The Cliff Ravenscraft Show | Learn How To Podcast | Online Business And Social Media Marketing Tips From The Podcast Answer M



Podcasting Since 2005, Cliff Ravenscraft is a Podcast Consulting/Coach that can help you learn how to podcast. Advice on the best podcasting equipment. Podcast video training tutorials.


  • 732- From Shiny Objects to Steady Progress: Leveraging What You Already Know

    31/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    Are you constantly tempted by the latest tools and strategies, believing they hold the key to your entrepreneurial success? In this episode, I talk about the insight that we often need to be reminded more than we need to be taught. I'll share why the pursuit of shiny new tactics can hinder your progress and how fully leveraging what you already know can accelerate your journey. Using real-world examples, including my experience with promoting the Next Level Coaching Program, I'll reveal the power of refining and executing familiar strategies. Tune in to discover how focusing on the fundamentals can transform your business and help you achieve lasting success. Let's Work Together Interested in direct access to me through either a paid mastermind, group coaching program and/or one-on-one mentoring?  Email me 

  • 731 - Top 3 Online Business Mistakes I've Made Over the Past 4 Years

    23/05/2024 Duration: 50min

    In this episode, I open up about the top three mistakes I've made over the past. I'll share how stopping my weekly podcast content, neglecting consistent email communication with my audience, and abandoning my life-giving early morning routine impacted my journey. Join me as I share the lessons I've learned from these mistakes and how they are shaping my approach moving forward. Whether you're an entrepreneur, content creator, or someone striving for personal growth, there's something valuable in these reflections for you. Next Level Mastermind As a self-employed business owner, applying for the Next Level Mastermind could be the transformative decision that propels your business and personal growth to unprecedented heights. This mastermind group is designed specifically for driven entrepreneurs like you who seek not only to excel in their business ventures but also to live a life marked by fulfillment, peace, and continuous learning. By joining, you will connect with like-minded professionals in a supportive

  • 730 - Graham Cochrane | Do You Know Who You Are And What You Truly Want Out of Life?

    16/05/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    Most people are living a life that’s not even close to the life of their dreams. Some people are living parts of their dream, but they feel something is missing. Many feel stuck in this season of life or go through their day with a sense that they were made for something more. In a word, life has been an overall disappointment. The reason? We are all just conforming to the world around us, never stopping to ask ourselves who we truly are and what we truly want out of life. The secret to a fulfilling life is to figure out who you are, what dreams light you up, what you care deeply about, and then unashamedly live as your truest, most authentic self in spite of what everyone around you is doing or saying. In today’s culture this is called being a “rebel”—which simply means: do it your way. But how? In this powerful session, bestselling author, TEDx speaker, and 7-figure entrepreneur Graham Cochrane teaches his 5 part R.E.B.E.L. Framework which will give you actionable exercises and steps to uncover your uniquen

  • 729 - Five Mindset Shifts Required To Transition From Employee To Business Owner

    11/05/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    In this episode, I discuss the essential mindset shifts that must occur when transitioning from being an employee to being a full-time self-employed business owner. The Five Shifts: The Money Mindset Changing your identity to view yourself as a sales and marketing professional Self-discipline and commitment to creating routines Prioritizing self-care Upgrade Your Peer Group! Furthermore, I use this episode as an experiment of what I can do AI in content creation. I encourage you to listen to the end to understand why I chose to create this episode in such a unique way. The Original Versions of This Interview YouTube Facebook LinkedIn Arfan Husain’s Bio: Arfan Husain is a Facebook ads marketer and strategist who is passionate about helping online entrepreneurs increase their impact and income using paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram. A Leadership and Management major who transitioned from the corporate world to running his own advertising business full-time, Arfan leverages the power of digita

  • 728 - Experiencing Transformation: Mark Mason's Journey Through Professional Coaching

    09/05/2024 Duration: 30min

    In this episode, I share that I've been creating a special series of podcast episodes called "The Mark Mason Sessions" for another podcast that I produce, Cliff's Notes on Profitable Coaching. In this series, I'm coaching my close personal friend, Mark Mason, on how to develop the coaching aspect of his online business. My favorite aspect of coaching is witnessing the transformation in the life experiences of those I work with. I find it even more rewarding when the clients I work with apply what they've learned and share their knowledge to positively influence others. That's precisely what Mark Mason did just one week after session #5 of The Mark Mason Sessions. Mark published episode #263 of his Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. In this episode, I share Mark's most recent episode so you can hear the insights and takeaways he gained from our latest coaching session. Master The Art & Business of Coaching With The Next Level Coaching Program Are you prepared to master the art and business of coaching?

  • 727 - Exploring Speechify Text-to-Speech Technology: Is It Worth the Subscription?

    05/05/2024 Duration: 59min

    In this episode, I take you on a journey through my recent exploration of Speechify, a text-to-speech application that has caught my eye and possibly, my ear. I share insights into why this app intrigues me, how it works, and whether it could change the way I engage with books and other written content. I walk you through how I discovered Speechify, the features that excited me, and my real-world tests of its capabilities. Join me as I dissect whether Speechify is a technological gimmick or a genuine breakthrough in accessibility and efficiency. $60 Discount on Speechify Premium Plan This podcast episode was unsponsored. However, if you use this link, you'll receive a $60 discount on the premium plan: Disclaimer: It's my understanding that if two people sign up for a full year of Speechify, I'll receive a one-year subscription. I was unaware of this when recording the episode. Free Access To Free The Dream Online Course Don't miss out on my Free the Dream Keynote, titled “A

  • 726 - Choosing Your Own Adventure In Life: Start By Questioning the Dream

    02/05/2024 Duration: 01h17min

    In this episode, I let you in on a little secret. I launched yet another podcast in January of this year. Each week, my co-host Daphne Scott and I have been creating content that blends ancient wisdom with modern science, psychology, and research. Subscribe Today at Here are the insights found in this podcast episode discussing "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz: The profound impact of "The Four Agreements": The book was a catalyst for personal awakening for the hosts, particularly due to its simple yet profound teachings contrasted with more complex spiritual texts. Historical context and relevance: The book's insights were revisited, highlighting its enduring relevance and the different ways it resonates at various points in one’s life. The hosts discuss the historical and cultural significance of the book, connecting it to modern psychology and spirituality. Concept of "The Dream": The book's concept of living within a "dream" shaped by societal agreements is explor

  • 725 - Discover Patterns That Shape or Disrupt Your Success

    26/04/2024 Duration: 53min

    Unlock the Secrets to a Productive Work Week In this episode, we'll dig deep into the art of designing your ideal work week. In today’s fast-paced world, it's easy to become a slave to our schedules, reacting rather than acting. We challenge this norm by exploring how to strategically plan your commitments to align with your personal and professional goals. Discover the power of recognizing and breaking the patterns that derail your effectiveness. Plus, you’ll learn the invaluable role of consistent journaling, not just as a reflective practice but as a tool to uncover hidden patterns that could be holding you back. If you are seeking to regain control of your time, this episode provides practical insights and actionable tips that will help you craft a week that works for you, not against you. Tune in to start transforming the way you approach each week and empower yourself with the skills to thrive. Email Me I would love to hear from you. Please take a moment to send me an email and let me know what insight(

  • 724 - Mastering Your Energy: The Power of an Energy Audit

    24/04/2024 Duration: 55min

    In this episode, I share the story of how I recently rediscovered my energy sweet spot for my early morning routine. This immediately reminded me that it's been far too long since I've personally conducted an "Energy Audit." The Energy Audit Exercise allows you to evaluate the people, places/environments, things, habits/behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs that either fill you with energy or drain your energy. It is a powerful tool that you can use to gain insights into your own energy levels. Instructions For Doing An Energy Audit.  Create a document with two columns.  Column 1 = “What FILLS Me With Energy.”  Column 2 = “What DRAINS Me of Energy”  Make a list of all the people, places, things, habits and thoughts that fill you with energy and then a list of those that drain you of your energy.  Pick one energy-draining item and write it down.  Consider why you do this energy-draining thing and what benefits it provides.  Finally, decide how you could either remove this item

  • 723 - Navigating Technological Change

    20/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    In this episode, I share my thoughts on a fascinating topic that reflects our ever-evolving relationship with technology. Here's what you can expect. I explore the cyclical nature of our desires—how every 18 to 24 months, the allure of new technology, like the latest iPhone for example, captures our full attention. Yet, the excitement for the new quickly fades as it becomes the familiar. Key Insights & Takeaways: The Irony of Desire: We often find ourselves caught in a loop of anticipation for the latest tech, only for our excitement to wane once it becomes part of our everyday lives. Technology's Transient Thrill: The initial joy of new technology is profound, yet this satisfaction is surprisingly fleeting as the 'perfect tech' soon shows signs of imperfection or change. Gratitude for Technological Marvels: Despite our criticisms, I believe there is a need for an underlying appreciation for the miraculous capabilities of modern technology that connects us globally in real-time. Join me as we navigate t

  • 722 - Beyond the Notes: Embracing Abundance in Learning

    10/04/2024 Duration: 01h04min

    In this episode, I share a deeply personal and transformative journey - one that challenges the very way I interact with the wisdom that crosses my path. It's a reflection of my own almost insatiable need to capture every insightful word, every profound idea, and then put it in a single repository so that I can instantly retrieve it at a later date. This compulsion to document, store, and then have the ability to retrieve every nugget of wisdom has, in many ways, cluttered my mind and spirit. It stemmed from a scarcity mindset, a fear that the insight and/or wisdom would not be available to me at some point in the future when needed. But what if I could shift that perspective? What if I could see wisdom as a flowing river, abundant and continually accessible? Here’s what you will discover: The Trap of Shortage Consciousness: I open up about how the urge to highlight nearly every sentence of every book and transcribe countless insights, with the intention of being able to search and find them instantly in the

  • 721 - The Number One Method To Reach More People With Your Message

    02/04/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    In this podcast episode, I interview my dear friend Jessica Rhodes about her podcast guesting service business, Interview Connections, which she started in 2013. Over the past decade, her business has become a powerful entity that helps individuals reach their ideal clients and expand their audience. Listen in to learn valuable tips on how to make a strong impact when given the opportunity to be a guest on other people's podcasts. Hear are just a few of the key insights from this episode Appearing as a guest on other podcasts has proven to be the most effective method for reaching your ideal clients and exposing your message to a large audience. Over the past decade, I have referred numerous clients to Interview Connections and have received entirely positive feedback. The importance of thorough preparation for podcast interviews cannot be overstated. This includes researching the host and having a clear call to action. Having a clear call to action is important, but possessing unwavering confidence in the v

  • 720 - Finding Your Bigger Shovel: A Path to Unlocking Buried Potential

    08/03/2024 Duration: 01h08min

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of coaching Freya Casey, a successful singing coach and single mother of twins based in Germany. Freya has built her coaching business to over six figures but desires to scale even bigger to reach $1 million in annual revenue. We dove deep into Freya's dreams and goals, uncovering her treasure of becoming the business owner who scales rapidly with a great team behind her. Through our discussion, Freya gained clarity on specific actions she can take to help grow her profits. If you're a single mom entrepreneur looking for inspiration and community, be sure to connect with Freya through her new podcast "The Single Mom CEO" launching next week. You can also download her free guide at It has been a pleasure to coaching Freya over the past several years and I look forward to seeing her continued success! If you are a full-time self-employed business owner and would like to experience a coaching session with me, email me right now at

  • 719 - They Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel

    15/02/2024 Duration: 49min

    In the timeless words of Maya Angelou, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Drawing inspiration from this profound insight, today's episode shares the most significant lesson I learned from my friend and mentor, Dan Miller.It is my sincere hope that the essence of this message touches you profoundly.

  • 718 - The Power of Words: A Life-Saving Conversation

    19/01/2024 Duration: 01h34min

      In this episode, I express who improving your public speaking skills can unlock new opportunities for business growth. More significantly, I highlight how powerful and effective communication can be pivotal, sometimes even a matter of life and death. At a key moment, about an hour and four minutes in, I recount a powerful story. During the pandemic, a woman entered a Clubhouse room, expressing she was contemplating suicide and sought a reason to keep living. This incident underscores the vital importance of clarity, focus, and memorability in our communication. Whether we're speaking, teaching, or training, it's crucial to convey our messages in a way that resonates and sticks with the audience, guiding them to grasp and remember our intended message. Here's what I promised would be in the show notes: Scorre Speaker Training: Next Level Mastermind: Next Level Coaching Program: CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS Email Me About Coaching: Clif

  • 717 - Follow What "Lights You Up" and Be Authentically You

    05/01/2024 Duration: 01h39min

    Someone once reacted to a suggestion to reach out to me by saying, "Oh, yeah, but he's Cliff, freaking Ravenscraft." This reaction, while amusing, brings to the surface an essential truth about journeys to success. It's easy to forget that there was a time when I was just Cliff, an ordinary individual unknown to the world. This transition from obscurity to recognition is a journey filled with learning, growth, and the realization that everyone starts somewhere. Keeping this in mind, let's delve into some critical takeaways from this episode, highlighting how you can shape your path to becoming a thought leader through authentic and passionate content creation. Here are a few key takeaways from this episode: Align Content with Mission and Passion: It's crucial to align your content creation with your true passion, mission, purpose, and calling. This approach enables a deeper connection with the audience. I started without much knowledge about content creation but progressed by aligning my efforts w

  • 716 - This Episode Will Increase Your Income

    01/12/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    In this episode, you'll gain numerous insights that are sure to help increase your income. I'll be sharing a conversation I had with my great friend, Matt McWilliams, affectionately known as 'The Affiliate Guy' in my circles. Here are some of the insights that I wrote down You should start monetizing your email list, blog and/or podcast from Day 1! Affiliate promotion results can help you gain insight into what your audience is willing to purchase and what prices they are willing to pay. Note To Self: Set a reminder to ask "What has worked well in the past that I'm not currently taking advantage of in my business?" Your audience wants you to succeed. Your audience views you as "The Expert." The Affiliate Donut (Listen to the episode for details) You can call it a "referral program" if "affiliate" is not the right language for your community. The Bridge Page (Listen to episode for full details) Tips on building a Resources Page Creating a Product Review can drastically increase sales and cause inbound tr

  • 715 - From Seven Years of Intention To Taking Action Within 7 Days

    10/11/2023 Duration: 01h10min

    In today's episode, I share a transformative conversation highlighting how one coaching session can shift years of aspirations into rapid reality. Recently, I had the pleasure of coaching Ryan Hamilton, a visionary who had been nurturing the dream of launching his own podcast and becoming an industry thought leader for seven years. During our intensive 90-minute session, Ryan sought to break free from the shackles of perfectionism and to gain momentum on his journey. We focused on practical steps that would empower him to "get the train out of the station" and bring his long-awaited passion project to the world. This episode underscores a vital lesson: the 'perfect' time or idea is a myth that often impedes progress. Taking incremental, yet deliberate, steps can ignite a powerful chain reaction, propelling your dreams into existence. It’s about progress, not perfection. My hope is that Ryan’s story and our coaching conversation inspire you to translate your intentions into tangible steps. Remember, starting w

  • 714 - Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs

    03/11/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    In this episode, I share a conversation with my friend Megan Porta to discuss productivity tips for entrepreneurs. Megan and I cover a variety of topics like our daily routines, time blocking strategies, using the power of "no," dealing with overwhelm, and maintaining work-life balance. The conversation gets real as we open up about our struggles with burnout in the past. We both had to learn the hard way about prioritizing self-care. Now it's a non-negotiable part of our routines. You'll walk away with practical tips you can implement, as well as a fresh perspective on being productive. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed the discussion! Let me know if any part of the episode resonates with you.Megan's Websites Special Offer At the end of this episode, I mentioned the online course version of my popular Building An Online Business Workshop. If you send me an email at and mention this episode, you can get the onl

  • 713 - Pushing the Boundaries: An AI-Powered Deep Dive into Business Strategies

    27/10/2023 Duration: 01h24min

    Today, I'm offering you a front-row seat to a groundbreaking episode – a merging of human intuition and AI brilliance. This conversation isn't just a testament to technology's marvels, but also a dive into my unique approach to connecting conversations and building authentic, no-strings-attached relationships. Here's a sneak peek at what you'll find in this episode: The Essence of Genuine Conversations: Learn why I place immense value on profound, meaningful interactions. For me, every conversation is a doorway to a lasting connection, a bond that's free from any ulterior motive or agenda. Organic Growth Through Referrals: Discover my organic, heart-centered approach to generating referrals. It's all about genuine connection, adding value, and trusting the process. Embracing Empathy in Business: In a world where transactions often take center stage, I've always believed that it's empathy and true understanding that set the foundation for any successful business relationship. Dive into how empa

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