Not Suitable For Work Podcast



Lets face it, people dont always bring their best self to work. Instead they walk through the doors each morning emboldened by ego, power, arrogance, stupidity and gossip. This is why tempers flare and situations escalate. Its bound to happen when people are crowded together all day long in tight quarters under stress with no fresh air and limited sunlight. Its the perfect recipe to heighten everyones crazy.Join host and executive coach Peter C. Diamond as he interviews people who share humorous stories of their own office dysfunction. In between fits of laughter, together they help make sense of office nonsense. Dont worry, no careers were harmed in making Not Suitable for Work. New episodes available on Wednesdays.


  • Best of 2018 PT 2

    26/12/2018 Duration: 33min

    It seems only fitting to finish the first season of Not Suitable for Work with a “Best Of” episode. I've combed through the nearly forty episodes to find these little gems. Listening to each episode again had me cracking up.

  • Best of 2018 Pt 1

    20/12/2018 Duration: 34min

    It seems only fitting to finish the first season of Not Suitable for Work with a “Best Of” episode. I've combed through the nearly forty episodes to find these little gems. Listening to each episode again had me cracking up.

  • Sex, Drugs and Luxury Retail

    28/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    In the 1990’s a career in luxury retail was a good gig. These jobs were coveted and once hired, competition for commissions was fierce. In this episode, we find out what happens behind the cosmetics counter of a Beverly Hills luxury retailer.

  • Scratching the Entrepreneurial Itch

    14/11/2018 Duration: 34min

    How many of you out there have the dream of being an entrepreneur and making boat loads of Benjamins? Being an entrepreneur became a national fixation starting with the craze back in the late 90’s. Everyone wanted to get in on the game. The lure of cashing in on the next big thing was omnipresent. It seemed like millionaires were being minted on a daily basis. When the bubble burst in the early 2000’s the promise of making easy millions off the sweat of your own brow was already seeded as a way to be your own boss and live the American Dream. (Working for “the man” became passe.) There’s a romantic notion of creating something that becomes a commercial success. It’s the ultimate achievement. So much so, 25 million Americans are starting or running new businesses. Recently, Peter binged the podcast, “How I Built This”. These stories of entrepreneurial success are inspirational and make it seem wildly possible, but that is only the case 18% of the time. What about the other 82%? In this episode, we hear

  • Thank You! You're Fired

    07/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    In the not so distance past, a pink slip was used to terminate an employee. You’d get your paycheck and if there was a pink slip attached then you knew the gig was up and it’s time to look for a new job. That’s it, super-efficient. The employer doesn’t have to come face to face with an employee’s tears, angry words or idle threats. While this makes it easy for the employer, the practice was deemed cruel and heartless. An employee should deserve better. Unfortunately, not sure if how people are fired, laid off or made redundant has gotten much better. Most companies still don’t get it right, even though they have plenty of practice given how often it happens. In this episode, an executive coach shares how his previous employer was really bad at letting people go.

  • Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

    24/10/2018 Duration: 24min

    What lengths would you go to to win over a prospective client? This is a dilemma every business professional will face at some point in their career. It’s not unusual for a company to exaggerate a capability or breadth of experience in order to curry favor with a new client. How far would you stretch the truth? And once you start will you ever be able to draw the line. In this episode, my guest Patrick Collins quickly gets caught up in corporate caper to shade the truth when trying to win over a new client.

  • I Must Be Hallucinating

    10/10/2018 Duration: 25min

    If you want a promotion, speak up and ask for it. You have to advocate for yourself. If you don’t, nobody will. That’s how you get ahead in the business world. Never waste a chance to move up the ladder. This is the type of advice you’d get from a mentor, parent, business book or overly assertive friend. Feeling as though he was being overlooked, my guest Dan Richardson, took the bull by the horns and seized an opportunity to ask for a promotion.What the people behind all this advice neglect to tell you is the toll that it takes on you mentally and physically.

  • I Worked for a Cult

    03/10/2018 Duration: 22min

    Experts will often say, people change careers at least three to five times during their lifetime. There isn’t concrete data on this but it feels about right. In our quest to change careers and do something different it can also impair our judgement when interviewing and evaluating whether or not to join a company. We overlook the signs that would otherwise give us reason to pause. That’s exactly what happened to our guest Jessica Dorfman Jones.

  • Open in Private

    26/09/2018 Duration: 26min

    How far would you go to forge a relationship with your client? How much do you mix business with pleasure? Whether you’re in sales or professional services, clients are your lifeline. Part of being a good sales person is being able to establish a rapport with your client. This includes small talk about what you did over the weekend, maybe going out to dinner or a concert. Some of these relationships form easily, and there is an immediate connection through a shared interest. Others, take a little more effort and you have to chip away at bit by bit. There are tons of tips and tricks on how to win over a client. Many of these you learn in sales training. But every once in a blue moon, you will come across an awkward situation that isn’t in any sales handbook or training manual. Our guest Pat Sullivan shares one of those stories.  

  • I Feel Like A Fraud

    19/09/2018 Duration: 41min

    There is an old adage, surround yourself with people smarter than you. Sounds good in theory, however not always in practice. After taking a job with a consulting firm with no relevant education or experience to draw upon, our guest finds herself knee deep with a group of colleagues who are using corporate jargon she doesn’t understand, working with excel which she never learned and trying to overcome a severe case of imposter syndrome.

  • Please Let Me Quit

    12/09/2018 Duration: 20min

    What if your boss refuses to accept your resignation? Seriously, what would you do if your boss won’t let you quit. This happened to my guest Paul Farahvar, comedian, podcast host and lawyer. Always a prankster, Paul tries everything to get fired from his retail job.

  • An Evening with the Muckety Mucks

    05/09/2018 Duration: 27min

    Being invited to an exclusive corporate soiree after years of toiling away in the daily grind should be the pinnacle of one’s career. Or is it? Marketing consultant Amy Kleckner accepted one of those invites where she was finally given the chance to rub elbows with the C-Suite in their natural habitat.  

  • Blinded by Ambition

    22/08/2018 Duration: 20min

    Steve Grosklaus and Peter have worked closely together for fifteen years. Both are decent human beings. About ten years ago, they were thrown into a client project that was politically charged and littered with minefields. As co-conspirators, we had to navigate two camps within the client. One eager for change and the other determined to maintain the status quo. There was a lot at stake and in one particular meeting with the opposition. They were so consumed with “making the sale” and unaware that something was amiss.

  • Leadersh*ts

    15/08/2018 Duration: 35min

    In this episode, we’re going to tackle the topic of authenticity and how it got a few leaders into hot water. Ana Dutra, current President and CEO of the Executives’ Club of Chicago and author of Leadershits joins Peter.  She’s seen it all while working at a Fortune 100 corporation, top consulting firms and in her current position as president and CEO. Her front row seat in closed door meetings allowed her to observe first hand leadership behaviors that are disruptive not only to the company and colleagues but also to the leader.

  • Too Much Wine

    08/08/2018 Duration: 29min

    Part and parcel of client relationships includes client entertaining. This can be a good time especially when you like your clients. In this episode, after an evening drinking wine while hanging out at a client’s home, our guest, finds herself in no shape to drive and that’s when this tale takes a strange turn.

  • Pause Before Sending

    01/08/2018 Duration: 30min

    Shawn Farrell is a creative director at a large advertising agency.Not only is he feeling the heat to deliver on a high visibility client project, he’s very mindful of being the only man working on this team. Even this high level of awareness didn’t prevent him from misfiring and finding himself in hot water. His story is one of role reversal, unbounded exuberance and a bit of gamesmanship.

  • It Was Me

    25/07/2018 Duration: 15min

    Often times, you have to make a split-second business decision knowing the consequences could be dire. Jana O’Brien is a marketing and media consultant who shares her story of being caught off guard by a client’s blunt question. The answer to which she knows could cost her her job.

  • Pokerface

    18/07/2018 Duration: 25min

    Most people in corporate America work with other people who are in corporate America. With that comes a certain code of conduct, some explicit, some implicit that help keep people in line. When you’re an architect representing a client in front of a volunteer community group, you quickly realize social norms fly out the window faster than a speeding ticket. And while this tribunal of sorts is at their most reprehensible, as the architect you have to remain calm and collected. Take a listen to Jean’s worst community group encounter.

  • A Great Idea Got Me Fired

    11/07/2018 Duration: 37min

    Dave Mowers' career takes a 180 degree turn when a devil may care decision takes him cross country to pursue a career he has no experience in. This small detail doesn’t dissuade him as he throws caution to the wind and jumps in feet first. He does have one ace up his sleeve.

  • I'm Prepared, Just Not for This

    04/07/2018 Duration: 26min

    We take a peek behind the scenes of being a real estate broker with  Vince Williams. He shares his story of learning more than he would like to know about his client, the hoops he had to jump through in trying to sell a house and how he finally had to say enough is enough.

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