Fab Lab

The Neuroscience of Gratitude (Happy Thanksgiving 2022!)



We have much to be thankful for, but sometimes bad news and our perceptions can cloud reality to the point we really miss out…and forget how much we have to be thankful for. In this episode, we explore the POWER of gratitude and the positive effects it WILL have for those who practice it. We discuss the following: The Chemical Reality of Gratitude Positive Effects of Gratitude Discipline of Gratitude I hope this finds you well, taking time with loved ones this Thanksgiving weekend.  If you have some spare time and want to read the source articles I mention in the episode, enjoy! workplace https://www.whartonhealthcare.org/discovering_the_health chemical reality https://www.whartonhealthcare.org/the_neuroscience_of_gratitude gratitude study https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_gratitude_changes_you_and_your_brain   If you’d like to reach out, visit aaroncrowley.com Or just email me:  aaron@aaroncrowley.com Happy Fabricating & Happy Thanksgiving!