Absolute Trust Talk



Educating at every step. Absolute Trust Talk is not your run of the mill general counsel show filled with legal jargon that doesnt resonate. Through her 20+ years of practice, Absolute Trust Counsel managing attorney Kirsten Howe found herself working with clients who were confused and overwhelmed by the complexity of estate planning and saw a need to help clients with education and specific client-centered estate planning services. Now Kirsten is taking her expertise and experience to a new level; she is on a mission to bring a thought-provoking and approachable, friendly voice not only to estate planning, but to a wide variety of business and financial wellness topics. Through a series of podcasts, Kirsten will connect with like-minded business professionals and work to coach and encourage listeners to make educated and informed planning decisions. Preparing for the future doesnt have to be stressful or hard, but it does have to be smart.


  • 136: Guardianship Explained: Essential Insights for Effective Estate Planning

    05/06/2024 Duration: 35min

    Have you ever considered what would happen to your children if you passed away? It can be daunting and hard to think about; no one wants to plan for the possibility where they aren’t around to see their kids grow up. We often talk to clients who follow that old superstition that if they don’t think about it, then it won’t happen to them, so why plan, right? In our opinion, that isn’t the best course of action. While it's rare for a child to lose both parents and be taken in by a guardian, it does happen, and it's crucial to be prepared. Fortunately, guardianship is an element you can include in your estate plan and a planning element you should take action on. In this episode of Absolute Trust Talk, we're joined by Lara Heisler, a seasoned Bay Area attorney with over 25 years of experience specializing in conservatorships and guardianships. Together, we'll cover everything from the legal responsibilities of a guardian and the process of becoming one to how to have essential conversations with your family and

  • 135: Character Matters Part 2: Estate Planning for Community Property vs. Separate Property

    28/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    If you missed the first episode of our "Character Matters" mini-series, we discussed the differences between Community and Separate Property and why the "character" of your assets matters in estate planning. As a quick recap: Separate Property includes assets owned before marriage or received as gifts or inheritances during marriage, while Community Property consists of assets acquired during the marriage. Now, as we start Part Two, we're delving into the deeper details of property types and how specifically to estate plan for each of them. Join us as we explore important topics such as whether you should consider a pre- or postnuptial agreement, what to consider when signing one, and how the process works. Whether you're single, married, or even remarried, this episode is a treasure trove of valuable information, so don't miss out! Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 0:45 We’re getting straight to the point: Character matters when estate planning because you can’t give away what’s not yours. Sounds si

  • 134: Character Matters Part 1: Understanding Community Property in Divorce and Estate Planning

    21/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    Did you know that in California, any property acquired while married is considered Community Property? This means that, regardless of who bought it, the ownership is split 50/50 in the case of divorce. It also means that if you die without valid estate planning documents, your spouse automatically receives 100% of the ownership. If we’re talking about Separate Property, that’s a slightly different story, and of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. This episode of Absolute Trust Talk kicks off our Character Matters series, where we’re diving deep into the important distinctions between these two types of property and why you need to understand this for estate planning purposes. Let’s get started! Time-stamped Show Notes:  0:00 Introduction 0:38 To start, we’re sharing the “celebrity situation” that inspired this new Character Matters series of discussions.  2:26 Before going too far, let’s clarify the basic definitions of our terms. Listen in to learn the key differences between Community Property

  • 133: From Wheels to Waves: How to Fund Your Trust with Cars, Boats, or Mobile Home Assets

    14/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    When it comes to funding your trust with assets like cars, mobile homes, and boats, it can get a little complicated and confusing. For instance, do you know whether or not you need to retitle your cars to your trust? And when it comes to mobile homes, before you can even determine whether you should retitle it, you must first know if it’s registered as a vehicle or a home. And what’s recommended for cars and mobile homes differs completely from boats. In this episode of Absolute Trust Talk, we explore these topics in detail to answer some of our most commonly asked questions so you can be more knowledgeable about properly funding your trust. After all, your trust’s effectiveness is directly tied to its assets. So, listen in now! Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 0:36 The first asset we’re starting with is cars. Should you retitle them? Here’s what you need to know.  2:48 Bonus Tip: Here’s a way to retitle your vehicle without visiting the DMV. 4:11 Mobile homes—are they a vehicle or a house? The answ

  • 132: Trust Funding in a Digital World: Safeguarding Virtual Wealth

    07/05/2024 Duration: 10min

    One area of estate planning that is largely overlooked is funding the trust. The first step is developing the trust. The second step is ensuring that all the assets you want included are properly transferred over as needed. This can be especially difficult in today’s digital-driven world because there are more and more places where funds can be stored away. Thanks to the advent of the internet and digital banking, funds are no longer just kept in savings accounts and piggy banks. Instead, they are spread across various apps, like Venmo and PayPal, stored in digital savings, like Capital One or Ally, and even invested in cryptocurrency. As we kick off our mini-series on funding trusts and managing assets, we’re dedicating this one to all things digital assets and how you can ensure your heirs can access them after you’re gone or in the event of incapacity. You don’t want to miss out – Tune in now!   Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 1:45 In this episode, we’re putting an emphasis on digital assets, an

  • 131: Drafting a Comprehensive Power of Attorney: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You

    30/04/2024 Duration: 12min

    Typically, when we think of estate planning, we only consider planning for after death. But what happens if you become incapacitated? That’s where a Power of Attorney enters the picture. Incapacity planning is a significant component that is just as important, if not more important, than most other aspects of estate planning. Think about it. If you’re in the hospital, you don’t want to wait for your loved ones to go to court to access your funds to pay for care. You want care right away! So, in this episode of Absolute Trust Talk, we’re addressing all the major ups and downs we’ve seen our clients face when navigating Powers of Attorney. Listen in to learn how to avoid the most common mistakes and ensure your Power of Attorney is ready to go if it is ever needed. Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 0:55 To start, we’re covering the basics: What is a Power of Attorney? 2:55 There are two types of Power of Attorney – springing and immediate. Here’s what you need to know. 3:40 Did you know that many Power

  • 130: Exploring the OJ Simpson Estate: Probate and Creditor Claims

    23/04/2024 Duration: 11min

    You know of the infamous murder trial involving OJ Simpson and the Goldman and Brown families that took place in the 90s. And in case you happened to miss the news, Simpson passed away recently, stirring up the family conflicts all over again. Here at Absolute Trust Talk, we have an affinity for celebrity estate drama, mainly because of the important estate planning lessons we can take away. While the exact details of OJ's estate structure remain unknown, the estate will probably undergo probate due to the presence of creditors. Listen in as we cover all the details we know so far and share some essential estate planning wisdom with you along the way. Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 1:23 Here’s what we know about the executor handling OJ Simpson’s estate and the public statement made. 3:35 Next, we’re summarizing the current legal tension with the Goldman family. 5:33 The Goldmans want their rightful payout from the Simpson estate. However, much of his assets are tied up. 7:36 Listen in as we discu

  • 129: Estate Planning Strategies to Reduce Family Conflict After Death

    16/04/2024 Duration: 09min

    Family conflict after a loved one has passed is very common, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be avoided. In our years of experience in estate planning, we’ve seen many different scenarios play out and have a thorough understanding of the nuances that tend to cause these conflicts. The number one reason for disputes over a trust lies in the feeling that it is not fairly divided. While Mom and Dad or Aunt Sally can set up their estate however they wish, often, a simple conversation with family can go a long way to clarify why certain decisions were made. In this episode of Absolute Trust talk, we discuss the top three areas where the biggest issues arise: real estate, tangible possessions, and perhaps most importantly, who gets appointed trustee. We’ll also share relatable examples, easy-to-follow advice, and more to help ensure your estate plan is carried out peacefully and as you see fit.   Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction  0:49 While every family has their own unique situation, the number one reason

  • 128: Revocable or Irrevocable Trust: Which is Right for Me?

    08/04/2024 Duration: 07min

    When we first begin working with a client who is setting up their estate plan and, more specifically, building a trust, the number one question we always get is whether they need a revocable or an irrevocable trust. For us, this is always an interesting and fun conversation because as soon as the client hears the difference, they immediately know which tool they need.  Not to give it all away, but the standard option is the revocable trust; however, there are certain instances in which the irrevocable trust is needed—there is no one-size-fits-all approach to estate planning. So, which trust is right for your specific circumstance? Press play and listen in for more details, and of course, when you meet with your estate planning attorney, they will help ensure you’re making the right decision to protect your loved ones and your future.  Time-stamped Show Notes:  0:00 Introduction 0:55 A revocable trust is what we typically do in our practice, which gives you control over everything in your trust, you are in cha

  • 127: Understanding Multigenerational Estate Planning Part 2

    01/04/2024 Duration: 13min

    Welcome back! In our last episode of Absolute Trust Talk, we were joined by expert psychotherapist and certified coach Tess Brigham, MFT, BCC, to discuss the differences between generations and, more specifically, examine the unique dynamics between Baby Boomer parents and Millennial children.  In this episode, we continue our conversation with Tess, focusing on the interactions between Gen X parents and Gen Z children. These two generations are very interesting as Gen Xers were heavily influenced by events like the Persian Gulf War, the women’s movement, and high divorce rates. As Tess points out, this generation is a very “figure it out on your own” group. Whereas Gen Zers are true digital natives and have no real concept of life before technology. We hope you will listen in as we talk about how these generations’ unique experiences shaped their approach to estate planning. Plus, we share some special insights from real client stories!  Time-stamped Show Notes:  0:00 Introduction 1:19 To kick off the episod

  • 126: Understanding Multigenerational Estate Planning Part 1

    25/03/2024 Duration: 26min

    The battle between the generations is real and seems to be everywhere. Yes, generational divides even play a role in estate planning. In fact, estate plans nowadays are built around more diverse and multigenerational families than ever before. In this new episode of Absolute Trust Talk, we are joined by psychotherapist and certified coach Tess Brigham, MFT, BCC. Tess specializes in helping young adults discover their unique life path to enter the world and make an impact. Join us as we discuss how the generations are defined, what makes each one unique, and how these factors influence estate planning. Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 1:18 Please join us in welcoming expert psychotherapist, certified coach, author, and public speaker Tess Brigham! 3:26 To begin our discussion, Tess lays a foundation by defining the various generations, starting with the Silent Generation. 4:58 Next, we discuss the Baby Boomers, who currently make up about 20-25% of our population. 5:53 Gen X: Raised on hose water and

  • 125: Cher Files for Conservatorship of Son Elijah Blue Allman Over Alleged Substance Abuse

    12/03/2024 Duration: 07min

    Recently, the entertainment world has been abuzz with numerous high-profile conservatorship battles, and the latest to emerge involves iconic singer Cher. She has initiated a conservatorship petition concerning her son, Elijah Blue Allman, aiming to oversee the financial benefits he inherits from his father, the late Greg Allman's trust. Legal filings state the urgent need for a conservator to safeguard Elijah's estate against potential damages or losses, citing his inability to manage his finances due to significant mental health and substance abuse challenges. Tune into a new episode of Absolute Trust Talk for an in-depth analysis of this situation and to explore possible measures Greg Allman might have taken to avert such a conservatorship scenario. Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 1:09 Madison Gunn fills us in on the conservatorship case for Cher’s son, Elijah Blue Allman. In short, Cher is concerned Elijah will use his father’s trust money to feed his drug addiction. 2:24 Next, we look at how t

  • 124: Beach Boys Founder Brian Wilson Suffering from Dementia as Reps Seek Conservatorship

    05/03/2024 Duration: 08min

    When you think of the Beach Boys, what comes to mind? We’re betting it’s not a complicated conservatorship case. Unfortunately, that’s what’s happening with the Beach Boys Founder, Brian Wilson. Mr. Wilson’s long-time wife had been his healthcare directive, but with her recent passing, it was discovered that no one was ever named as a backup. Now, the question is not only who will pick up her role as Mr. Wilson’s healthcare directive, but how. With Brian Wilson being considered unable to make these decisions for himself due to dementia, the solution is not a simple one. Tune in to learn more about the conservator process and how to avoid these complications yourself.   Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 2:07 To start, Madison gives us an overview of the case with Brian Wilson, who now has to file for conservatorship because he never named a backup healthcare directive. 3:47 Now, we dive deeper into the more complex details of Mr. Wilson’s situation and the possibilities we see with the petition proces

  • 122: The Costly Truth of Ignoring Estate Planning Like Jay Leno

    21/02/2024 Duration: 09min

    You may have heard the recent news that Jay Leno filed a conservatorship over his wife, Mavis Leno’s estate. The couple does not have an estate plan, and his goal is to gain special permission from the court to set up a plan for both of them. As Kirsten and Madison point out, the main issue is not what happens if Mavis dies but instead if Jay were to die first. Given that Mavis is already incapacitated, who will manage their assets and decision-making? We hope you will join us for this discussion that underscores just how important it is to have an estate plan in place to avoid the costly and very public conservatorship court proceedings, among other protections. Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 0:53 To kick things off, Madison is shedding light on conservatorship and how it applies to the Jay Leno court proceedings. 1:57 Jay and his wife Mavis have been married for a long time and don’t have any children. He is her heir if she were to die first, so why is he worried about an estate plan now? 3:36 T

  • 123: Why Can't I Change My Trust After My Spouse Passes Away?

    21/02/2024 Duration: 24min

    At Absolute Trust Counsel, one of the pieces of advice we like to shout from the roof tops is that people need to keep their estate plans up to date! We constantly find people who fail to do so. In many cases, we can fix the challenges that arise, but sometimes, it may not be possible, and we must navigate a more difficult path. In this specific episode, we are going to focus on AB Trusts and the issues that typically arise. It happens more than you might think - often, when a spouse dies, the widow(er) later finds out their joint trust is set up in a way that requires them to split the trust in two. This type of trust, which we call an AB Trust, was the standard practice until 2013, and it was used to avoid the need to pay estate taxes, which worked out perfectly. However, when the government gave us portability, things changed. When we uncover AB Trusts, it tends to mean that the client will spend A LOT of extra time and money managing the split and maintaining the additional trust moving forward. So, if yo

  • 121: What Happens When a Trustee, Executor or Beneficiary Dies?

    29/01/2024 Duration: 25min

    If you’ve been following along with our show, you know that we can’t stress enough the importance of estate planning and setting up a trust to make things simple, cost-effective, and less time-consuming for your heirs. But even with the most comprehensive and well-thought-out estate plan, wrinkles can be thrown into the plan. It’s a lot of information for all parties involved to consume, and there are many moving parts. One curveball we’ve seen a few times before is a beneficiary, trustee, or executor dying before the will or trust is enacted. Everyone tuning in to this podcast has probably given at least some thought as to who their assets and possessions will go to when they’re gone. But what if that person also passes? Who gets the money then? Being as transparent as possible in your estate planning documents is critical. If you haven’t revisited them in a while to answer these types of questions, take this episode popping up in front of you as your sign! And, if you don’t have a plan, there’s no time like

  • 120: Solutions to Common Real Estate Issues

    21/12/2023 Duration: 43min

    Have you ever had a pesky neighbor encroaching on your land? Or perhaps they have decided to put a cell tower in that directly blocks the beautiful view that you bought your property for in the first place? Or maybe you’ve recently inherited the family home but share it with your siblings and cannot agree on what to do with it. How do you resolve these types of challenges? Do you have a friendly conversation? Do you engage a lawyer and go to court? In this podcast episode, we sit down with Steven Kahn, a civil litigation attorney who focuses on real estate and business disputes involving real estate. He is a partner at Hoge Fenton, has been a Northern California Super Lawyer four years in a row, and has been a Northern California Super Lawyer Rising Star for five years. With his accolades and over nineteen years of experience in trials, arbitrations, and problem-solving, Steven is the perfect candidate to share his insights on various real estate issues.  “When you bought your house, you probably got a title

  • 119: Understanding the Basics of Probate Accounting

    04/12/2023 Duration: 40min

    If you’re someone who is serving in the role of trustee, executor, conservator, or guardian, acting as a personal representative for someone’s estate in California, did you know that the state has specific guidelines for probate accounting? According to section 16062, the California probate code requires representatives to provide an accounting at least once a year. The purpose is usually two-fold: to show beneficiaries what assets exist, how they’ve been handled, how much is left to be divided up, and to show the individual in control of the money is doing their job.   “Unlike giving a few specific documents to your CPA to prepare for a tax return, we need everything - every transaction that happens within a trust estate or conservatorship. It’s a lot of information.” The problem is that most people whose names are tasked with the role of trustee or conservator have no idea how to prepare this type of formal accounting. Even for those confident in their accounting skills, the process is technical, tedious, a

  • Ep. 118 Do You Need an Estate Plan for Your Furry or Feathered Family Members?

    07/11/2023 Duration: 27min

    You’ve probably heard stories of celebrities leaving their fortunes to their beloved pooches and thought, “How silly!” Sure, it’s unlikely that an animal needs millions of dollars - after all, what will they do with it? But if you’re a pet person, have you stopped to consider what will happen to your sidekick after you’re gone? People don’t think about how long animals can live. Dogs can live anywhere from 8-16 years, and cats from 12-18. And those are your household four-legged friends. What about fish and birds? Koi fish live anywhere from 25-35 years, and parrots can live up to 50 or 65 years – who knew?! Don’t forget there are lizards, turtles, snakes, and even horses that could outlive you. “Estate planning for your pets is important for several reasons. The first, of course, is that you love your pets like a child, and you worry about what will happen to them when you’re gone.” If an owner does pass, often, the pet is left out of the picture, and a family member gets stuck with the burden of caring for

  • 117: Celebrity Estate Planning Lessons: Senator Dianne Feinstein

    09/10/2023 Duration: 14min

    You may have heard that Senator Dianne Feinstein passed away on September 29, 2023, and there is pending litigation between the Senator and her deceased husband, Richard Blum, as well as some new litigation regarding her estate. Two petitions have been filed by the Senator’s daughter, Katherine Feinstein. The first petition concerns the joint revocable trust between Senator Feinstein and Richard Blum. Katherine is alleging that the joint trust held between Dianne and Richard was not split, and she is also requesting that the court permit the trustees to sell one of the four properties in trust, the Stinson Beach property. The problem is that Katherine filed using a power of attorney that is no longer valid now that Senator Feinstein has passed away. Her only option is to file a probate so the court can grant her an order naming her the executor for Senator Feinstein’s estate, and only then can the lawsuit continue. In the other lawsuit, Katherine is suing her co-trustee for inaction. This lawsuit will proceed

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