Today's Home Inspector - In The House

Vendor Spotlight - Smoke Detector Pole



Our vendor spotlight features James Truscott - over the years James worked as a building inspector in the Dallas Metro - Often his job included testing smoke detectors - sometimes he’d ask a tenant to borrow a broom or mop or walking cane - anything that would help get to the unit in out of reach spots. I’m sure you’ve been there - - if not a stick - you’re carrying a ladder or a stool. In some cases the housing unit was vacant - broom or mop or cane. To fulfill the need - he invented his own - but it’s not just a pole - it’s collapsable and - - - there are a few other features - we’ll let him tell you in his own words...enjoy our conversation with inventor of the Smoke Detector Pole - James Truscott.  GET IT HERE: