Revenue Leaders Podcast



CEO. Founder. Host of the Revenue Leaders podcast.


  • EP14 - Why Your Deal Is Stuck / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    13/02/2024 Duration: 18min

    On this episode I take you through 13 points why the deal may be stuck and how to handle those. Enjoy and be sure to subscribe.

  • The Quarter Show Ep 143 - Team of Teams and Doing the Work with Robert Cornish

    11/05/2022 Duration: 11min

    In this episode of The Quarter Show, we talk about our team of teams model for sales, in other words, working in teams and also how doing the work can be measured related to what's getting done.

  • EP13 - How to systematize success in 2022 / Revenue Leaders Podcast With Robert Cornish

    05/01/2022 Duration: 15min

    On this episode, I talk about goals and drilling them down to engineer them and make them happen. Also, how to systematize your day and week to maximize production. Happy new year, welcome back, hope you enjoy this episode.

  • Quarter Show - EP140 - Honing Your Craft

    08/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    For this new episode, I'm switching it up and adding an episode from The Quarter Show on YouTube. It's relevant and worth listening to. Hope you enjoy this one. You can check out and subscribe to The Quarter show here:

  • EP12 - Goals And Uncomfort / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    05/08/2020 Duration: 12min

    In this episode, I talk about the relation between goals and uncomfort. What does it take to attain a goal? Why comfort is the enemy of goals. Hope you enjoy this one and be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Let's go!

  • EP11 - The 1% / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    14/07/2020 Duration: 09min

    On this episode, I talk about my view of the 1%, not just the financial 1% but people who are in the 1% for their profession, craft, work or sport. People often take misguided actions by following what the 99% say or do when the path to greatness or success is really codified by the 1%. Enjoy this episode and please leave a review and subscribe on iTunes.

  • EP10 - The Greatest Model / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    26/06/2020 Duration: 10min

    Here's the next episode on what I refer to as the greatest model. It's what I have observed all great companies have as pillars to their success. Get these 6 things in and you'll be much better off. Enjoy the episode and please subscribe and leave a review. Thanks!

  • EP9 - Close the Rings / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    15/06/2020 Duration: 09min

    Here's the latest episode of Revenue Leaders. I talk about this idea around "closing the rings" in your life. The more rings you close, the better you'll do. The most productive people know this and do this. Enjoy this episode and please leave a review and subscribe on iTunes. Thanks all!

  • EP8 - What Does it Take/ Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    27/05/2020 Duration: 20min

    On this episode of Revenue Leaders podcast, I dive into what it takes to survive in this market. We started our agency in 2008 at the beginning of an economic hailstorm, totally bootstrapped with no net. We succeeded because of our attitude, work ethic, and daily focus. I hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe and leave a review on iTunes.

  • EP7 - The Fastest Recovery Ever / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    24/03/2020 Duration: 06min

    In this episode of the Revenue Leaders podcast, I talk about the possibility fo the fastest economic recovery ever due to technology in this day and age. Listen and share your review of the podcast.

  • EP6 - Attaining Goals and The Four Things / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    06/01/2020 Duration: 12min

    Writing goals is a great habit but being able to take them a step further will help you attain them. "Get groceries" can be a goal but getting it done and getting the right things requires better planning. Additionally -- I talk about the four things that will make a massive difference to your success in 2020 and beyond. Enjoy the episode and please subscribe and leave a review. Happy 2020!

  • EP5 - Training = Competence/ Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    06/11/2019 Duration: 14min

    Many companies pursue talent as a solution to fill a gap in their company and while talent is important, what's more important is to build an internal training system that can take a good person and make them great via training programs. True stability and expansion come from having an incredible training model. No one really wants to hear that answer because they want to find someone that is already trained or talented and experience in that thing but what happens when they leave? You're back at square one and have to find another perfect person. On this episode, I discuss the idea of building a training culture so you can train anyone at any time on any role to accomplish a competent team. NOTE: I apologize in advance for the scratchy sound. The mic setup was wrong and we will have it fixed for the next one.

  • EP4 - Handling Overwhelm / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    27/08/2019 Duration: 09min

    Overwhelm hits all of us. But there are ways to handle it and move past it. Over the years I've found there are a few specific things that allow me to free up my mental space and get past overwhelm. On this episode, I run through those methods that have helped.

  • EP3 - How to Shed Roles / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    21/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    Being an entrepreneur, especially in a startup, it can be challenging to get out from under roles. But you need to find a way to shed roles so you're not overwhelmed and you can free up time and attention to accelerate your growth. Trying to do everything doesn't scale. On this episode talk about shedding roles and how to accomplish that.

  • EP2 - Know the Audience / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish

    08/01/2019 Duration: 13min

    It's so easy to chase everyone. But trying to sell everyone is a common pitfall many entrepreneurs make. The truth is, the more you focus, the more you reduce the number of people you sell and the more you decide on an audience based on data, the better you'll do. On this episode of Revenue Leaders, I talk about our path finding our audience.

  • EP1 - Do you really need A-players? / Revenue Leaders Podcast

    17/09/2018 Duration: 07min

    The difference between A-players and B or C players is staggering. You really feel it in your organization. We have a tendency as humans to not really acknowledge whats working, what is seamless and what is great because it's expected and when things go well, we just go about our day. But when things go badly, are frustrating or are riddled with problems -- we notice and complain. In this episode, I talk about the effects B and C players have on your team.

  • Revenue Leaders Podcast - Intro to the show

    27/03/2018 Duration: 02min

    Welcome to the intro to Revenue Leaders Podcast. This is a quick overview to the show and what's to come. I'd love for you to subscribe here or over on iTunes. We plan to have new shows every Tuesday.