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  • How do you start the journey. Part-1

    07/07/2023 Duration: 03min To start the journey, you must take the first step towards your goal, fueled by determination and courage. Embrace any challenges that come your way, learning from them along the path to success. Stay focused, persevere, and never lose sight of your dreams. Let your journey begin!

  • Why this generation kids not concentrate any particular task Day-10/30

    03/07/2023 Duration: 03min Today's youth exhibit a lack of focus and concentration on any given task. Their attention span is short, easily distracted by technology, social media, and constant stimuli. Multitasking is a common trend, resulting in a superficial understanding of each activity. The constant need for immediate gratification hinders their ability to concentrate and persevere.Today's youth exhibit a lack of focus and concentration on any given task. Their TheirTheir attention span is short, easily distracted by technology, social media, and constant stimuli. Multitasking is a common trend, resulting in a superficial understanding of each activity. The constant need for immediate gratification hinders their ability to concentrate and persevere.

  • How do you start the journey. Day-9/30

    30/06/2023 Duration: 03min To start using my services, simply type your queries or messages in the chatbox. I am an AI language model designed to understand and respond to natural language input. You can contact me at any time to assist you with various tasks such as writing, proofreading, summarizing, translating, and much more. Just type in your requests and I will do my best to assist you. ToToToTo start using my services, simply type your queries or messages in the chatbox. I am an AI language model designed to understand and respond to natural language input. You can contact me at any time to assist you with various tasks such as writing, proofreading, summarizing, translating, and much more. Just type in your requests and I will do my best to assist you.

  • How to improve youth suicide rate increase current situation Day-8/30

    28/06/2023 Duration: 03min The increase in youth suicide rates is a devastating and concerning trend. Factors such as mental health issues, bullying, social isolation, and academic pressure contribute to this rise. To address this crisis, it is crucial to prioritize mental health awareness, provide accessible support systems, and promote open conversations about mental well-being. Collaboration between schools, families, and communities is vital for prevFactors entionearlyention and early intervention efforts.The increase in youth suicide rates is a devastating and concerning trend. Factors such as mental health issues, bullying, social isolation, and academic pressure contribute to this rise. To address this crisis, it is crucial to prioritize mental health awareness, provide accessible support systems, and promote open conversations about mental well-being. Collaboration between schools, families, and communities is vital for prevention and early intervention efforts.

  • what do you have challenge parenting Day -7/30

    27/06/2023 Duration: 02min Parents who do not have enough time due to busy work schedules, personal commitments, or other reasons cacancacannn find it challenging to balance their responsibilities with raising children. This can lead to feelings of guilt, stress, and frustration. However, there are strategies that can help parents manage their time more effectively and maintain an active and meaningful relationship with their children. These strategies include setting This However prioritiespriorities, delegating tasks, and maximizing quality time.Parents who do not have enough time due to busy work schedules, personal commitments, or other reasons can find it challenging to balance their responsibilities with raising children. This can lead to feelings of guilt, stress, and frustration. However, there are strategies that can help parents manage their time more effectively and maintain an active and meaningful relationship with their children. These strategies include setting priorities, dele

  • How do you start the journey. Day-6/30

    26/06/2023 Duration: 03min To start using my services, simply type your queries or messages in the chatbox. I am an AI language model designed to understand and respond to natural language input. You can contact me at any time to assist you with various tasks such as writing, proofreading, summarizing, translating, and much more. Just type in your requests and I will do my best to assist you.To start using my services, simply type your queries or messages in the chatboIamx. II IchatboIamIchatboIammmodeI am an AI language model designed to understand and respond to natural language input. You can contact me at any time to assist you with various tasks such as writing, proofreading, summarizing, translating, and much more. Just type in your requests and I will do my best to assist you.

  • How to parenting dynamics course Day 5/30

    25/06/2023 Duration: 02min Parenting dynamics refers to the various ways in which parents interact with and raise their children. This includes the different parenting styles, such as authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative. It also involves communication patterns, discipline techniques, expectations, values, beliefs, and cultural influences. All of these factors play a role in shaping a child's development and well-being.Parenting dynamics refers to the various ways in which parents interact with and raise their children. This includes the different parenting styles, such as authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative. ItItAll llItalso also involves communication patterns, discipline techniques, expectations, values, beliefs, and cultural influences. All of these factors play a role in shaping a child's development and well-being.

  • Why do we need parenting skill Day-4/30

    23/06/2023 Duration: 02min Parenting programs are essential to help parents develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to raise children effectively. These programs offer support, guidance, and resources to parents, helping them navigate different challenges and stages of parenting. They provide valuable information on child development, communication, and discipline strategies, which promote positive behavior in children, enhance their social-emotional skills, and build strong parent-child relationships. Parenting programs can significantly benefit both parents and children by improving the overall quality of family life.Parenting programs are essential to help parents develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to raise children effectively. These programs offer support, guidance, and resources to parents, helping them navigate different challenges and stages of parenting. They provide valuable information on child development, communication, and d

  • How to effective parenting skill Day -3/30

    22/06/2023 Duration: 03min Effective parenting in education requires providing emotional support, guidance, and a secure learning environment. Parents need to be actively involved in their child's education, communicate effectively with teachers and children, set clear boundaries and expectations, and encourage and motivate them. It also involves teaching kids vital life skills, such as time management, study habits, and organization, to succeed in their academic career.Effective parenting in education requires providing emotional support, guidance, and a secure learning environment. Parents ParentsParents need to be actively involved in their child's education, communicate effectively with teachers and children, set clear boundaries and expectations, and encourage and motivate them. It also involves teaching kids vital life skills, such as time management, study habits, and organization, to succeed in their academic career.

  • 12 Parenting tools day 2 of 30

    21/06/2023 Duration: 06min Active Listening: Give full attention, maintain eye contact. Boundaries: Set clear, consistent rules, explain reasons. Encouragement: Provide genuine praise, focus on efforts. Time-In: Sit calmly, listen, guide through behavior understanding. Empathy: Show understanding, compassion, teach consideration. Problem-Solving: Guide brainstorming, evaluating, decision-making. Emotional Regulation: Teach healthy expression, self-regulation techniques. Active Play: Engage in physical, cognitive play together. Consistent Routine: Establish predictable meal, bedtimes, family time. Nonviolent Communication: Express feelings, needs, listen actively. Screen Time Management: Set limits, encourage balance. Self-Care: Prioritize personal well-being, seek support.

  • How to build a genius mindset in your kids in 30 days (parenting 3.0 tools) Day 1/ 30

    20/06/2023 Duration: 05min We are looking for 10 mothers to join this life-changing program and start transforming their parenting approach. Parenting 3.0 has revolutionized the way we approach parenting. This approach focuses on the parent first, encouraging them to develop a strong sense of self-awareness and personal growth before shifting their focus to their children. By applying this mindset, mothers can effectively tap into their own talents and skills and apply them to nurture their children's unique abilities. This process allows parents to become confident role models who foster a positive environment for their children’s development. The Genius Parenting Training program by Dr. P.T. Sunderam empowers mothers with the necessary tools to unlock their child's inner genius potential. This breakthrough course offers a proven 10-year technique that helps mothers build a foundation for their children's success. Parenting 3.0 has revolutionized the way we approaapproac

  • How to "Parent-child interaction:"

    18/06/2023 Duration: 01min There is no specific age group to start teaching kids. Parents can begin introducing language and communication skills from infancy through simple gestures, sounds, and words. As children grow, vocabulary and language complexity can increase. Early childhood is crucial for language development, but it's never too late to start fostering communication skills in children or adults. Adapt approaches based on individual needs and abilities.

  • How to Master Parenting's Circus?

    18/06/2023 Duration: 01min

  • When did Neuro Parenting Stated ?

    04/06/2023 Duration: 02min

    "Unlocking the Parenting Powerhouse: The Rise of Neuro Parenting in the Early 2000s." Neuro parenting, a revolutionary approach that blends neuroscience with parenting strategies, first emerged as a concept in the early 2000s. This groundbreaking methodology harnesses insights from brain development research to understand how parents can create nurturing environments. By recognizing the connection between brain function and child behavior, neuro parenting has transformed the way we understand and approach raising children, leading to more effective and informed parenting techniques. #parentingskills #parentingmeme #parentingislami #parentingmemes #parentingbook #parentingtip #parentingteens

  • What can we expect in Neuro Parenting ?

    03/06/2023 Duration: 01min "Experience the incredible bond of parenthood. Celebrate the milestones, laughter, and unconditional love that fills your heart." Parenting is the lifelong commitment of caring for and nurturing a child. It involves providing emotional support, meeting physical needs, and guiding them through their development. Parents play a vital role in shaping a child's values, behavior, and overall well-being. It requires patience, understanding, and unconditional love. Parenting is a journey filled with challenges, rewards, and the opportunity to create a positive impact on a child's life and future. #parentingtip #parentingteens #parentingafterloss #parentinghelp #ParentingQuote #parentingstyle #parentingislam

  • What will you teach in Neuro Parenting ?

    02/06/2023 Duration: 05min

    "Discover the secrets to raising resilient and emotionally intelligent children through our neuro-parenting program." In neuro-parenting, I can provide knowledge and guidance on various topics such as child brain development, cognitive and emotional skills cultivation, nurturing resilience, promoting healthy attachment, understanding and managing emotions, fostering executive functions, promoting positive discipline strategies, supporting social development, and optimizing the child's environment to enhance their neurological growth and overall well-being. #parentingishard #parentingproblems #parentingskills #parentingmeme #parentingislami #parentingmemes #parentingbook #parentingtip #parentingteens #parentingafterloss

  • What is Neuro Parenting ?

    01/06/2023 Duration: 05min

    "Discover the secrets of effective parenting through the lens of neuroscience! Neuro-parenting is an approach that integrates knowledge from neuroscience into parenting practices. It involves understanding how a child's brain develops and utilizing this knowledge to foster healthy cognitive, emotional, and social development. Neuro-parenting emphasizes providing enriching environments, responsive caregiving, and positive interactions to support optimal brain growth. By applying insights from neuroscience, parents can enhance their understanding of their child's needs and tailor their approach to promote well-being and overall development. #parentingteens #parentingafterloss #parentinghelp #ParentingQuote #parentingstyle #parentingislam

  • What is a difference between Genius parenting Course and other Parenting course?

    31/05/2023 Duration: 02min

    "Experience the power of Genius Parenting: The game change technique that will transform the way your raise your child" Genius parenting goes beyond traditional approaches by fostering creativity, critical thinking, and individuality. It encourages autonomy, problem-solving, and adaptability, promoting lifelong learning. It focuses on a child's strengths rather than conforming to societal norms. It embraces a growth mindset, instilling resilience and a love for exploration, leading to well-rounded, innovative individuals. #parentingindonesia #parentingishard #parentingproblems #parentingskills #parentingmeme #parentingislami #parentingmemes #parentingbook #parentingtip #parentingteens #parentingafterloss #parentinghelp #ParentingQuote #parentingstyle #parentingislam

  • Why Parenting Is Necessary ?

    30/05/2023 Duration: 01min

    "Building Strong Bonds: Why Parenting Matters in Creating Healthy Families" Parenting is essential for a child's development and well-being. Parents provide love, guidance, and support, shaping their child's values, behaviors, and emotional intelligence. They foster a secure attachment, promoting healthy relationships and self-esteem. Parents offer protection, nurturing their child's physical and emotional safety. They impart life skills, education, and moral values, preparing children for adulthood. Parenting instills discipline, setting boundaries, and teaching responsibility. Ultimately, parenting plays a crucial role in shaping a child's character, growth, and future success. #parentingteens #parentingafterloss #parentinghelp #ParentingQuote #parentingstyle #parentingislam

  • How to Nurture 12 Hungers in Brain Factory of your Kids ?

    29/05/2023 Duration: 05min

    "Empower your child's growth: Learn proven strategies to fuel your child's hunger for knowledge, creativity." To nurture the 12 hungers in the brain factory of your kids, prioritize a holistic approach. Encourage their hunger for knowledge through curiosity, exploration, and diverse learning experiences. Stimulate their hunger for creativity by providing opportunities for imaginative play and artistic expression. Foster their hunger for connection by promoting healthy relationships, empathy, and communication skills. Support their hunger for physical activity, healthy nutrition, and restful sleep. Cultivate their hunger for adventure, problem-solving, resilience, and a growth mindset. Embrace their hunger for purpose by helping them discover their passions, set goals, and make a positive impact.

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