State Of Grind



Welcome to State of Grind , where amazing things happen.


  • #30 The power of Reputation

    21/09/2020 Duration: 10min

    Former emperor of France and military leader Napoleon Bonaparte is known in history for conquering most of France until his eventual capture. In this episode I talk about how that reputation helped him out of a tricky situation and how he cemented himself in our history books. It's not a throwaway, you'll also see how this can be used in your life. Check it out. 

  • #29 Politics, black lives matter, and covid - Special guest

    20/06/2020 Duration: 32min

    We talk about American politics in this episode...yeah sounds boring right? That's how I've always thought when it comes to politics. However, once you understand how the system works you begin to see the nuances and why government bodies make the decisions they do. 

  • #28 Decision making process with a coin

    16/06/2020 Duration: 05min

    Over the years I had trouble making certain decisions. Now whether or not those decisions were big or small for the ones I have been indecisive about I created a simple method for deciding an outcome. (somebody else definitely invented this before myself but hey I can take credit for it on the internet just because.) :)

  • #27 Knowledge Barriers

    20/04/2020 Duration: 09min

    There will always be a knowledge barrier to anything worth discovering. We didn't know what germs were until someone decided to place 2 and 2 together to find out that unwashed hands had a higher chance of killing people. We didn't know smoking killed until we decided to take a look at lung cancer rates specifically with this who smoke. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this quirky little episode. :)

  • #26 Covid-19 What to do with all your spare time

    05/04/2020 Duration: 12min

    Hello hello hello, i know i've been gone for a longggg while but I'm finally back! I temporarily left to put all my time and effort into my career and right when the ball was rolling the COVID 19 pandemic hit and everyone suddenly ended up with a ton of spare time and for many, lost their jobs.  Right now we're all in the same boat. We have TOO MUCH TIME! Never thought you'd have that problem right? well here we have it and a lot of people are losing their damn minds. Check out this episode as i talk about a few solutions to the problem of having a little bit too much time on our hands and how you can come out of this with a stronger mentality and some skills. Cheers!

  • #25 Buying a car the SMART way :)

    03/12/2019 Duration: 18min

    Ever wonder what to look for when buying a car?  I got the highlights for you. If you would rather read em, here they are below but I go in depth in the episode to really give you the low down on the most important things to look for when financing a vehicle in terms of affordability and financial stability.  Inside tips car shopping First thing first: CREDIT!! Make sure your credit is in decent standing. let’s talk interest rates. Interest rate target should be 4.99% or lower. Down payment of 20% Financing for no more than 60-72 months depending on the situation. Sometimes the stretched out payments seem like a godsend but it is actually putting you at more risk. There are instances where you need it but most of the time always go for the shorter term. And the biggest question you have to ask yourself is…can you afford it?

  • #24 Digital Hygiene

    28/10/2019 Duration: 09min

    Back when the internet was in its early stages, the internet was a luxury. It wasn't something people spent hours on daily. The Net was primarily a tool that you really only used to do something important with, like typing up a paper or doing business. We all wash our hands after toilet least I hope that we do. But what do we do after we use our devices after a whole day? I just released a new episode on my podcast that explores this in a fun way with storytelling and if you're into podcasts or just listening to dope content I highly recommend checking it out, you can not go wrong with it. Instagram: stateofgrind_podcast

  • #23 Control...Alter...Delete

    09/10/2019 Duration: 13min

    “Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” Control what you can in frontof you, let go of what’s behind and done. At one point in my life I was going through life and took things as they came. Some were good, some were bad, but something was missing and I knew deep down there needed to be a change.

  • #21 You are the words you use

    10/09/2019 Duration: 04min

    I want to touch on one word in particular that is used almost every day, multiple times a day. It’s actually something we particularly use when talking to others. The word is BUT. I’ll use it in a sentence. I really want to go to the park but it’s a far walk. It seems simple right? That word is one of the most dangerous words in the English language. The meaning of but in the dictionary is this; used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned. The word is described as a means to contrast what has been said before it.

  • #20 The power of music

    28/08/2019 Duration: 16min

    In this episode Jeffrey, the owner of light body academy shares some insight into sound healing and the power of music. We talk about some of the positive benefits of music and how it can get you out of a low mood state. Whether you're stressed or relaxed music has a ton of amazing properties and I'm excited about having this powerful conversation. 

  • # 19 The Hedonic Treadmill

    12/08/2019 Duration: 05min

    The hedonic treadmill, also known as hedonic adaptation, is the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes.The hedonic treadmill is designed to keep us in a state of homeostasis, which is simply balance.  If you come across a negative life event like a death in the family, the principle also applies.  You will feel negative for a period of time whether short or long, and then over time you will gradually revert to a state of being neutral.

  • (Short) To the people that think they can.

    10/08/2019 Duration: 02min

    Very short episode on my view of nature vs nurture. 

  • #18 Lessons from The Lion king

    05/08/2019 Duration: 10min

    I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. This episode is going to be about a well-known movie called the lion King. I'm sure you've all heard of the lion King before. It's a movie about a pride of lions that rules over a certain section of Africa and these lions are not the lions portrayed in documentaries but rather gentle creatures that take care of their land.

  • #17 How to study effectively

    01/08/2019 Duration: 05min

    This episode is going to be a bit unorthodox in the sense that it’s about school and the process of taking exams.  I’m currently doing my real estate exams to become a licensed broker and I’ve never been one to study for hours on end. This test isn’t your regular exam where you need 50-60% to pass and get a grade, it’s mandatory that you have 75% or more on each topic.  Needless to say I have to actually understand what I’m doing in order to proceed.  I just end up getting distracted and learn about everything else other than what I’m supposed to focus on. That’s just what happens. :)

  • Should you invest in the stock market?

    17/07/2019 Duration: 09min

    This episode is a high level view of my investing perspective and why you should not wait to invest. A lot of people try to time the market and this is something that has simply failed since it's conception and its somewhat like playing the lottery. It's also partly known as the gamblers fallacy. I hope you enjoy this one. If you have a question you want answered shout me out and send me an email to and we can have a chat about anything and everything. Keep hustling

  • #15 Raise your standards and raise your life

    03/07/2019 Duration: 09min

    This episode is going to be about the standards you set for yourself without knowing it and how they can impact your reality.  When I was younger, I used to make 14 an hour. I remember myself working 2 jobs hustling away thinking that i was making real money as minimum wage at the time was $10/hour.  At that time in my life i traded my time for money and i was happy with that. I mean when you're young you don't really know any better.  My standards at that time were based on everyone else around me, I was 18 and all of my friends were either not working or they had jobs in retail stores making the average.  Before i go on i want everyone to know that i'm not beating up on people making that right now but it's simply to express what standards are. ..... So i went on working for years slowly increasing that income thinking that was exactly what i wanted to make and traded my time for money. At one point i started to think that it would be perfect to make $20/hour and then i would be set. Yeah the young mindset

  • #14 Door to Door Journey

    25/06/2019 Duration: 06min

    This is part of my hustle when i was doing door to door making 100k+/year. It was a great time to learn the hustle. It's negative 18 degrees out and i'm hustling showing you what it's all about! Let's hustle and make some moves!

  • #13 Pay yourself first!

    22/06/2019 Duration: 07min

    My definition of investing is the defering of present consumption for future consumption. It takes a lot of patience to pull this off, it's never easy, but you have to be willing do to this.  

  • #12 Willpower is a resource!

    18/06/2019 Duration: 05min

     Ever wonder why you always see successful people working out in the morning or waking up early to do really important work? It's because they realized that the morning is the best time to use your brain.

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