

Hello! This is Alix, and I’m here with the archangels today for a new episode of Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels. I’m so happy you’ve found us. It has been some time since I’ve been active on this channel. During the last year, I have been focused elsewhere—holding down two jobs, and submerging myself in all the delight and distraction of a new relationship. Here I am, almost exactly a year later, and I am rebalancing my life somewhat, refocusing on the passion of my work in addition to the passion of my relationship. I’m so happy to be back here, speaking with you today. Of course, I never just live my life. I live my life with consciousness. I connect with the soul journey beneath the day-to-day journey I am living. I observe my processes, take responsibility for my own growth and healing. As always, the angels have much to teach me along the way. I’d like to speak with you today about the power of acceptance. Acceptance has been front and center in my meditation space recently. E