    27/08/2021 Duration: 07min

    May you be encouraged and comforted today by the simple reading of Psalm 23. Listen to it personally and in the context of our live today. Have a blessed day and a Jesus filled weekend.

  • Everything

    26/08/2021 Duration: 06min

    Do you have everything you want... everything you desire? No, none of us do but we do have everything we need for life and godliness. That's the message of 1 Peter 1:3 - "His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness." Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna.

  • Day by Day

    25/08/2021 Duration: 05min

    Life is so daily. I know it's important to plan and set goals but it's the daily practices and disciplines that carry us forward. That's why I love today's verse of the day on the YouVersion app - Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16. Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna.

  • Occurrences

    24/08/2021 Duration: 04min

    One of my favorite saying that I heard as a young man was... "Did it ever occur to you that nothing occurs to God?" We might be surprised or taken back but God never is. He is the omnipresent and omnicient God and He always has a plan long before the occurrence.

  • Busy

    23/08/2021 Duration: 06min

    In a message preached by Pastor Craig Groeschel of Lifechurch, titled "When You're Too Busy For What Matters," he said this... "The greatest enemy to the life you want may be the life that you’re living." Let's talk about this on today's Morning Manna.

  • A Song of Praise

    20/08/2021 Duration: 07min

    In today's episode I read from Isaiah 26 which is a Song of Praise. This was a song of worship during some of the most challenging times for Israel. May it's words bring comfort and courage to you today.

  • Pure Religion

    19/08/2021 Duration: 06min

    I love verses that capsulize and summarize clearly our primary focus and vision. Such a verse is James 1:27 - Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their adversity and to keep oneself unstained by the world. Maybe this could be your focus today.

  • Small Batch

    18/08/2021 Duration: 06min

    Our God is certainly a BIG God but he also uses small things. You may not think that you have much to offer in His Kingdom but God loves to use small things to accomplish His plan and purpose. Let Him use even the little things in your life today.

  • Psalm 91

    17/08/2021 Duration: 09min

    There are so many things that can overwhelm us today. The list is too long to mention in this description. In today's episode I want to draw us to God in the midst of all the chaos and read over you Psalm 91. Let's press in to our Father's presence and comfort today.

  • Monday Morning Praise

    16/08/2021 Duration: 06min

    In today's episode I share a reading of Psalm 30. Let's start our week with this focus and expectation. Joy comes in the morning!

  • The Gift of Snacks

    13/08/2021 Duration: 05min

    Ok... I've got another ride story to share with you from yesterday. It's a powerful story that God used to remind me of one of our primary purposes of life... to focus on giving and not getting. Are you ready?

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