Fab Lab



Running a stone shop is HARD. We make it easier. Resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.


  • A Bit More History

    17/03/2023 Duration: 28min

    There are some important elements to starting a successful side hustle and I share them in this episode.  The good news fellow fabricator is that you already have them! 1. Examples 2. Practice 3. Encouragement So if you have an idea or a solution to a problem that your fellow fabrciators could benefit from, maybe its time to think about starting a side hustle! Enjoy and happy fabricating!  

  • Banking Crisis Protection - Stone Shop Owner Edition

    15/03/2023 Duration: 26min

    In this episode, I explain what happened with SVB - Silicon Valley Bank - and its failure over the weekend. What does it mean for those of us in the stone industry?  Well, we get into that in this episode:) If you'd like to contact me to discuss it further, visit me here: aaroncrowley.com In the mean time, happy fabricating!

  • The Best Business Model in the World!

    03/03/2023 Duration: 46min

    Please consider donating to Rancho Santa Marta! Your donation will fund the work at this amazing orphanage in Baja Mexico.  RSM was the first special needs orphanage in the region and they care for orphans with mental, emotional, and physical disabilities. Donate here: (use "Living Water Spanish" at the red asterisk * to specify our group) https://www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-bin/Vanco_ver3.vps?appver3=Fi1giPL8kwX_Oe1AO50jRkSUl-D8HjiWYB0TYT1fM7XHO3iVYxvvxhHjRfLOeq662EvVVAEjqawDomKT1pbouf0ig1gVzE220h8IPbj4YeY%3D Check out Rancho Santa Marta: https://www.ranchosantamarta.org/ Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this great organization! Aaron - Happy Fabricating!

  • 5 Reasons a Side-Hustle Makes Sense

    24/02/2023 Duration: 43min

    Please consider donating to Rancho Santa Marta! Your donation will fund the work at this amazing orphanage in Baja Mexico.  RSM was the first special needs orphanage in the region and they care for orphans with mental, emotional, and physical disabilities. Donate here: (use "Living Water Spanish" at the red asterisk * to specify our group) https://www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-bin/Vanco_ver3.vps?appver3=Fi1giPL8kwX_Oe1AO50jRkSUl-D8HjiWYB0TYT1fM7XHO3iVYxvvxhHjRfLOeq662EvVVAEjqawDomKT1pbouf0ig1gVzE220h8IPbj4YeY%3D Check out Rancho Santa Marta: https://www.ranchosantamarta.org/ Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this great organization! Aaron - Happy Fabricating!

  • A Bit of History

    20/02/2023 Duration: 44min

    This may sound crazy, but starting a side hustle can contribute massively to making life easier in your stone shop...I know, I know, that does sound crazy, but it may not be as crazy as you think, especially once you've listened to this episode.   In this episode, I share the story of how I started 3 side hustles...and none of them were on purpose. Then I share 2 extremely important thoughts on this for your consideration. Also for your consideration, consider supporting the Fab Lab Podcast by buying a No Lift Install System! www.noliftsystem.com Make sure you tune in next week, its going to be awesome, until then, Happy Fabricating! Aaron

  • A Riff on an IDEA That Would Make the Stone Business Less Hard!

    20/01/2023 Duration: 28min

    In this episode, I share an idea I was exploring prior to selling my stone shop...Its unconventional, its out of the box, its a "blue ocean strategy" if you will. I dont suggest you should consider implementing this idea in your own stone business. What I am suggesting is that you should be thinking outside the box!  You should be open minded to doing the unconventional in the interest of make your life easier and the work in your stone shop...less hard! Enjoy and Happy Fabricating!

  • The Stone Business is HARD, Here’s What to Do About It

    07/01/2023 Duration: 34min

    In the last episode, I detail a list of the ways the counter fabrication business is just plain hard.  In this episode, I share the 3 most important tactics for positioning your stone shop to overcome those challenges and succeed in spite of them. 1. Do more direct to consumer work 2. Develop standards, process, and your daily operations meeting 3. Strategic relationships with suppliers, built on trust If you'd like to download the first 3 chapters of my book, Less Chaos More Cash, just visit here:  https://aaroncrowley.com/ Happy Fabricating!

  • Why Is This Business So $#@! HARD?!?!?!?!?!?!

    31/12/2022 Duration: 49min

    Running a stone shop is HARD!!! On its best day, its more difficult than just about any business you could run. As such, you deserve MASSIVE credit and honor for succeeding! In this episode, I rant and rave a little bit, I even vent some frustration at the inherent flaws in our industry that create a very difficult environment to run a legitimate and successful business in. Lack of Standards, low barriers to entry, compound custom manufacturing, Supplier - Retailer collusion, are just a few of the unique challenges that legit fabricators face every day. These challenges require that we rely on PROcesses and innovation and hard work to overcome them. Congrats on finishing 2022 so strongly, here's to an even better 2022! Happy New Year and Happy Fabricating!

  • 5 Best Gifts For Stonecutters (AKA Your Employees)

    23/12/2022 Duration: 30min

    Gift cards, hams, and Christmas bonuses are GREAT ways to show your love your employees and share the fruits of their labor. But there are 5 other gifts that are worth their weight in gold, and it doesn't cost you a cent to give them to your staff this Christmas! 1. Appreciation 2. Trust 3. Side Work 4. Vision/Mission/Values 5. Healthy and Safe Work Environment Give them these gifts and they will know you care! And I want you to know that I care about you fellow fabricator! Merry Christmas and Happy Fabricating! Aaron  

  • 3 Tips to Getting Paid - Economic Storm Series - Collections and Receivables Strategy

    16/12/2022 Duration: 18min

    If you're doing work for builders or remodelers, you're waiting to get paid.  The longer you wait the bigger risk you take, especially if your customer experiences a decline in sales and revenue. The fabricators that follow these tips wil get paid and get through an economic storm. Those that don't may not have the cash to weather the storm. 1. Visibility - Aging Accounts Receivables Reports 2. Terms - When do you get paid and what will do if the check doesn't arrive on time 3. Leverage - You have leverage if your customer is sending you work.  Use it to get paid. You work hard fellow fabricator, too hard to let someone fail to pay you! make sure you visit no lift system! Happy Fabricating! Aaron Crowley

  • Storm Tactics - 3 Part Plan for Preparing for an Economic Storm

    09/12/2022 Duration: 22min

    Better to have a plan and not need it than to be caught unprepared!  The simple principles in this episode will serve you well if an economic storm hits your business.  They will serve you well if a storm doesn't hit your business. 1. Know your #'s - what numbers should you know? 2. Cost Cutting Plan - "If...Then..." 3. Debt Plan - Keeping Reserves Enjoy and Happy Fabricating!

  • 3 Massive Mistakes I Made During the Great Recession - Economic Storm Stories - Pt 1

    02/12/2022 Duration: 28min

    Times have been good in recent years, but will they continue?  Hopefully.  But if they dont, and the economic weather gets stormy, the companies that have prepared will be fine. Those that aren't prepared will make many mistakes like I did in the Great Recession, and some wont survive. In this episode, I share the 3 biggest mistakes I made so you can avoid them: 1. Not knowing the #'s 2. Hoping instead of cost cutting 3. Too much debt I've never been shy about my many mistakes in running a stone shop, you wont be disappointed in this episode. Happy Fabricating! 

  • The Neuroscience of Gratitude (Happy Thanksgiving 2022!)

    24/11/2022 Duration: 23min

    We have much to be thankful for, but sometimes bad news and our perceptions can cloud reality to the point we really miss out…and forget how much we have to be thankful for. In this episode, we explore the POWER of gratitude and the positive effects it WILL have for those who practice it. We discuss the following: The Chemical Reality of Gratitude Positive Effects of Gratitude Discipline of Gratitude I hope this finds you well, taking time with loved ones this Thanksgiving weekend.  If you have some spare time and want to read the source articles I mention in the episode, enjoy! workplace https://www.whartonhealthcare.org/discovering_the_health chemical reality https://www.whartonhealthcare.org/the_neuroscience_of_gratitude gratitude study https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_gratitude_changes_you_and_your_brain   If you’d like to reach out, visit aaroncrowley.com Or just email me:  aaron@aaroncrowley.com Happy Fabricating & Happy Thanksgiving!

  • The 1000 Pound Problem – The Risk and Reality of Full Slab Islands

    18/11/2022 Duration: 21min

    Stone Shops are in a catch-22.  They can’t say no to the work otherwise their customers will go somewhere else. So when the customer wants a full slab island installed, the stone shops have to say yes. But what are they saying yes to? They are saying yes to enormous risk.  In this episode, we talk about the risk and the reality of moving full slab islands on site and the nuances that MUST be understood if we are going to solve the problems installers face while installing. Safe Installing! No Lift Install System is the official sponsor of the Fab Lab podcast. Learn more about the No Lift System at www.NoLiftSystem.com 

  • The MILLION Pound Problem & The Effects

    11/11/2022 Duration: 31min

    If you run a stone shop, someone has to install those counters you’re manufacturing…We call them installers and we ask a lot of them. You might be shocked and you may not believe that we ask them to lift over One Million Pounds of stone per year. In this episode, I show the math, that proves this statement’s truth. Additionally, I explain the massive negative EFFECTS the Million Pound Problem has for the installer and your stone shop. Fellow Fabricator (and installer), this problem is as widespread and important as the risk of moving slabs and the silica in the air in your shop. We as an industry must address it. Happy Installing! Learn more about the No Lift Install System at www.NoLiftSystem.com

  • Interview – NSI’s Mark Meriaux on OSHA and Silicosis

    04/11/2022 Duration: 01h15min

    If you are in the stone fabrication business, you are creating airborne silica.  Its not a question of whether you or your employees are breathing it. The question is whether the levels are safe for you and your staff and whether they are below the OSHA PEL (permissible exposure levels). In this episode of the Fab Lab Podcast, we hear from Mark Meriaux from the Natural Stone Institute on changes to OSHA and what it means for you as a shop owner as well as what you can do to minimize the risk to your employees as well as the risk to your company. Its sobering but good stuff. Safe Fabricating! Resource Links: Natural Stone Institute Safety Page: https://www.naturalstoneinstitute.org/safety/ Natural Stone Institute Silica Page: https://www.naturalstoneinstitute.org/silica/ Natural Stone University (online learning platform) with free safety courses: www.uofstone.com  

  • Near Misses and Close Calls – It’s a Dangerous Business

    28/10/2022 Duration: 27min

    Safety might be the least popular, most uncomfortable, but all the while important topic a stone shop owner needs to face.  In this episode, I share my near-death experiences and the uncomfortable fact that we had many close calls in my stone shop.  This episode begins a short series where we will cover the following: Silicosis Slab Handling and Storage Installing – The Million Pound Problem Safe Fabricating

  • Friends in low places

    14/10/2022 Duration: 31min

    You may not be at a low point in your stone career, but you may know someone who is.  Don’t underestimate the power of an encouraging word, your friends in low places may really need to hear from you! Happy fabricating! Click Here to explore 90 minutes of complimentary coaching with me!  No strings attached, no cost, my gift you fellow fabricator!

  • Dream Small

    07/10/2022 Duration: 20min

    We must have small victories, little wins, achievements along the way on the journey towards the big dream… In this episode we break down four areas of life where you can identify smaller dreams that can be achieved in the moment or in the short term, as you build your business to enable you to accomplish the big dream! Click here to watch the No Lift Install System Q&A Youtube Series Or click the link below: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAodIrdgp9yWl7s3AlSz7kO9SAUwaycNs Enjoy and Happy Fabricating! Aaron Click Here to explore 90 minutes of complimentary coaching with me!  No strings attached, no cost, my gift you fellow fabricator!  

  • The 6 Stages (AKA the 6 D’s)

    30/09/2022 Duration: 32min

    The journey of a stone shop owner can be exhilarating and marked by success and profits.  Along the way, there can be roadblocks that either wear us out or prevent us from continuing the journey. In this episode I share the 6 stages of leadership growth and management capacity: The Doer The Director The Dictator The Delegator The Discipler The Dreamer If we get stuck managing in one of these stages, while the business grows past, the journey can become intolerable, exhausting, frustrating, and disillusioned…even preventing us from taking time off. But progressing into the latter stages opens up doors and opportunities that you may never thought was possible. Enjoy and Happy Fabricating! Aaron Click Here to explore 90 minutes of complimentary coaching with me!  No strings attached, no cost, my gift you fellow fabricator!

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