Guided Expressions Podcast



Welcome to the Guided Expressions Podcast podcast, where I discuss taking on the mindset of success


  • Playbook Radio #148 - Writing New Mental Programs

    24/05/2024 Duration: 10min

    Feeling Stuck? Reprogram Your Mind for Success on Playbook Radio This episode of Playbook Radio with Martin Williams is all about taking control of your thoughts and achieving your goals. Martin argues that our minds run on programs, and just like a computer with outdated software, our minds might be holding us back. He emphasizes the importance of  rewriting these programs to achieve the results we desire. In the episode, you'll learn: Why our mindset plays a crucial role in success How to identify and change limiting beliefs Practical methods for reprogramming your mind, including affirmations and audio tools Ready to stop spinning your wheels and achieve your full potential? Tune in and learn how to reprogram your mind for success! Don't forget to subscribe to Playbook Radio!

  • Playbook Radio #147 - Daily Mindset Work

    21/05/2024 Duration: 08min

    Playbook Radio: Daily Mindset Work for Peak Performance Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut? On Playbook Radio, host Martin Williams discusses the importance of daily mindset work for achieving your goals and reaching your full potential. In this episode, Martin dives into: Why mindset work is like brushing your teeth (you gotta do it every day!) How to take control and program your mind for success Powerful techniques for daily mindset work, including writing out goals and affirmations How to avoid the trap of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs Martin breaks down complex concepts into actionable steps, making Playbook Radio a valuable resource for anyone looking to take their life to the next level. Ready to finally achieve your goals? Tune in today! For more information and resources, visit

  • Playbook Radio #146: TWA (Thoughts, Words and Actions)

    13/05/2024 Duration: 17min

    Playbook Radio #146 : Master Your Reality: How Thoughts, Words, and Actions Shape Your World In this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams discusses the power of TWA: Thoughts, Words, and Actions. Drawing on personal anecdotes, Martin explains how he used this framework to achieve his goals, from landing a dream job to going back to school. He compares changing your life to traveling to a new country. Just like you wouldn't speak English in Argentina, you need to adjust your thoughts, words, and actions to align with the reality you desire. Martin dives into specific strategies: Speak the language of your desired reality: Instead of saying "I wish I had a better job," talk as if you already have it. Take actions that reflect your new reality: Print directions to your dream job or visualize yourself living in your new house. Embrace the energy of your goals: Feel the emotions of what it would be like to achieve your desires. Martin argues that by consistently applying TWA, you can attr

  • Playbook Radio #145 - Don't Say Dumb Stuff

    23/04/2024 Duration: 07min

    One of the best and most important strategies for mental warfare is guarding your self-talk. When things start going south, the temptation and natural reaction is to start saying things like, I'm a screw up", "I'm in over my head," and I give up. And all words like that do is take you out of the game before it starts. I talk about it on today's podcast. Ready to take your mental game to the next level? Schedule a free consultation with me.

  • Playbook Radio #144 - Eliminate the Options

    20/04/2024 Duration: 07min

    Welcome to Playback Radio! I'm Martin Williams, and in this episode, we'll be discussing Eliminating Options Playbook Principle Number Four: Make a Decision. We'll be exploring how making a decision can open up paths and remove obstacles in achieving our goals. We'll also discuss how too many options can hinder decision-making and offer some helpful tips on how to eliminate options and streamline our choices. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube, and check out our website at for more great content. Thanks for tuning in!

  • Playbook Radio #143 - Think, Say and Do the Same Thing

    07/04/2024 Duration: 22min

    Do you ever feel like you're all over the place when it comes to achieving your goals? In this episode of Playbook Radio, we discuss the power of consistency for peak performance. You'll learn the three key principles to develop unwavering belief in yourself and achieve lasting success: Think the Same Thing: Program your mind for success by consistently visualizing your goals and the positive emotions you'll experience when you achieve them. Say the Same Thing: Send powerful messages to your subconscious mind through affirmations to solidify your belief in your desired outcome. Do the Same Thing: Develop consistent habits and routines that move you closer to your goals every single day, rain or shine. By implementing these principles, you'll be well on your way to achieving consistent results and building a predictable, successful life. This episode is for you if: You struggle with inconsistent motivation and follow-through. You want to learn how to develop unwavering belief in your

  • Playbook Radio #142 - Quitting Too Soon

    27/03/2024 Duration: 09min

    Welcome to Playbook Radio, where we cover everything from entrepreneurship to sports and everything in between. In this episode, Martin Williams talks about the importance of not quitting too soon. He shares his experience of recording a podcast and losing the first part of it, emphasizing the importance of persistence and long-term outlook. Martin also discusses the Sprint to Freedom community he created for people who are looking to start their own business while working full-time. He highlights the power of habit and muscle memory and how they can help entrepreneurs to stay focused and keep executing, even when nothing seems to be happening. Martin draws a parallel between football and entrepreneurship and emphasizes the need for consistent, almost daily practice for 10 years to get a shot at making it to the top of the field. Join us for this inspiring and insightful episode of Playbook Radio, and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to this podcast on Apple, podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. Al

  • Playbook Radio #141 - The Five Guys Philosophy

    14/03/2024 Duration: 14min

    When you start your business, the key is to keep it simple. If you have a million options and ideas, it's critical that you narrow them down to a handful of things to test and try. Ready to start your sprint to freedom? Sign up for my free Facebook group!!

  • Playbook Radio #140 - The 90 Day Rule

    13/03/2024 Duration: 12min

    Most corporations had a 90-day policy where you didn't get your benefits unless you were on the job for 90 days. If you're starting in business, the temptation is to quit when you're not seeing results. What if you instituted a 90-day rule not to try anything else until 3 months have passed? I talk about it in today's podcast.

  • Playbook Radio #139: Develop a Daily Routine for Your Side Business

    11/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    Playbook Radio: Building Your Side Hustle Routine (Even with a Full-Time Job) Feeling burnt out after work and neglecting your side business? This episode of Playbook Radio is for you! Mental performance coach Martin Williams discusses the importance of mindset and routines over fleeting motivation when building a business alongside a full-time job. In this episode, you'll learn: Why routines are more important than motivation for long-term success. How to create a simple 5-point routine to manage your side hustle. The connection between routines, predictability, and confidence in business. Martin also shares: The benefits of creating order in your business (even if you're not making money yet). How routines can help you build trust with potential customers. Ready to take action? Sign up to my free Facebook Group for side hustlers looking to go Full Time Listen now and take control of your side hustle journey! Don't forget to subscribe to Playbook Radio on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, You

  • Playbook Radio #138 - You have enough time to start building a second income

    29/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    Some people have told themselves that they don't have enough time to build a second income. Most people do have enough time if they understand this principle; most people have 72 hours a week to use as they see fit. And investing a portion of that time can pay off big in the long run. If you're ready to start your sprint to freedom toward full time entrepreneurship, join my free Facebook group here subscribe to my substack here

  • Playbook Radio #137 - Start Moving toward Your Dream

    28/02/2024 Duration: 11min

    I went old school with no intro, just some thoughts on chasing your passion

  • Playbook Radio #136 - Overconfidence is better than Underconfidence

    26/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    In this podcast, we'll explore the importance of confidence in achieving success. We'll discuss how lack of confidence can hold you back and how it's better to be overconfident than not confident enough. We'll also provide practical tips on how to build and maintain your confidence bank account, so you can take that first step towards achieving your goals. Join us for an inspiring and empowering conversation on the power of confidence. Subscribe to my blog here:

  • Playbook Radio #135 - Mental Skills to Overcome Stuckness

    11/02/2024 Duration: 36min

    Welcome to the Playbook Strategies podcast, hosted by Martin Williams. In this weekly training series, Martin shares his insights and expertise on how to overcome feeling stuck in various aspects of life, including finances, career, relationships, and health. By reframing what it means to be stuck and creating a framework for moving forward, Martin helps listeners achieve their goals and avoid getting stuck again in the future. Join Martin as he shares practical tips and strategies for personal and professional growth. Visit for more information.

  • Playbook Radio #134 - AFC Championship Review as a Mindset Coach

    31/01/2024 Duration: 06min

    I recently watched the AFC Championship Game and had some interesting observations as it relates to mental skills and minsdet

  • Playbook Radio #133 - How Overthinking can Wreck your Life

    24/01/2024 Duration: 13min

    I've struggled with overthinking for years, but I've figured out some things and would love to share them with you. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube

  • Playbook Radio #132 - Start Game-Planning

    11/01/2024 Duration: 05min

    Welcome to Playbook Radio with your host, Martin Williams. In this episode, Martin delves into the crucial concept of game planning, drawing parallels between the meticulous planning of NFL coaches and how it can be applied to our daily lives.

  • Playbook Radio #131: Visualize Exactly What You Want

    10/01/2024 Duration: 08min

    In this episode, I talk about the importance of visualizing exactly what you want in your life. Go to to learn more Ready to start your side business? join my free Facebook group for the Sprint to Freedom!

  • Playbook Radio #130 - Make This The Year

    03/01/2024 Duration: 05min

    Feeling stuck in the same old rut? Year after year, same goals, same struggles? Join Martin Williams, your host on Playbook Radio, as he throws out the rulebook for 2024! This year, we're ditching the stale routines and chasing breakthroughs. Whether it's starting your dream business, landing that career leap, or finally crushing your fitness goals, this is your year to make it happen. Martin shares his personal journey and three key pillars to propel you forward: Shake Up the Approach: Ditch the dead-end routines and embrace new strategies. Think out of the box, tweak your methods, and watch your results ignite! Get Tough, Get Gritty: Self-love is awesome, but accountability is key. Push beyond comfort zones, hire a coach, set higher standards – whatever it takes to light a fire under your butt. Never Stop Climbing: Good days, bad days, no days off. Keep pushing, keep grinding, keep going. Remember Kobe's words: "Rest at the end, not the middle." Reach your ultimate goal, no matt

  • Playbook Radio #129: Order Your Thoughts

    20/12/2023 Duration: 09min

    Order Your Thoughts  Maintain Your Cool During the Holidays: Order Your Thoughts for Peace and Harmony Key Takeaways: The power of ordered thoughts: During chaotic holidays, your mind can mirror the external environment, leading to setbacks in your progress. Take control by pre-planning your actions and responses. Prepare for potential challenges: Anticipate situations that might trigger unhealthy behaviors, like holiday feasts for those on a diet or family gatherings for recovering individuals. Develop coping mechanisms beforehand. Create a game plan: Decide what you will eat, drink, and how you will handle difficult interactions before heading home. Write down your plan for better accountability. Focus on your goals: Remember your ultimate intention - a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season. Don't be swayed by temptations or drawn into unnecessary drama. Control your own mind: You cannot control others, but you can control your own reactions and mental space.Choose to think the way you want

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