Gracepointe Church - Franklin, Tn

Gentile Pentecost | Pentecost Series



The Holy Spirit is not something we can control or fit inside neat boundaries. Instead, the spirit calls us to move beyond fear and exclusion and commit to continually reimagining our faith. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott examines the “Gentile Pentecost” story in Acts 10. He draws parallels between this story and other moments in scripture where we see people’s views of God challenged, and he reminds us that our job is not to get in the way of other people’s belonging.  Episode Recap: Pentecost shows us that the spirit can’t be contained or controlled (0:10) In Acts 10 we see how the Holy Spirit came to the Gentiles (1:47) Peter’s story mirrors the story of Jonah (6:57) The presence of the spirit in Cornelius challenged Peter’s view of God (9:49) Acts shows us we’re not meant to stand in the way of anyone’s belonging (13:36) The spirit calls us beyond fear and into curiosity (21:40) The spirit calls us beyond exclusionary boundaries and into radically inclusive hospitality (22:22) The spirit ca