Tsprads Tuesdays



Welcome to the rambunctious world of TSprads. Week to week I'll get you caught up on the hilarity and stupidity that is my life as I tell you all "where I'm at with that." Co-hosts and guests will join me for games and discussion of weekly themes. I'll desperately reach out for interactions with my one faithful listener per week via Twitter polls and conversations. Keep laughing and keep it weird, my friends.


  • 20- The Super Duper Episode

    05/09/2016 Duration: 44min

    20- The Super Duper Episode by TSprads

  • 23- The Final Episode

    27/04/2016 Duration: 47min

    This is it. It's finally here. I don't how it got here or how I'm going to deal with this but........ the link above will take you to THE FINAL EPISODE OF TSPRADS TUESDAYS!! It's been such a long, crazy, emotional, stupid, worthless, meaningful, and truly fun time for me to broad/pod-cast my shambly ramblings on the airwaves for you guys. I started senior year determined to do all the things I've always wanted to do with my crazy creative spirit before med school... and damn it, I'd say I did it! On today's show, we discussed endings and major life transitions in honor of the end of the year approaching swiftly and new journeys on the horizon (especially for seniors like myself)! OF COURSE recurrent contributor LizFo returns for her final chance to give her two cents on our hot topics of the week. She'll dazzle you with stunning lightning round interview answers, as always. I'll play some fresh new tunes for you as well as a song I like to pull out in transition periods for something great and familiar by m

  • 21- The Alcohol Episode

    13/04/2016 Duration: 49min

    Because this was the 21st episode of the podcast, this week was focused on drinking (alcohol, of course) and partying like all good 21-year-olds do! You'll hear some fun new upbeat music I've been dancing and drinking to, plus you'll get to hear from LizFo (beloved show contributor), me, and other Hendrix students on twitter tell us about their drinking habits in college! Buckle up for a wild, raucous, rip-snortin' show! Keep it drunk but classy, and of course keep it weird! -TSprads