Calm Mind Confident Life



Your listening to the calm mind confident life podcast.Full of guided meditations, relaxation audios & an abundance of tips from inspiring people around the globe. This podcast is here to help you cultivate calm and embrace the power and freedom of believing in yourself. With your host and founder of Value Your Mind, Nathalie Kealy


  • Healing The Connection with Our Body Image (Self-connection series)

    01/08/2023 Duration: 42min

    Third episode in this self-connection series: How we are disconnected from our bodies, what is impacting this disconnect and how we can repair the relationship. In this episode, Nathalie discusses the impact current technologies and societal pressures are having on people to edit the way they look. In turn creating a barrier between our body and who we are. Nathalie includes a few techniques that can help improve the connection with your body image and discusses some fundamental learnings that yin yoga offers. For more on Nathalie's self-connection retreat visit or email

  • How Our Relationship with Others, Impacts The Connection with Ourselves

    27/06/2023 Duration: 38min

    Next Episode in this Series on forming positive connection with ourselves.... The impact our relationships with other people, has positively and negatively on the connection we have with ourselves. For this episode, Nathalie has recorded a conversation she had with a friend on this topic. John talks about how his experience of divorce impacted his mental health and they both discuss how to navigate that balance of when a relationship is helpful or harmful for your mental health. To continue the conversation on , join the facebook group

  • Introduction to the New Series: Building a More Positive Connection with Yourself

    02/06/2023 Duration: 17min

    Welcome Back to a Brand New Series with Nathalie. In this episode Nathalie introduces this series on Self-Connection, talks about why Self-connection appears to be something so many people are struggling with and how it is fundamental for ones health. The episode ends with a quick self-connection and mindfulness exercise, to start embedding straight away into your daily routine. For further discussion on this topic and to be alerted to new episodes, join the Calm Mind Confident Life facebook group Instagram:

  • Mastering Your Anxiety & Taking the Power Back; with Anxiety Coach, Vikki Louise [Ep.44]

    20/09/2020 Duration: 33min

    Top Tips: Split your time into micro tasks, break it down Listen to what your anxiety is telling you Make decisions from a place of choice not fear Links: Podcast F*CK Anxiety & Get Sh*t Done

  • Get Unstuck & Find Clarity: The Importance of our Intuition (and a meditation to help) [Ep.43]

    06/08/2020 Duration: 29min

    Ep. 42 The Importance of our Intuition The Science of why and a guided intuitive meditation. Feeling stuck? Experiencing a lack of clarity around a specific decision or just generally having this overwhelming sense of feeling lost? This month Nathalie is chatting all about why connecting with our intuition is fundamental and finding clarity and getting unstuck in the mind. She shares the science behind the importance of our intuition and how to connect back to it, with a really helpful intuitive meditation to help you on your way. You can use this meditation to help you answer specific dilemmas or generally connect back to your intuition and find more clarity. (This months meditation starts 17 minutes in). Head over to the facebook group if you want to chat more about this

  • Staying Motivated & Dreaming Big; with the Founder of 'The Smart Girl Tribe' [Ep.42]

    03/05/2020 Duration: 33min

    Staying Motivated & Dreaming Big; with the Founder of The Smart Girl Tribe Need a little inspiration and motivation? This month Nathalie shares a conversation she had with Scarlett; The aspirational lady behind the platform, Smart Girl Tribe, that helps inspire and motivate young women to carve the life they want, dream big and believe in themselves. Scarlett shares her own journey through panic attacks, overcoming peoples judgements and what keeps her motivated every day. Top 3 tips: Allow yourself to dream big Identify what the purpose is and make that your motivation Use positive affirmations and goal setting Books Melissa Ambrosini - Mastering your inner mean girl Rachel Hollis "Girl Stop Apologising" Carrie Green "She Means Business." Where you can find her: Instagram : We are @smartgirltribe on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The Smart Girl Tribe Podcast:

  • Managing Coronavirus Anxiety: Thoughts, tips and an extra calming meditation [E41]

    17/03/2020 Duration: 28min

    Managing Coronavirus Anxiety: Thoughts, tips and an extra calming meditation [E41] It’s a really tricky time for all of right now and a time when we need to really make a conscious effort to protect our mental wellbeing. In this episode Nathalie talks about this and shares her top five tips, along with simple exercises to help reduce anxiety and increase a sense of calm in your mind and body. This includes a few grounding, mindfulness techniques and a anxiety releasing meditation. Although this episode has been created with the current global anxiety in mind, the techniques shared are helpful for anyone at any stage who struggles with anxiety or symptoms of anxiety. Please remember to join the facebook community group where we can all support each other during this time and share any tips you have in managing anxiety. Also please do share this episode on social media or with your friends or family members. Everyone is feeling the anxiety right now an

  • Real Life Journey's Through Mental Wellbeing: Guilt, Anxiety & Finding Self-belief [E40]

    28/01/2020 Duration: 46min

    Ep 40 Real Life Journey: Guilt, Anxiety & Finding Self-belief This is first in a few episodes of real life journey's through mental wellbeing Nathalie will be sharing with you over the year. In this episode Nathalie is talking to Leonie , owner of Irrelevant Agency. She has set up not one, but two businesses, and yet through all this has been navigating her way through a mental illness of borderline personality disorder. Leonie shares how she has managed the symptoms of this such as anxiety and low mood, in order to continue to find the self-belief to keep moving forward towards her goals and aspirations. Top 3 tips: Be kind to yourself and think about what you need Spend time with people who have your best interests at heart Allow yourself to say no to things that you don’t want to do Set yourself helpful short term goals that you can achieve Where you can find her: Insta: @finding_leonie We are building a calm mind confident life community- join it here -https://www.

  • Why Meditation Is Healing: The Science Behind it & 10 Min Guided Healing Meditation [E39]

    17/12/2019 Duration: 31min

    Why Meditation is Healing: The science behind it & 10 min guided healing meditation. Decembers episode is about taking time to heal and recover from the year, how the holiday season is a great time to do this and how you can use meditation to help you in this process. Nathalie highlights the top reasons research shows mediation to have powerful impact on healing our body and mind and a 10 minute guided healing meditation that you can use as a simple tool to help you process and heal. For more in depth discussion around this, including links to research conducted, head to the blog Note from Nat: I’d love to know if you’re going to start practising meditation over the Christmas holidays, let me know your joining in by sharing on insta and tagging @value_your_mind

  • CBD Oil to Calm the Mind: Why We Should All Try It as a Holistic Supplement for Mind & Body[E38]

    05/11/2019 Duration: 32min

    Episode 38: CBD Oil to Calm the Mind Nathalie chats with co-founder of Kloris ( A premium CBD brand operating in the wellness and beauty world. Kim explains why CBD oil is a great supplement for our general wellbeing but specifically how it can help in reducing stress in the mind and body. Kim also shares some helpful tips on how to choose the right cbd oil for you and knowing how to choose good quality cbd products. Links: CBD study mentioned - CBD for anxiety - Kim's Top Calm Confident Mind Tips: - Manage your social media right. Anything that makes you feel bad when you look at it, ditch it. - If life allows, be of service to others - And of course, take CBD oil

  • Why We Need Solitude For Mental Wellbeing & A Meditation To Quieten The Mind [E37]

    29/09/2019 Duration: 26min

    We are back after the summer break with our next series. After a busy summer we are probably all lacking that solo time when we can just concentrate on ourselves. In this episode Nathalie talks about why taking moments of solitude is good for our mental health and how to recognise when you're needing to re-connect back to yourself. Nathalie also guides you through a 10 minute meditation which can be used to help you have a short burst of time on your own and to help you let go of the build up stuff in the mind. Blog with further tips on this subject can be found via this link

  • Ep. 36 The Relationship Between our Environment & Mental Health: Calm Mind Confident Life

    27/05/2019 Duration: 29min

    The Relationship Between the Environment & our Mental Health This week Nathalie shares a conversation she had with Ruby and Christabel, founders of the Advaya Institute. Advaya is an alternative think tank which explores the relationship between the environment and our mental wellbeing. Ruby and Christabel are yoga teachers and keen activists in environmental change. They noticed a need for more conversations on the importance of having a positive relationship with the environment and how this is fundamental in the relationship we have with ourselves. Links: Also on twitter and facebook Top tips: Regular breathing and pranayama practises Being and spending time in nature Having open conversation that help inspire others, passing no blame or judgement Remind yourself ‘you are whole.’

  • Ep. 35 Earth Meditation For Calm, Clarity and Stability: Calm Mind Confident Life

    22/04/2019 Duration: 20min

    Ep. 35 An Earth Element Meditation for Calm, Clarity and Stability. This week Nathalie shares a meditation which will help bring a sense of calm and stability into your mind and body. Today is world earth day and so this episode offers you a brief guide on why considering the earth is important for mental wellbeing and you can use the earth element to balance the mind. Top tip- If you can find somewhere outside to listen to this then do. This will help maximise on the calming elements of this podcast. However Nathalie also recorded this outside so you can hear nature no matter where you are. Please leave a review if you like what you hear and don’t forget you can join the community on the facebook group Calm Mind Confident Life

  • Ep. 34 Facing Fears & Embracing Failure With Entrepreneur Sapphire Bates: Calm Mind Confident Life

    25/03/2019 Duration: 43min

    Facing fears and embracing failure for inner confidence. This week, Nathalie has entrepreneur and business start-up guru, Sapphire Bates on the show. Despite suffering from anxiety, at only 25 Sapphire has already built two successful businesses. Nathalie talks with Sapphire about how she's found the inner confidence to do this and overcome that fear factor that always prevents us from taking the plunge into the unknown. They chat about the power of embracing failures and how you can use this as a tool to really empower yourself. Top tips: - Take a negative fear and flip it on it's head, asking yourself 'what if this works.' - Don't be afraid to fail. Failures are how we grow. - Love your whole self, 'bad bits' and all. (Self-compassion) Links: Instagram @thecovengirlgang

  • Ep. 33 Boosting Your Self-Compassion (Part 2) - Calm Mind Confident Life

    02/03/2019 Duration: 20min

    Boosting Your Self-Compassion (Part 2) Check back to episode 30 for part one on how to form a more compassionate mind. In Part 2 Nathalie shares the next fundamental step in bringing more kindness and self-compassion into your life; how to turn your attention away from negative thoughts and towards more positive, kind thoughts about yourself. As a compassionate focused therapist, Nathalie is passionate about how operating from a more compassionate place in your mind can help boost your confidence, allow you to feel more relaxed within yourself and generally feel happier within your life. These are easy tools which you can start using straight away and as always there is a guided meditation to finish which is incredibly simple yet extremely effective in quickly giving you a big boost of self-compassion.

  • Ep. 32 Planning, Self-doubt & Motivating Yourself- With Sophie Watkiss: Calm Mind Confident Life

    10/02/2019 Duration: 36min

    Ep. 32 Planning, Self-doubt and Motivating Yourself with Sophie Watkiss An honest conversation with Sophie Watkiss about her struggles through depression & how she used planning to re-motivate herself. Nathalie and Sophie chat about how to schedule your day, positive manifestation and managing those negative thoughts of self-doubt. Sophie is the creator of a great motivational journal, called the Witches Planner. Sophie’s top 3 tips: Take self-care days Morning positive rituals & routines Be humble and be yourself Links: Instagram @thewitchesplanner

  • Ep. 31 Intention Setting To Get The Most From Yourself: Calm Mind Confident Life

    20/01/2019 Duration: 19min

    INTENTION SETTING TO GET THE MOST FROM YOURSELF We are back with the first episode of 2019 where Nathalie talks you through the importance of setting your intention for the year. She guides you through how to set intentions that help you create a positive mindset, that helps you let go of old negative mind habits and supports you in getting the most from each moment. Intentions can be an extremely powerful yet simple tool for helping you connect back to your inner strength and feel like you are behaving and being in the world in a way that feels authentic to you. As always there are lots of tips shared, including a very quick, easy way to get you started in finding and setting your intention. And as alway, the episode ends with a super relaxing meditation to help you identify any deeper intentions that you might want to work with. Please rate and review if you like what you hear. The more 5 star reviews we get the more this podcast will be found by people who need it the most. Facebook community group

  • EP. 30 Boost your Self-Compassion (part one): Calm Mind Confident Life

    16/12/2018 Duration: 20min

    Boost your self-compassion (part one) The majority of us are pretty good at criticising ourselves and spend far too much time listening to that inner critic, which in turn effects our self-esteem, our energy levels and general happiness. By cultivating more self-compassion we can ensure a more positive environment for our minds and relationships (with ourselves and others) to flourish. Using her training in Compassion Focused Therapy, Nathalie will be sharing an overview of how to cultivate a more compassionate mind, including compassionate mind exercises which you can start using right away. This week Nathalie introduces two fundamental components of creating a compassionate mind; acceptance of the human brain and self-soothing exercises. This includes a simple 5 minute exercise which is perfect way to calm the mind over the busy Christmas period.

  • Ep. 29 How To Manifest Positivity Into Your Life With Chloe Slade: Calm Mind Confident Life

    26/11/2018 Duration: 49min

    Ep 29 How to Manifest Positivity into your Life with Chloe Slade Many of us will have heard the phrase 'what you put out to the universe you get back.' Put out positivity, get back positivity. This is a fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction. But the law of attraction is just one element in the wider concept of 'manifestation.' In this episode, Nathalie chats to manifestation coach, Chloe Slade. Chloe has used the principles of manifestation to successfully help her achieve many things and now she shares what she has learnt, to help others do the same. Links: Insta @vibe_and_flow Website Top tips: - Act as if - Imagine you are achieving what you want to achieve. Put that out there. - You have the power to change your reality - remind yourself this - Give yourself what you need - what is the easiest to achieve fulfilment

  • Ep. 28 Finding those moments to Press Pause in Life: Calm Mind Confident Life

    11/11/2018 Duration: 22min

    Ep. 28 Finding those moments to Press Pause in Life Feel overwhelmed? Need to find some stillness but feel like you don't have the time to do it? This week Nathalie chats about why it's important to find those moments to pause and shares some simple tips on how to do it with little to no time required. On returning from hosting her latest Press Pause retreat, Nathalie shares some tools that her and her guests explored, plus a great little meditation and breathing exercise that helps instantly bring some space and stillness to your mind and life. Don't forget to rate and review if you're enjoying this podcast and head over to the facebook group to join the Calm Mind Confident Life community If you have any questions at all, Nathalie is always available to answer and support within this group.

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