Bridge To Being



Welcome to the intersection of creativity and spirituality, a pilgrimage through time and space with Lobsterbird. Here, entrepreneurship is a holistic spiritual path, where travel, art, energy, and healing weave together, creating a space for presence, inspiration, and transcendence a Bridge to Being. Welcome to the state that exists between worlds. Cultural anthropologist Victor Turner calls it liminality, where one thing is in a state of transitioning: Liminal entities are neither here nor there; they are betwixt and between. Buddhists have the Bardo. Catholics have Purgatory. As a lobsterbird (½ lobster, ½ bird, ½ Asian, ½ Western, ½ a dweller in this society, ½ time spent in creative realms of flow), I live in and embody this state. In fact, I believe we, as humans, are the bridge between the earth and the heavens, and it is through our acts of creativity that we manifest this glorious world of forms. In this podcast, I explore this multitude of forms, taking you along on my own adventures through space, exploring the transitions where we can rest and find something out about our true nature.


  • Sumi Dishes on Korean Food and Being Satisfied on Long Beach Island

    12/12/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Today’s episode is going to be a little unconventional, kind of like our Lobsterbird. We are going to be getting a bit quantum in this episode with her mother, Sumi, who is also a known food psychic. Modern Magic has brought Sophia back to her childhood home on Long Beach Island, where Sumi shakes a ham at her and answers deep questions about banchan (Korean tiny side dishes), fortune, and how our quality of life might be tied to the quality of tradition and culinary provision from the land. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Creative Sparks: KOREAN FOOD is very tied to the LAND and to the SEASONS.  GOOD FOOD is highly symbolic of a GOOD LIFE. “I can’t BELIEVE in God if I can’t EAT.” UNRAVELING can lead to the GREATEST ADVENTURE of our lives. Your Travelogue My first crazy unraveling brought me back to Long Beach Island on my very first accidental retreat. I got down on my hands and knees in the sand and snow, and I prayed to that ocean - and all kinds of magical things started to happen. [4:19] The upco

  • The Trauma of False Reality

    12/11/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    What happens when your worst childhood nightmare becomes a reality? Can you see through the illusion, the reality of what is real/not real? On the heels of three weekends of epiphanies and enlightenment, amid Colorado mountain beauty and koi pond and pumpkin patch, that is exactly what happened. Fly away with Lobsterbird as she shares her experience in a tender place, an *inverse conscious unconscious creation* in which her worst nightmare serves to heal her worst nightmare. Your Creative Sparks: TIME and SPACE are not as they seem. In fact, they are not even REAL. There is a BELL CURVE to HEALING, where CRISIS often precedes FREEDOM. When you HEAL, you have to bring up SHADOW. You have to understand the PAIN. We can’t SPIRITUALIZE our way out of FEELING what needs to be CLEARED. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue My hope is that what I'm about to share with you helps us look at traumatic things in a whole new way. [2:17] Thank you Dragonfly! I have been liberated from a set of shackles or cha

  • Ticks: Lobsterbird Solo on Sacred Ground

    14/09/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    In her first solo walk with us in months, Lobsterbird travels along a magical path lined with multi-colored mushrooms, catching us up on her adventures through the many realms of spirituality, entrepreneurship, pilgrimage, the quantum field and more. Join us on the border of the forest of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, where the New Jersey Devil is in fact said to live, as Lobsterbird faces parasitic hunters in order to return home with the healing elixir she discovered along her hero's journey. Leave us a Rating & Review!   Your Creative Sparks: COLLABORATE with FEAR. Think of it as a fun art project. We are going through a real DEATH PERIOD right now, in which we will be REBIRTHED. We are being asked to RAMP IT UP in our ability to deal with LETTING GO, SURRENDER AND FAITH. POLARITY is like a FALSE MATRIX of thinking. Your Travelogue It was about a year ago that I had a dark night of the soul that lasted like an entire year. Like it's just finished. There are many times throughout the course of the pas

  • The Looking Glass of Your Love Frequency with Julie Pierce in Ireland

    15/08/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    Lobsterbird returns to us from the rolling land, a myriad of greens and wildflowers, so many fields that just ARE. They aren't getting mowed, and they are perfectly perfect anyway. The animals are keeping them. Grasses are growing where they need to grow. The flowers are reaching up. With Julie Pierce, we reflect on our truth and being-ness - one can only behold that which is within. When we look through this mirror with radical acceptance and love, we enter a portal that beams with our radiant heart. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Creative Sparks: The origin of the YOUME TREE. I see you, and therefore I can see me. Can you STAND in front of the MIRROR and LIST TEN features that YOU LOVE? Sometimes we have to BE CURIOUS TOGETHER and see what we find. Your Travelogue Spirals everywhere! And what do spirals do to your energy? Enhance it. Double it over. Amplification, Clarification, Purification, Ascension... Multitude vortexes in this land: in the stone circles, in the cairns, in the faery realms, in

  • Balanc-ing, Spiraling Up & Gyrokinesis with Maryanne Chaney in Ireland

    21/06/2019 Duration: 52min

    Your Creative Sparks: Being SOULFUL is DIRTY. Soul work is dirty. It is not sterilized, sanitized spirituality. POOP: It’s about FERTILITY. It’s also about CONTROL. EVERYTHING is SACRED. POWER is NOT necessarily LOFTY. Mystery is present in the lush, fertile spirals of Ireland. Soulful conversation flows between Lobsterbird and Maryanne Chaney as they sit upon thousands of blades of grass and are licked in the face by furry creatures. Above is a gorgeous sky of blue filled with fluffy, cotton clouds. And below? Who knows? Could be worms… bugs… poop? What does poop have to do with a state of grace, balanc-ing and spiraling up? Only everything. And how much are you willing to let go to find out? Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue We are always seeking balance. But with grace, it's unseeable. It's that dance that happens in Nature, that tries to find balance. [3:46] Maryanne’s ancestors were from Ireland, and she has visited many times. But this time was radically different... [6:20] Allowing for

  • The Art of Yoni Dancing with Lyoni Fisher in Bali

    01/03/2019 Duration: 47min

    Your Creative Sparks: LIFE and DANCE are the same thing. WALK in the world as the GODDESS SEXPOT you are, if that is what you want. To be FEARLESSLY, uniquely oneself is to give the world a GIFT. Today we are transmitting from the beautiful, sensual land of Bali in Indonesia, introducing *Yoni Dancer* fresh from the Bali Pilgrimage. Lyoni experienced the “arc of healing” which represented lifetime of healing in only ten days. The crucible of pilgrimage allowed her to discover she could be her authentic self, in all her unique glory, and still be accepted, embraced and loved. She also discovered a new language of energy, one that is felt in the body and personified in the dance. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue Everyone has their own unique way of understanding and interacting with energy. [4:44] What happened when Lyoni hiked up her skirt in the temple... [8:21] Lyoni’s primary access point to energy is clairsentience - the feeling capacity. As a dance teacher, she works intimately with the

  • #50 Fantasy Art, Creative Flow, and Faerieland with Alyse Longenecker in Bali

    18/01/2019 Duration: 55min

    Your Creative Sparks: We are ONE WITH NATURE. It is only our ego that makes us feel insignificant. Being in Nature feels like a REAL LIFE FANTASY. We know the TRUTH of existence as CHILDREN, that fantasy is a real world. Alyse did guided Faerie tours in the forest at the age of ten, and she has refused to allow society to culture the fantasy out of her. A visionary painter, much of her work is based in Nature, with a lot of hidden details and imaginative symbolism. On the tail of the Bali pilgrimage, Lobsterbird shares reflections with Alyse on the science of magic, our interconnectedness, the art of flow, and creating space for enchantment. Join us at the campfire, gazing up at the stars and upon the shores of the sacred lake. Leave us a Rating & Review!   Your Travelogue Completing the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, a 26 mile trek on ancient cobblestone steps, and getting to know Mom all over again on the trail. [2:22] Being in Nature... What is so terrifying and powerful about it? [6:13] She didn’t app

  • #49 Audioblog Storytime!, Part 3: Where the Heart Is

    11/01/2019 Duration: 33min

    Your Creative Sparks: The JOURNEY to CREATE a sustainable life doing the things you LOVE I take a BREATH and BUILD another HOME inside my HEART This MERIT is dedicated to “all the scientists and artists who bring the tremendous delight and pleasure to the world and others by their creativity and expressing their creativity. So as anyone who is actually being of benefit to others and brings the joy and comfort and delight for them to have longevity and prosper in their lives.” This hero’s global journey leads her Home. But where is Home? Home is a place where we build our world with our breath, letting the walls be an air of spaciousness and freedom for all beings, including animal beings, plant beings and human beings. We can be at home amid the symphony of crickets, cicada and geckos, under the pitter patter of rain on a thatched roof. “I can find Home where I am - Where the Heart is. I now finish this story to release it and let it go, because there is a new story to be told.” Leave us a Rating & Revi

  • #48 Audioblog Storytime!, Part 2: The Great Lobster Rescue Begins!

    04/01/2019 Duration: 26min

    Your Creative Sparks: But the HUNTER was also the HUNTED LIFE RELEASE is really RESPONDING to that CALL of another being in DANGER and being able to do something about it ALL THINGS FEEL As Part Two of this story unfolds, we discover the fantastical how this Lobsterbird landed on her spiritual path. On the heels of completing the Shikoku Pilgrimage, and having read “A Tale for the Time Being” by Ruth Ozeki, Sophia returned to a life that was fundamentally and dramatically changed. She was seriously considering moving into a monastery and becoming a nun. “A Wrinkle in Time” lands her instead in Maine, risking life and limb to release trapped lobsters back into the wild... Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue I’m in a car with a family i just met, traveling via tesseract, to Maine for a couple days to release lobsters.  [1:29] How does one know whether to devote one’s existence solely to the study of Buddhism or to find ways to study while pursuing a life consistent with the one a person is alread

  • #47 Audioblog Storytime!, Part 1: The Great Lobster Rescue Back Story

    28/12/2018 Duration: 36min

    Your Creative Sparks: What is HOME? How a PILGRIMAGE can help us come home? Without any home ground, we are LOST SOULS. The more we tell our stories, the further they move from the truth. Thankfully, this story was recorded close to the truth in a blog written back in 2015, after Lobsterbird returned from her first pilgrimage in Shikoku, Japan. Her entire reality was shattered and shifted. She returned home completely rudderless, left out in the spaciousness to rediscover what the world really is - and what our path is, and how to find it. This episode was recorded Live in Bali as part of a deep investigation of HOME. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue Once upon a time... [9:52] “Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.” [11:11] My jeans don’t fit anymore. [12:45] Shacked up in a wintery seaside cocoon. [13:43] Ukulele, grampee, and an ocean of poetry. [15:00] Magic begins with carpooling and leads to meeting Pema Chödrön. [16:15] Omega lives up to its

  • #46 Modern Shamanism in the Western World with Kim Woodcock in Bali

    14/12/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    Your Creative Sparks: We come into each lifetime with a SACRED CONTRACT, what your soul agreed to learn. How SUFFERING causes pieces of our SOUL to leave, and how we can BRING THEM BACK. The THREE WORLDS: Why you would GO THERE and what kind of work you would do there? A lot of HEALERS want to do light work, but our PROBLEMS are not in the light. We are sitting in the jungle of Bali in the midst of pilgrimage with Lobsterbird and Shaman Goddess, Kim Woodcock, attended by the songs of Cricket and Cicada. It’s been a year of transformation for this modern shaman, and she takes us back into the trenches to reveal the ancient secrets behind her incredible healing journey - a journey that is available to everyone. Travel with us through the three worlds to discover how you can learn the hidden language of the stone people, the four leggeds, and the stars. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue How Kim’s chronic illness led her “into the cave” where she found the shamanic path offered the radical healin

  • #45 Light vs Dark: The Energy Battle with Lobsterbird in Bali

    07/12/2018 Duration: 51min

    Your Creative Sparks: Energy itself exists on the SPECTRUM OF POLARITIES. LIGHT and ENLIGHTENMENT is our inherent nature - and the end goal. So long as we do not accept that DARK ENERGIES EXIST, we do not have THE AGENCY OF CHOICE. We have to attend to OUR OWN INNER DEMONS, or else the outer ones can get in. The battle is real. A rather rude awakening in Mongolia initiates Lobsterbird into the realm of shadow entities and dark matter. Four months later, after the tutelage of an Ipsissimus named Stephen Templar, she begins to break her silence. Join us in Bali, as the sultry wind whispers gently through a lush garden. The plants send their tropical greeting and big, leafy protection, inviting you to pull up a lounge underneath the mango tree. Listen... as we talk to you today about the glory and the gory. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue Her firm belief: we are able to co-create our reality from the quantum field, *everything* we see around us, including the things we would label good or bad.

  • #44 Welcome to Bali-wood: Marieke Warmelink

    30/11/2018 Duration: 46min

    Your Creative Sparks: The POWER OF WOMEN: It’s a matter of SHOWING it, and SHOWCASING it, so it becomes an acceptance. Women must have AN ACCEPTED PLACE, so we don’t have to fight to have our power. Creativity is not just making art. Creativity is the CORE OF CREATION. It is your DRIVING FORCE. When that starts coming out, you start to live a different kind of life. How you can turn your CREATIVE FORCE into your PERSONAL MISSION. Join us in the wonderful land of Bali, where the power of Nature is very strong in the language of storms and earthquakes and volcanoes. The moon, the sun, the heat, the animals, the insects - they are all very present here. Our Lobsterbird meandered along the back streets and got lost to find this wonderful porch-pavillion portal, in the middle of the rice fields. Here she meets Marieke Warmelink, a Balinese transplant, painter and filmmaker, who teaches us the secret to creating a life of purpose and passion. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue Marieke is a producer

  • #43 Lobsterbird? What the Heck is a Lobsterbird?

    23/11/2018 Duration: 37min

    Your Creative Sparks: A lobster and a bird could FALL IN LOVE, but WHERE would they LIVE? If you are listening to this podcast, then I am guessing YOU are ALSO a mythical, MAGICAL CREATURE! It was humbling for people to want to WATCH THE LOBSTER - and not me. When we perceive POLARITIES and bring them TOGETHER in a space where they can COEXIST, they actually TRANSCEND both of the things themselves and CREATE something completely different and completely new. Let us cross over into a mythical land full of mystical creatures - which includes YOU. Maybe you already knew this when you were very little. Maybe you saw things, or had lucid dreams, or talked to friends other people couldn’t see. Maybe you thought you were born to save the world. This story is for YOU, to inspire you to go on your own epic journey, to re-discover that you are indeed magical, that you have super powers, and that the world needs you to step into those powers and into your true BEing-ness. Leave us a Rating & Review! Links and reso

  • #42 In Love with Work, In Love with Life with Stephanie Juen in San Francisco

    16/11/2018 Duration: 47min

    Your Creative Sparks: Our paths are RARELY A STRAIGHT LINE, but eventually it all COMES TOGETHER. Focus less on what you want to DO and more on how you want to FEEL. Learn Stephanie’s POWER PRACTICE for superabundant ENERGY. It’s a vibrant day on the sunny streets of Noe Valley. Lobsterbird and her best friend Stephanie stroll along a tattooed sidewalk, among flowers that are shockingly purple and crazy fuschia madness. Before this dynamic duo paired up on transformational pilgrimages to spiritual creatives, their adventures began as students studying abroad, running amok on the streets of Florence, Italy together. Still free and wild, but their travel is different, an upward iteration of the same thing, a spiral, an uplevel. Leave us a Rating & Review! Links and resources: Request your free copy of Phase Out: The Secret Guide to Finding Work that Frees Your Soul by Sophia Remolde {Lobsterbird} at Lobsterbird’s newest book: Level Up: Power Practices for Spiritual Superabundance by Soph

  • #41 Video Did NOT Kill the Radio Star: The Reverse Interview Series

    09/11/2018 Duration: 58min

    Your Creative Sparks: How you can get UNHITCHED with courage and clarity. How an ARTIST can make a lot of MONEY *and* keep their AUTHENTICITY and INTEGRITY. How to take the SINGLE MOM JOURNEY to becoming the PROVIDER while being an INSPIRING presence for your children. How LAWYERS can be highly SPIRITUAL and very EFFICIENT. Join this renegade movement against the idea that somehow video was going to become more important than audio. Pffffft! In this series, we celebrate the revival of audio, where you can connect very closely through these tiny mechanisms in your ear. This final Part Three tunes in as Sunny Joy McMillan, bestselling author and host of the radio show, Sunny in Seattle, interviews three other amazing authors with unique messages, one of whom is our beloved Lobsterbird, of course. Leave us a Rating & Review! Links and resources: Winter, spring, summer or fall... it’s always Sunny in Seattle when you listen on Fridays from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. on Alternative Talk 1150AM KKNW. Connect with Sunn

  • #40 Video Did NOT Kill the Radio Star: The Reverse Interview Series

    03/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    Your Creative Sparks: What are the specific challenges for "CREATIVES" building a coaching or consulting business? What should we look for INTERNALLY, in order to turn that into an OUTWARD BUSINESS? How does adding the ENERGY WORK help us to SHIFT our FOCUS and GAIN more CLARITY in our business? Words of wisdom from the Energy Entrepreneur! A lush, beautiful voice becomes imperfect AND remains relevant. A new wind is blowing, it reminds us of what is truly possible . In this series, we celebrate the revival of audio!, a portable yet intimate way to connect with the world via media. Part Two of Three tunes in as Timothy D. Craggette, host of the Swift Kick Show, interviews Lobsterbird and gets down to the nitty gritty on what it takes to build a quarter million dollar business in less than a year. Leave us a Rating & Review! Links and resources: The Swift Kick Show was created by Timothy D. Craggette for business owners, coaches, consultants, authors, subject matter experts, and thought leaders that wan

  • #39 Video Did NOT Kill the Radio Star: The Reverse Interview Series

    26/10/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Your Creative Sparks: “Something in HER ENERGY was much bigger than her physical presence… This woman HOLDS SPACE for something vast.” PILGRIMAGE: the fastest path to transformation. We experience the inner TRANSFORMATION, and the outer world organizes around us. A dog is sneezing off in the corner. A new wind is blowing across the microphone. In this series, we celebrate the revival of audio!, sound itself as a medium to honor the vibrations within ourselves and the world. Part One of Three tunes in as Joe Gacoscos, host of the True Insights radio show, interviews Lobsterbird from her popup retreat with the League of Heroes in New York City. Joe credits “the Rule of Three” for this interview and a chance to know how the Lobsterbird came into being. Leave us a Rating & Review! Links and resources: True Insights with Joe Gacoscos: Wednesdays at 1PM PST on News for the Soul Radio – Joe Gacoscos is a Spiritual Energy Healer, Teacher and Coach based in San Diego, California. Joe teaches spiritual tools to

  • #38 Sumi Dishes on Buddha, Jesus, Peace and Having a Good Life

    19/10/2018 Duration: 50min

    Your Creative Sparks: Sumi says we should accept what life gives us. Except she wants Korean food. It’s hard to accept American food. Is there a problem praying to Buddha AND Jesus? Sumi says, no problem! Sumi says one lie never stays one lie. It always grows. After driving solo across the country, traveling around the world, going on pilgrimage in Mongolia and Canyon de Chelly, Lobsterbird returns to her childhood home in southern NJ. She’s been on a hero’s journey. She has witnessed and experienced a lot of darkness. Her illusions of reality have been completely shattered. “Who do I trust? What is it that I believe in?” She felt at a loss, so she prayed. And the answer to her prayer was standing in the kitchen. The inimitable Sumi, who Sophia simply calls, Mom. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue Sumi says: Life is like a roller coaster. Nothing goes smoothly. It goes up, down, up, down. That’s the rule. Can you make your life better? If you can make yourself better, yes. [5:40] A focal point

  • #37 Your Sphere of Influence with Photographer/Videographer/Mermaid Jenn Reid

    12/10/2018 Duration: 57min

    Your Creative Sparks: A change agent must be VISIBLE - YOUR STORY must be TOLD. If not, there is a whole world that is not being served. Discrimination and the “don’t rock the boat” syndrome. The boat is broken, people! We can do as much for the WOMEN’S MOVEMENT by raising empowered, aware men. In Washington DC, Mermaid slaps her tail on the water. Magnificent ripples travel out into the ether, and all of the fish feel her power moving. Your friendly neighborhood Lobsterbird joins forces with Jenn Reid in an epic journey to dismantle the patriarchal world of audio/visual and revolutionize reality TV. With great power comes great responsibility. We must all face great challenges in order to get to the moment of magic.  Join the casting call, and prepare to make your move - and move this planet. Leave us a Rating & Review! Your Travelogue Lobsterbird first met Jenn Reid at the Author’s Castle. Jenn was responsible for photographing the red carpet launch for the latest crop of bestselling books, taking he

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