Poetically Proven Podcast



Podcast by Claire Trevien


  • Poetically Proven Podcast #3: Clive Birnie

    30/03/2018 Duration: 33min

    Poetically Proven Podcast is a series in which marketers talk about poetry, and poets about marketing. In this episode we are joined by Clive Birnie, publisher at Burning Eye Books, visual artist, and wearer of many other hats. https://clivebirnie.wordpress.com http://burningeye.bigcartel.com/

  • Poetically Proven #2: Steven Dumbleton

    13/02/2018 Duration: 44min

    In this month's podcast, we are joined by Dr Steven Dumbleton, Head of Digital Marketing at Conical, for a technology-inspired episode! Steven’s PhD was titled “Social Privacy: The Perceptions of Veillance, Relationships and Space on Online Social Networking Services”, in which Richard Brautigan’s poem “All watched over by machines of loving grace” played an influential part! In this podcast we discuss the role of technology and AI in the last few decades, and ponder about AI creativity.

  • Poetically Proven #1: Janet Lees

    16/01/2018 Duration: 35min

    The first episode of the Poetically Proven Podcast, in which poetry meets marketing and marketing meets poetry! Our first guest is Janet Lees, poet, copywriter, branding expert, and co-founder of human.london As well as publishing her poetry in various excellent places, including Magma and Aesthetica, Janet is also the creator of several videopoems which have been selected for numerous festivals. In this podcast we chat about LinkedIn broetry, the art of branding, Instagram poets and more....