Newlife Living



NewLife Living presents the bible teaching of Pastor Alan Brooks of NewLife church in Rio Rancho, NM, a church seeking to know Jesus and to make Him known.


  • Trust And Obey

    19/03/2023 Duration: 01h10min
  • The Mystery of Marriage

    12/03/2023 Duration: 45min

    God Himself officiated the first marriage between Adam and Eve. He designed it for the purpose to displaying the eternal relationship between Himself and His people to the world. Today, more than ever, we need to discover what God has in store for marriages. 

  • Paradigm Shift

    27/02/2023 Duration: 44min

    As the Roman Centurion Cornelius' men are nearing Joppa to request Peter come to Caesarea and meet with the Roman Centurion, the Apostle is given a vision to prepare his heart and mind for the next work outside the box that God wants to do. 

  • The Big Guns

    21/02/2023 Duration: 38min

    The story of Cornelius in Acts 10 showcases just how powerful, effective and necessary prayer is. Prayer is something God has provided and yet we don't leverage enough. If we only knew what was at our disposal, it might change our entire life. 

  • The Example

    13/02/2023 Duration: 39min

    Peter got to see a whole lot. His witness to Jesus's miracles and ministry took his faith to a new place because he saw Jesus for who Jesus really is and as a result, Peter discovered who he himself was and what God still wanted to do. 

  • Passion Exchange

    07/02/2023 Duration: 35min

    When Saul gains back his physical sight and along with it spiritual insight he immediately transforms from persecutor to promoter. Not unexpectedly he is not well received in either Syria or in his return to Israel. His dedication in spite of great opposition shows us both the depth of his character and his convictions about who Jesus is.

  • All Will Be Humbled

    31/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    What is important to God's heart? How do we know we are connecting with Him or whether we are in the right? If we don't stay connected with Him moment by moment, we, ourselves, can even get in the way. 

  • Ministry of One

    24/01/2023 Duration: 36min

    Philip while in Samaria experienced an entire community being impacted by the Gospel. In this passage we see his ministry operating on a much smaller scale with just one person...or not!

  • He Stole the Show

    16/01/2023 Duration: 49min

    This week we will be in Acts 8:9-25.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit would prepare the time and lead us in His loving and equipping ways.

  • A Whole New Ballgame

    12/01/2023 Duration: 44min

    Everything changed for the people of God once Stephen was martyred. It was a whole new ballgame. What happened in the Church as widespread and systematic persecution became the norm? How they responded shows us how we should likewise live as the Church today. 

  • Mission Leader

    04/01/2023 Duration: 44min

    This teaching for a special NewLife Commissioning Celebration  looks at Paul's coaching of his young protege Timothy for his role as the Mission Leader for the church at Ephesus and Pastor's Alan's coaching for the new ministry lead of NewLife church.

  • Miracles in the Manger

    27/12/2022 Duration: 15min
  • Undercover King

    19/12/2022 Duration: 44min

    Advent speaks to a coming, an arrival and an appearance. We have heard of and been witness to the first advent of Jesus the Christ and with it we get to see God's true heart. There is an opportunity of all opportunities to respond to Him by faith before the second advent where God will come with righteous and final judgement. 

  • Seeing Red vs Seeing God

    12/12/2022 Duration: 37min

    After an thought provoking review of Jewish history, Stephen goes on the offensive with the Jewish High Council and figuratively hits the them with both barrels. His rebuke hits hard and draws a fast and hard response, but it's God's response that is the most remarkable.

  • The Pattern Shown to You

    11/12/2022 Duration: 44min

    Searching for, discovering and recognizing what God has been up to will undoubtedly change the course of your own life. We don't want to miss what He is up to; the stakes are far too high. Approaching God with openness and teachable humility will allow us to be led by His Word and His Spirit as we continue to learn from Stephen's sermon in the Spirit. 

  • Afflicted by God

    28/11/2022 Duration: 45min

    In this study of Acts chapter seven, Stephen testifying before the Jewish High Council continues to take them down memory lane by reminding them what happened after Abraham left everything and arrived in the land that God had brought him to. The results for both him and his offspring were likely not what he anticipated and should remind us that in this life there will be trial and tribulation and to keep our eyes on the Kingdom to come!

  • Stepping out in faith

    28/11/2022 Duration: 43min

    In this teaching from Acts chapter seven we continue to see the unfolding story of Stephen who as part of his defense before the Jewish council, refers them to some Jewish history. He starts by reminding them of the command God gave Abraham to leave his home, family and friends to go to a land that Abraham knew nothing of and Abraham's response is inspiring to all of us.

  • Stephen’s Stand

    28/11/2022 Duration: 51min

    Stephen was a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit as well as grace and power according to Scripture. God uses His people in their willingness and availability to carry out His work. Jesus is on glorious display in the lives of His followers who are fully associating with Jesus and equipped in more ways than we realize. 

  • What’s missing from your gospel?

    07/11/2022 Duration: 32min

    Ask any number of Christians "what is the gospel?" you are likely to get a number of different answers. This teaching 'What's in Your Gospel?' seeks to help each of us discover the biblical gospel so we can better share it with others.

  • Growing Pains

    02/11/2022 Duration: 45min

    The first church in Jerusalem is increasing in number and as with most new ventures is experiencing growing pains. Although some had sold property and given the proceeds to be shared, there were some who felt "their people" weren't being cared for and this leads the Apostles to call for the first congregational meeting to find a solution.

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