Today's Home Inspector - In The House



Learn from the pros as we support the home inspection profession. We showcase new vendors, offer tips/advice and bring you news and events from our real estate industry colleagues. Follow Today's Home Inspector - we're "In The House"!


  • Water Testing with TapScore

    08/04/2020 Duration: 26min

    SimpleWater is an award-winning science and health services company founded at the University of California in Berkeley with the mission of improving your drinking water and long term health. Tap Score is a service for easy home water testing and reporting, created by SimpleWater. Entire TapScore Team John Pujol - Chief Executive Officer John is a water expert experienced in contaminant research, testing and treatment. He has developed several new water treatment technologies for arsenic, fluoride and heavy metal remediation as well as advised on UV LED technology for pathogen and pharmaceutical inactivation. John has a Masters in Engineering from UC Berkeley and Bachelors in Economics from Boston University. Julio Rodriguez - Chief Technology Officer Julio is responsible for Tap Score software engineering, product design, data analysis, and online marketing efforts. He has a background in software product development and information technology, with a 15 year history of successful enterpr

  • Top 5 Claims Against Home Inspectors

    02/07/2019 Duration: 14min

    Download an infographic of this topic:  WATER DAMAGE - Key Takeaways In an effort to make more money, it’s not uncommon for sellers to attempt to take care of existing defects prior to posting their properties for sale. And if those sellers are on a budget—which they often are—poor do-it-yourself repairs may occur. While, as a home inspector, it is not your job to diagnose repairs’ proficiency, it is important for you to draw attention to repairs. Your clients need to know that just because the seller repaired a defect does not guarantee they repaired it well. Including clauses that identify repairs and your clients’ duty to monitor those repairs, as the home inspector in this example did, is a good way to deter and combat claims. In addition, it’s common for third parties, like the construction contractor in this example, to cast doubt or blame on home inspectors. Therefore, it’s important for home inspectors to be particularly cautious and vigilant. One way to prevent future contractors’ condemnat

  • America's Call Center - Interview with Paul Zak

    12/04/2019 Duration: 31min

    Hi I’m Gary Smith - welcome back - My next guest is Paul Zak. What a treat it was to speak with Paul. He manages the largest office support services company in the home inspection profession. America’s Call Center or ACC is more than a “call center”. It’s a 60+ employee and growing “Home Inspector Partner”. Whether you are a one may shop or a growing multi-inspector company their approach and commitment to your business success is something they take very seriously. So - - enjoy my conversation with Paul Zak.  

  • Vendor Spotlight - Smoke Detector Pole

    10/04/2019 Duration: 17min

    Our vendor spotlight features James Truscott - over the years James worked as a building inspector in the Dallas Metro - Often his job included testing smoke detectors - sometimes he’d ask a tenant to borrow a broom or mop or walking cane - anything that would help get to the unit in out of reach spots. I’m sure you’ve been there - - if not a stick - you’re carrying a ladder or a stool. In some cases the housing unit was vacant - broom or mop or cane. To fulfill the need - he invented his own - but it’s not just a pole - it’s collapsable and - - - there are a few other features - we’ll let him tell you in his own words...enjoy our conversation with inventor of the Smoke Detector Pole - James Truscott.  GET IT HERE: 

  • How a Report Review Video Adds Value

    30/01/2019 Duration: 07min

    VALUE PROPOSITION 1) What sets you apart? Why should I hire you? Keep reading and listen/watch - - because you want to give the client a "Unique" value proposition.   2) Who is your target audience? If you can't answer this question you can't answer Question #1.  3) What are your client's pain points? How well do you know your client? You should be able to very quickly identify with your client's challenges. 4) How will your inspection service remedy the issues? Once you have a good understanding of how your services remedy your target audience's pain points, you can begin to present your opinion in a way that is meaningful and delivers value. This episode is also available on our YouTube Channel. We have a HOW TO video that dives a bit deeper into the tools we used to create the video reviews and offer a few tips and tricks. Our Channel is here:  Video Part I:  ...and Part II: https://yo

  • 5 Ways Competition is Good For Business

    21/01/2019 Duration: 01min

    Innovation Competition leads to innovation. If you’re the only inspector in your area it’ll be difficult to improve. And if you’re working in a crowded market, you won’t succeed by doing what everyone else does. Healthy competition encourages change. Customer Service Home inspectors offer similar products - they compete for customers. Improved customer service leads to loyal followers and the best marketing in the marketplace - word of mouth. Complacency Competition shakes off complacency. If your inspection company is consistently trying to innovate and better itself, you’ll be encouraged to push yourself - leave complacency to a rock. Understanding Your Market Competition forces you to focus on your core audience. Inspectors target local markets and your competition will encourage you to better understand that setting. Education Watching your competitors do well can teach you things about your business. Their practices will provide you with valuable insight into the state of the market, and help show you wh

  • You Need an Edge

    19/01/2019 Duration: 58s

    My one minute shot of advice and opinion - I called it my "ad-inion"! Thanks for listening - subscribed yet? Please be my guest - it highly appreciated and hope you visit often!

  • Questions To Ask After The Inspection

    14/01/2019 Duration: 43min

    Here are some sample questions a home inspector should be prepared to answer: How much do you charge? What exactly do you look for? How long will the inspection last?   When most buyers think about questions to ask a home inspector, it’s usually about things before they hire them. Real Estate professional Bill Gassett  wrote an article titled “Questions to Ask The Home Inspector After The Inspection is Completed”. Today on Open Mic - Charles and I will answer Bill’s 5 questions, we’ll discuss a few of our favorite threads posted on our Open Group and we’ll hope to share information to help you grow your home inspection business. Today’s Podcast is sponsored by The Drone University -  Whether you’re new to drones or a seasoned pilot, they can help you fly safe, fly right & make your business soar! Visit them at We mentioned Inspection World in our show. Here’s a link to the event: Find Charles Buell in Seattle Washington:  www.b