Victory Christian Fellowship



Another great podcast hosted by Libsyn!


  • A Pastor & His People: Reflections of a Mutual Partnership

    01/08/2014 Duration: 36min

      As a pastor concludes his ministry in a local church, in particular in a church he planted, What should his reflections be? What should he desire for his people? Paul articulates my sentiments.  

  • Things to Remember in a Crisis

    04/07/2014 Duration: 46min

        Have you ever been a member of a church in crisis? If not, have you ever been in a personal crisis? Oftentimes when the alarm of the catastrophe becomes acute for us, our immediate thought is what do I need to do to get out of this – right now! In our passage today we find young Pastor Timothy in crisis at the church of Ephesus. Approximately midway through the letter Paul gives Timothy his purpose statement for having written the letter in the first place. VCF, like Ephesus, is experiencing a bit of a rough go of it & I like Timothy, and our respective churches need to be reminded of a few things if we are going to triumph in the mist of the crisis.      

  • Host a Matthew Party: An Evangelistic Mixer!

    05/05/2014 Duration: 32min

      Here in the American West, we oftentimes see ourselves as individuals. We are a low-group culture. The culture in which Jesus was socialized was a high-group culture; they viewed themselves not as individuals, but a part of a larger social group. This social construct is evidenced in today’s story. Matthew, Jesus’ newest disciple, immediately upon becoming Christ’s follower conjures up an event where all of his friends (oikos), might hear the Good News and become followers of Jesus. Matthew’s idea for engaging his friends was not a Bible study or reading evangelistic tracts – his plan was to host an Evangelistic Mixer! 

  • From Walking with Jesus to Proclaiming Jesus!

    30/04/2014 Duration: 35min

      The Easter narrative is pregnant with examples of Jesus’ closest followers cascading into unbelief. How does God get us back on track? What methods does He employ? What role, if any, do we play in the process? Today’s teaching will answers to these questions. 

  • Go & Tell What Great Things the Lord Has Done For You!

    05/02/2014 Duration: 38min

    When was the last time you shared your testimony with someone? Do you have one? Is it written down? It doesn’t have to be sensational, but is it compelling? In today’s narrative, Jesus delivers a man from demonic destruction and then sends him to evangelize his family & friend and then ten cities; armed with no apologetics, no biblical background, no theology, no evangelistic training – just the power of a personal testimony! 

  • Go & Tell John...

    28/01/2014 Duration: 37min

    Today’s message will probably reveal that we’ve been on both sides of this particular equation. Ever been thrust into a circumstance where you found yourself doubting what you once believed to be true of God? On the flipside, have you ever had a believing friend seek consolation from you because they just didn’t think they could put their trust in God the way they had in the past? Is it possible that you were at a lost for how to encourage them? In today’s teaching, Jesus is going to demonstrate how to “Be Contagious” with a doubting, believing friend. 

  • Take the Good News to the City!

    20/01/2014 Duration: 46min

    The definition of contagious is the transmission or spread of something from one person or object to another. In the medical field they distinguish between contagious and infectious ailments. A contagious ailment is contracted through general contact: a hand shake. An infectious ailment can be only be transmitted through specific contact: a blood transfusion. Is our Christian faith transmittable? What’s our obligation to be contagious? 

  • Living As Resident Aliens

    14/01/2014 Duration: 33min

    This week Paul shares a key paradigm shift in our thinking as we set out on a New Year. What does it look like to live as resident aliens in this world? Let’s consider Paul’s idea together. 

  • You're Under Arrest!

    06/01/2014 Duration: 35min

    Did you know that you are under arrest? The Fourth Amendment states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” In other words, the threshold for the arrest, search or seizure of one’s person or property must be met prior to law authorities attempting to do so. Paul says in this passage that we, as Christians, are under arrest, but for what reason? How will this truth shape our faith journeys in the New Year? 

  • Write Your Plans in Pencil

    30/12/2013 Duration: 33min

    What do you have planned for 2014? Are there any big moves on the horizon? How do you approach short-term or long range planning? Do you plan at all? Or, do you take life as it comes? Is it wrong to draft plans? What does the Bible say about planning? As we prepare for a New Year pregnant with new possibilities, how do plan in a uniquely Christian way? Today, James, Jesus’ little brother has advice for us as we embark upon a New Year! 

  • The Christ Child: Israel’s Consolation & the Gentile’s Revelation

    25/12/2013 Duration: 36min

    As Luke’s nativity narrative unfolds, Mary & Joseph are met by another obscure person looking for the Christ child. Would the birth of Christ have implications for Israel only or for all men? 

  • The Worship & Witness of Christ the Lord

    15/12/2013 Duration: 37min

    In Luke’s version of the nativity scene, there are three wonderful truths that grip the reader. The first idea is very subtle, the second idea is not so subtle – it’s actually rather profound and the last is exciting but challenging at the same time. Let’s review the greatest story ever told! 

  • The Irreducible Core!

    10/12/2013 Duration: 53min

    Core values are the convictions that a person or organization clings to & will never relinquish no matter how people, circumstances and societies ebb & flow. Core values anchor you to who you are. What are the Church’s core values? 

  • Go & Make Disciples of All Nations!

    02/12/2013 Duration: 46min

    The five short verses that comprise this Great Commission passage are among the most important to establish the ongoing agenda of the church throughout the ages.” (Michael J. Wilkins, NIVAC. 2004 p.947) 

  • Are You a Good Neighbor?

    19/11/2013 Duration: 43min

    There are 613 commandments in the Torah (Genesis- Deuteronomy), but they can all be summed up by 2: The Great Commandment. Remember from last week, the Great Commandment is a two-sided coin. What does it look like when we love God and love our neighbor? And who is our neighbor? The story of the Good Samaritan is easily one of the more scandalous stories Jesus ever told. While it is provocative, it is pregnant with truth for us. 

  • Loving Our Neighbors

    11/11/2013 Duration: 39min

    The Greatest Commandment in the Bible is a two- sided coin. Last week we looked at the vertical side of that coin as God commanded us to love Him with all of heart, soul, possessions & Jesus later adds our mind. This week, we consider the other side of the coin: the horizontal aspect of The Great Commandment. This teaching is important in our day because the commitment to the covenant community by people who claim to love God is eroding right before our eyes. Consider the April 9, 2012 Newsweek cover story: Forget the Church, Follow Jesus. 

  • The Relentless Love of God

    04/11/2013 Duration: 40min

    Mission #1 at VCF is to call young people to love God. Which is just what we find Moses doing in the great Hebrew Shema passage, let’s see how Moses did in his day, what we are called by God to do today. 

  • Radically Transformed Community

    22/10/2013 Duration: 37min

    Jesus’ clear teaching on what radically transformed community looks like is the singular passage that informs VCF’s community initiative. 

  • Radical Transformation

    13/10/2013 Duration: 44min

    At the heart of the Christian experience is a radical transformation from what we were by nature into what God intends us to become by grace. 

  • What is Impossible with Men, Is Possible with God!

    09/10/2013 Duration: 42min

    Jesus’ famous encounter with the rich young ruler is insightful for a host of reasons. First, this young man would fit perfectly into VCF’s target demographic. The young man inquires about how to obtain eternal life. How does Jesus respond to his inquiry? What might we learn about how to respond to similar questions directed to us as we reach out to young people in our generation? 

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