Manifest Your Amazing Life With Alix And The Archangels: The No Bs Guide

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 2:36:33
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Every week on Manifest Your Amazing Life, psychic healer Alix Moore and the Archangels collaborate to help you understand what you really want, why you dont already have it, and how to take inspired action to achieve your goals. Explore your soul purpose, work through life challenges, and fully embody the power and the beauty of your higher self. Alixs podcast is divinely channeled, but always full of practical applications and action steps.


  • The Power of Self-Acceptance

    18/07/2019 Duration: 10min

    Hello! This is Alix, and I’m here with the archangels today for a new episode of Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels. I’m so happy you’ve found us. It has been some time since I’ve been active on this channel. During the last year, I have been focused elsewhere—holding down two jobs, and submerging myself in all the delight and distraction of a new relationship. Here I am, almost exactly a year later, and I am rebalancing my life somewhat, refocusing on the passion of my work in addition to the passion of my relationship. I’m so happy to be back here, speaking with you today. Of course, I never just live my life. I live my life with consciousness. I connect with the soul journey beneath the day-to-day journey I am living. I observe my processes, take responsibility for my own growth and healing. As always, the angels have much to teach me along the way. I’d like to speak with you today about the power of acceptance. Acceptance has been front and center in my meditation space recently. E

  • How to Change Your Life - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    23/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    How can you work with the hidden energies of your life to manifest your goals? The first of a series of videos designed to teach you how to use the power of Source energy to cocreate the life and the abundance you desire. Read the Whole Episode Manifesting with the Archangels: How to Use the Power of Source to Change Your Life Hello and welcome to another episode of manifesting with the angels. My name is Alix. I'm an intuitive life coach, energy healer,  and channel for the wisdom and healing of the archangels. I help my clients get the answers they need so that they can manifest the life and the abundance they desire. I’m so blessed to be able to do this sacred work with the angels on behalf of my wonderful clients. The angels have taught me so much about how to work with Source energy. I learn something new every day. I created this channel to share with you the powerful information the angels have taught me about how to work with the power of Source energy to change our lives for the better. My client

  • A Gratitude Meditation with Mother Mary - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    23/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    Gratitude helps us connect to Source so that we can manifest what we desire. Includes a channeled experience with Mother Mary. Read the Whole Episode Thank you, angels! Thank you, angels! Thank you, angels! No sooner do I close my eyes and start to settle into the meditation space than I feel that familiar opening sensation in my core. Part relief, part expansion, all relaxation—gratitude is a powerful cocreative energy. It is both an emotional soother and a way to connect with and embody the flow of Source. Gratitude is arriving home safely after driving through a bad storm. Gratitude is the unexpected payment that comes through just in the nick of time. Gratitude is a sticky situation that gets resolved in a positive manner. Gratitude can be as huge as finally landing that new job, or as minor as not getting a speeding ticket. For me, this morning, gratitude is about safety. After the trauma and drama of the last few years, my gratitude this morning is about stepping off the roller coaster of insecurity

  • Power Energies, Challenge Energies, and Soothers - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    15/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    Trying to manifest your heart's desire? Understanding these three kinds of energy will help you stay connected to Source. Read the Full Episode Hello, and welcome. My name is Alix, and I’m an intuitive life coach, energy healer,  and channel for the wisdom and healing of the archangels. I help my clients get the answers they need so that they can manifest the lives and the abundance they desire. I created this series to share with you the information the angels have taught me about how to work with the power of Source energy to cocreate your heart’s desire. In order to manifest what you want, what you are praying for, you need to understand how energy works in your life, and you need to be able to access and embody a wide range of energies. Think of energy like paint. A visual artist works with a palette of colors that he or she is able to choose, mix, and manipulate in order to create the image we see on the completed canvas.   In much the same way, highly conscious humans can choose and mix specific energi

  • What to Do When You Are Afraid (Part One) - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    13/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    Fear and anxiety have physical consequences--and metaphysical ones! In Part One of this series on fear, learn the three steps to take when you find yourself feeling anxious or afraid. Read the Full Episode I’m okay now. I might not be okay later today. I might not be okay tomorrow. I might not be okay next Thursday. I’m pretty certain I won’t be okay if this thing I’m worried about happens. It’s possible that I might not be okay by the end of the month. Even if I make it through this month, what about next month? I’m thinking things will be really difficult this summer, so I am concerned. Sounds kind of ludicrous when I write it out like that, doesn’t it? But this is the way fear—or it’s lesser relative, anxiety—often operates in our heads. The worry and the anxious thoughts go around and around in our heads. If the fear just stayed in our heads, it might be okay, but it doesn’t work like that. This kind of anxiety permeates our entire being. Our muscles get tense, our breathing gets shallow, there is a clen

  • The Truth About Manifesting - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    07/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    We are human-divine beings—how does that work, exactly? Have you ever tried to manifest something you desire and been frustrated with the results?  Read the Full Episode Hello, and welcome. My name is Alix, and I am an intuitive life coach, energy healer, and channel for the wisdom and healing of the archangels. I help my clients get the answers they need so that they can manifest the lives and the abundance they desire. Thank you for joining me today. In this episode of Manifesting with the Archangels, I’m going to share with you the truth about manifesting as I understand it from my work with the archangels. If you’ve ever tried to manifest something and been frustrated with the results you got, then this episode is for you. We are human-divine beings. We are capable of working with Source energy, our higher selves, and our human bodies and minds to cocreate the lives and the abundance we desire. The new age, positive thinking movement and its teachers have opened up a world of possibilities to us. We k

  • The Power of Acceptance with Archangel Haniel MYL0005 - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    05/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    Acceptance is an invitation to peace. Join Alix as she channels Archangel Haniel in a guided exploration of the power of simple acceptance to realign you with Source energy so that you can more easily manifest your heart's desire. Read the Full Episode Hello and welcome! I’m Alix, and I’m here with another angel power energy episode for you. The energy I want to share with you today is acceptance. Acceptance is a very gentle version of the energy of surrender, which I will talk about in a future video. Unlike surrender, acceptance doesn’t require that you disassemble your life and hit rock bottom in order to change, which is a good thing, because few of us want to experience true surrender very many times in our lives. Surrender can be truly devastating to walk through. Acceptance, on the other hand, is an invitation to peace. I’d like to invite you to follow my voice as I lead you through a short guided experience of acceptance. Then I’ll unpack this energy for you mentally, and briefly describe what it is

  • Why Your Life Matters to the Angels MYL0004 - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    31/01/2018 Duration: 19min

    What's your life purpose? How are you here to contribute to the planet? Helping the world requires that we first help ourselves. The truth is, highly conscious humans have two life purposes--a personal one, and a planetary one. Join Alix as she shares angel insights about life purpose, and the importance of doing our personal healing work, both for our individual lives and for the good of the planet. This episode ends with a discussion about the two fundamental ways to be in a body on this planet. You can choose to be human, or, you can choose to be . . . listen and find out! As always, you are invited to share your comments, questions, confusions, and anecdotes with author Alix Moore via email at or via her website Alix & the Archangels are available for private sessions.

  • What’s Your Life Purpose? MYL0003 - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    26/01/2018 Duration: 23min

    What's your life purpose? Have you been searching for a clear understanding of why you are here? In this episode, Alix shares the surprising information that the angels and the divine masculine/divine feminine have taught her about soul purpose. This episode includes the end of Chapter One--a discussion of the importance of wishing, and what to do when you are irritated and frustrated because you can't seem to receive what you desire--and the beginning of Chapter Two. As always, you are invited to share your comments, questions, confusions, and anecdotes with author Alix Moore via email at or via her website Alix & the Archangels are available for private sessions.

  • The Power of Wanting MYL0002 - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    17/01/2018 Duration: 23min

    Before you can cocreate the life of your dreams, you must begin by connecting with the transformational power of your own desire. What do you want? Use the exercises in this episode to tune into your dreams and desires. Follow the guided meditation to have a conversation with your physical body and hear what it wants and needs from you. This episode includes three exercises, a conversation with Archangel Gabriel, and a guided meditation. As always, you are invited to share your comments, questions, confusions, and anecdotes with author Alix Moore via email at or via her website Alix & the Archangels are available for private sessions.

  • Becoming Human-Divine MYL0001 - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide

    09/01/2018 Duration: 21min

    Welcome to Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix & the Archangels, the podcast on becoming a human-divine being. I couldn't wait to share with you the information that the archangels and I are collaborating on in my forthcoming book, Becoming Human-Divine: The No BS Guide to Loving Yourself into Your Amazing Life, so I decided to "publish" it in this podcast, one section each week. Episode One contains the preface and the first half of chapter one.