Birth Moms Get Real

What we do on Birth Mother's Day 2012



Birth Mom Missions has all sorts of things planned for Birth mom's "weekend" like every year. We want you to know you are loved throughout the whole day and every other day too. So something will always be going on (via the facebook) Like you weill receive emails or surprises and you can talk ANYTIME of the day you want to a birthmother 1 or 100 on a community call. Radio show tonight to remind you and the world what tomorrow is. And that we don't (I dont) think I am too coll so I want my own day. The day, for me, is a chance for my daughter to know (wherever she is) that her bmom loved her enough to require an extra day just for her love. I for one am glad that in 1988 a group of women created "Birth Mother's Day" as the day before Mother's day, every year (the yellow rose as our symbol too. more info on website..) So think about if you know anyone in your life that has been affected in some way by adoption (a lot of folks) and consider remembering them on a day when everyone else seems to have forgotten the