Birth Moms Get Real



Where you can find real birth mom's talking about real life and adoption. Learn how it went down, and what you need to know before you enter an adoption. (Update new feeds at & _)We support all sides and just tell the truth and want the AP's to know how we really feel. Avoid the agencies micro-managing our lives forever! Read thoughts on the adoption experience from all sides! Read thoughts on the adoption experience from all sides! For more info or to HELP US out with a donation, you can check out all our websites:(We use Birth Mom, because it is currently most identifiablebut also may go by Life Mom, Tummy Mummy, First Mom, or just Mom if you like) In reality most of us don't care what we are called, as long as we are called!) Birth Mothers have parted with a huge piece of themselves. Even the most independent woman will tell you that having a child changes a woman's view of herself. Placing that child is akin to letting go of a piece of your self. It seems that the grief which results from adoption loss more often follows a pattern which is the exact opposite of what one might expect in the case of other losses. Disenfranchised grief is when the grief is connected with a loss which cannot be openly acknowledged, publicly mourned or socially supported. In many cases of disenfranchised grief, the relationship is not recognized, the loss is not recognized or the griever is not recognized. There is a much needed service to women who have placed their child for adoption. There is also an overlooked service to single pregnant woman (one that is pro-life and not on board with an adoption agency) Many women may find best to raise the child alone. There are also many cases where adoption is best for the mother, child, and new parents. In most cases, everyone maintaining a loving relationship with the child is often the best option. The goal is to love our children in the best way possible, whether that means with or without us in


  • Birth Moms Get Real

    25/01/2013 Duration: 37min

    The grief which results from adoption loss more often follows a pattern which is the exact opposite of what one might expect in the case of other losses. Disenfranchised grief is when the grief is connected with a loss which cannot be openly acknowledged, publicly mourned or socially supported. In many cases of disenfranchised grief, the relationship is not recognized, the loss is not recognized or the griever is not recognized. The loss of a child through adoption is usually a loss which cannot be openly acknowledged, which is why mothers often suffer in silence...people who have experienced any type of loss often feel anger, guilt, sadness, depression, hopelessness and numbness and that in cases of disenfranchised grief, these feelings can persist for a very long time. The lack of recognition of their grief often results in them holding on to it more tenaciously than they might otherwise have done. Many different groups of people fear birth parent grief for many reasons. The old adage goes that people fear

  • Birth Mom Updates

    15/10/2012 Duration: 18min


  • Birth Mothers Adoption Support

    25/07/2012 Duration: 29min About Birth Mom Missions Just a few reasons why it is different. Also no one get paid in this mission. All proceeds go to the women and children. We do like 25 different actions not 1. It seeks to tell the truth about adoptions. Good and bad and hop certain agencies continue to treat pregnant women.

  • All Those Sleepless Nights

    18/05/2012 Duration: 17min

    i prayed and paced the floor

  • What we do on Birth Mother's Day 2012

    12/05/2012 Duration: 45min

    Birth Mom Missions has all sorts of things planned for Birth mom's "weekend" like every year. We want you to know you are loved throughout the whole day and every other day too. So something will always be going on (via the facebook) Like you weill receive emails or surprises and you can talk ANYTIME of the day you want to a birthmother 1 or 100 on a community call. Radio show tonight to remind you and the world what tomorrow is. And that we don't (I dont) think I am too coll so I want my own day. The day, for me, is a chance for my daughter to know (wherever she is) that her bmom loved her enough to require an extra day just for her love. I for one am glad that in 1988 a group of women created "Birth Mother's Day" as the day before Mother's day, every year (the yellow rose as our symbol too. more info on website..) So think about if you know anyone in your life that has been affected in some way by adoption (a lot of folks) and consider remembering them on a day when everyone else seems to have forgotten the