Victory Christian Fellowship



Another great podcast hosted by Libsyn!


  • Getting Rid of the Grasshopper Complex

    24/09/2013 Duration: 42min

    God’s mission for VCF, should we choose to accept it, is to win our generation for Christ! Many would argue that this mission is ministry suicide, mission impossible, a waste of time & resources. What do you say? Can we reach our generation for Christ? If this mission impossible is to become possible, what are adjustments that will need to take place for this dream of ours to become a new reality? 

  • The Case for Life pt.4

    10/09/2013 Duration: 41min

    As the abortion debate rages on in every sector of our country, the question that stifles our nation's ability to arrive at a morally justifiable position is ethical. How do we, as the people of God, make an ethically persuasive arguement for the pro-life cause? Today we are going to discover a couple of things: First, ethics and morality are often times used interchangeably in our dialog relating to any topic, but what if ant is the difference between the two? Second, what is the ethical process? Is it simply enough for all of us to employ as we engage folks on the abortion topic?

  • The Case for Life pt. 2

    25/08/2013 Duration: 29min

    Today we are going to see the inconsistency in the way in which the United States Courts make judicial decisions & US Congresspersons formulate laws that pertain to the unborn. Therefore, because these two branches of government are all over the map on this issue, we as the salt of the earth & light of the world need to be unwavering in our stance on what costitutes life and personhood.

  • The Case for Life pt.1

    18/08/2013 Duration: 40min

    54 million abortions have been performed since abortion on demand became legal in 1973. On the 40yr anniversary of that landmark decision we consider the complexity of this dilemma. And what does the Bible say about life? What should our position be as Christians?

  • Is Homosexuality Compatible With the Gospel?

    11/08/2013 Duration: 50min

    What does the New Testament say about homosexuality? We discovered last time that God abhors homosexuality... period! What is God's disposition towards this sexual orientation & those who practice it in the Church Age? Does God take a softer postion on it as a result of Christ's sacrafice at Calvary or is He cocsistent in both Testaments. Let's survey a few passages in an attempt to comprehend the mind of God on this subject.

  • God's Extreme Abhorrence For Sexual Perversion

    28/07/2013 Duration: 44min

    Our task this week is to take a look at a couple of the most prominent passages in the in the Old Testament that highlights God's disdain for sexual vice, in particular: homosexuality. A helpful distinction is in order, we want to differentiate between being: homoerotic and homosexual. Homoeroticisim is a sexual attraction for the same sex. Whereas Homosexuality is defined by one who actually engages in sexual relations with someone of the same sex. Our passages deal with latter issue not the former. Again, Moses is our teacher today! 

  • God's Divine Design for Human Sexuality pt.2

    21/07/2013 Duration: 38min

    For The Christiian, as we think about human sexuality we have to answer this very basic question, "Has God designed us to express ourselves sexually in very specific ways or has He left that to individual preogative? Genesis 1-2 speak volumes on this issue, we would wise to hear Gos's heart though Moses.

  • God's Divine Design for Human Sexuality pt. 1

    14/07/2013 Duration: 46min

    Before we begin our discussion of sexual ethics, it's important that we reboot our Christian thinking regarding who we are as human beings. Human sexuality is not subject to the prerogative of any given person, but is rooted in the essence of humanity itself. Join me has we trek back to the beginning!

  • Put Your Bifocals On!

    03/07/2013 Duration: 34min

    Our passage focuses on the second theme, obeying God in the midst fierce opposition. How are we as God’s sons & daughters to live in the midst of hostility? When we encounter hostility, where should our focus be directed? The here & now? The hereafter? Or, both? Preview: In today’s passage we will see: (1) The results of God’s awesome love for us, (2) The certainty that as God’s children we will be maligned by the world, (3) The bifocal vision God’s children must have in the midst of hostility. 

  • Teaching with Authority

    23/06/2013 Duration: 54min

    As we come to the end of our five month trek through the Sermon on the Mount, we discover two verses that function as response by the adoring crowds to the teaching of Jesus. There are a few insights that we can glean from these short verses that can enhance our commitment to follow Jesus. Let's consider a few questions as we begin: When was the last time you were shocked or awestuck by an event or circumstance? What happend? Were you positively or negetively impacted? Now, when was the last time you had an experience like this in church or a devotional time or cohort group?

  • Entering the Kingdom Requires an Allegiance to Christ Alone!

    16/06/2013 Duration: 43min

    The concluding paragraphs of the Sermon on the Mount serve as an ominous warning to those who believe they will one day enter the Kingdom of God. Today we'll examine one of the most cryptic passages in the entire Bible. What does it mean to be self-deceived about whether or not you will enter the Kingdom of heaven? What might cause someone to be misled about the most important issue in all of life? How do we ensure that our expectation of entering the KIngdom is rock solid?

  • Entering the Kingdom Requires a Decision & Discernment

    10/06/2013 Duration: 46min

    Thoughout this teaching the Lord Jesus has eloquently articulated what kingdom living looks like. Now like any good preacher He ends His spectacular with an invitation to enter the kingdom of heaven. Next He warns His disciples about the dangers of false prophets. As we share our faith with others we would do well to pass along these essential lessons to them as they contemplate for themselves what it means to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Discovering God's Goodness

    02/06/2013 Duration: 37min

    We all want a good spouse, kids, health, career, home, car, community, church, country & world. Though we want these things, how can we be certain God wants them for  us as well? In today's teaching Jesus outlines two ways in which we as the children of God the Father might discover the goodness of God.

  • Don't Judge!

    28/05/2013 Duration: 43min

    Tupac said, "Only God can Judge me." Was he right? We've all heard someone say in response to some criticism of them by another person, "The Bible says don't judge. Sure Jesus said that, but is that really what He meant? And why doesn't anyone ever define what they mean by "judge" We're going to identify three possible judgements that Jesus could have referred to & select the one that best fits the passage. Question for Jesus: "Was Tupac right"

  • Don't Worry!

    19/05/2013 Duration: 41min

    Is there a difference between responsible concern and worry that leads to stress and anxiety? If there is a difference between the two options which one best characterizes our outlook on life? If you consider yourself a "worrier" what does Jesus say about worring about one's needs in this life?

  • A Call to Missions

    12/05/2013 Duration: 48min

    Guest speaker, Pastor Dr. Stephen Mbogo.

  • The Danger of Serving Two Masters

    05/05/2013 Duration: 43min

    It is axiomatic that Jesus talked more about wealth than He did about heaven or hell. What is it about money that poses such a threat to one's devotion to God? Living lives worthy of the kingdom requires that we make a paradigm shift in our attitudes regarding material possessions, money and / or wealth acquisitions. 

  • Fasting 101

    21/04/2013 Duration: 35min

    Most of us are probably "all over the map" when it comes to the spiritual disicpline of fasting. Today, we're going to answer the following questions: What is fasting? Why did people fast in biblical times? Who were some of the most notable people who fasted? Jesus is set to teach His disciples who were very familiar with fasting, how to perform the discipline in a way God honors. We would be wise to hear Jesus' words on this topic.

  • The Model Prayer

    15/04/2013 Duration: 53min

    Once and for all can we agree that "The Lord's Prayer" is simply a model for how disciples are to pray and not a prayer to be recited verbatim? How do we know? Because Jesus says, "In this way you are to pray..." He does not say, "Pray these words..." How do our prayers compare with the model that Jesus taught His disciples & by extension - to us as well? Let's examine our prayers together!

  • Pure & Simple Prayers from Your Closet

    07/04/2013 Duration: 38min

    It May strike some as strange that Jesus would challenge His new disciples to pay close attention to their motives as they practice the "spiritual disciplines". Again, to perform the right action with all the wrong intentions profits you absolutely nothing in the eternal scheme of things. We would be wise to heed the Master's teaching and check our motivation regarding prayer.

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