How To Health Podcast With Laurie Marbas, Md, Mba



Dr. Laurie Marbas brings you the most inspiring stories of individuals conquering chronic disease, overcoming incredible obstacles, and the experts to help you find health. Changing health by changing the food we eat.


  • The Number One Mistake in Weight Loss Journeys

    15/06/2024 Duration: 37min

    On this episode, I delve into the number one mistake people make in their weight loss journey. Many individuals feel frustrated after trying multiple diets without success. The common pitfall I highlight is relying solely on drastic calorie reduction, which can harm metabolic health. As hormonal shifts during aging, like menopause, impact weight loss, it's crucial to strike a balance in creating a caloric deficit. Tune in to learn why extreme calorie cutting may not be the most effective approach to sustainable weight loss. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • Unconventional Strategies for Sustainable Weight Loss

    12/06/2024 Duration: 20min

    In this episode, I dive into why traditional weight loss methods might not be effective and offer unconventional strategies for successful weight loss. By shattering myths and exploring new approaches beyond just "eat less, move more," I encourage you to redefine your approach to weight loss and focus on overall health. Tune in to discover groundbreaking strategies that have shown promising results for patients struggling with weight loss. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • Finding Peace: A Journey to Overcoming Stress

    12/06/2024 Duration: 24min

    Today's episode delves into the topic of stress and its impact on our daily lives. I discuss how stress has become normalized in society, leading to a constant state of anxiety and disconnection. I reflect on how the pressure to manage stress can paradoxically be stress-inducing itself. Through my personal experiences, I share insights on breaking free from self-imposed stress by reassessing expectations and perspectives. Tune in to gain valuable insights on navigating stress in a healthier way. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • 6 Natural Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

    09/06/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I discuss the importance of managing blood pressure and how hypertension can often go unnoticed until it leads to serious health issues. I mention an upcoming hypertension summit where I will share insights from 37 experts on reversing hypertension naturally. I highlight hypertension as a silent killer that can worsen other chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. I emphasize the need to pay attention to blood pressure and offer six natural ways to help lower it. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • Combatting Menopausal Weight Gain: Understanding the Science Behind It

    09/06/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I dive into the topic of menopause and weight gain, offering insights into the hormonal shifts that occur during this stage of life. Exploring five key reasons behind weight gain during menopause, I provide valuable information for women navigating this natural biological process. Tune in to discover strategies to combat weight gain and better understand the changes happening in your body during menopause. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • The Importance of Weight Bearing Exercise and Resistance Training

    08/06/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I discuss the importance of weight-bearing exercise and resistance training, especially as we age. I emphasize the need to focus on gaining strength and cardiovascular endurance efficiently, considering our busy lifestyles. I share my experience with rucking, and using a backpack with weight plates for exercise. I highlight the significance of muscle strength for women, particularly younger and middle-aged women, to maintain bone density and overall health. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • 4 Tips For Losing Menopause Belly Fat

    04/06/2024 Duration: 08min

    Okay, listen up ladies! This episode is all about that pesky belly fat that seems to show up right around menopause. We all know the drill – hot flashes, mood swings, and suddenly our bodies seem to be storing fat in all the wrong places. It's frustrating, but here's the thing: it's not our fault! Those hormonal fluctuations are real, and they can definitely lead to more fat storage and less muscle. But wait, there's hope! Today I'm sharing four key tips to help you manage your weight during this transition. We'll be talking about something called insulin resistance, which can be a major player in belly fat buildup. Don't worry, it's not scary, and I'll explain how some simple diet tweaks and exercise strategies can make a big difference. So, if you're ready to take back control and feel confident again, then tune in! I'm here to share some practical advice that can help you manage your weight and feel your absolute best during menopause. Let's do this! Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master

  • The Power of Mindful Walking

    02/06/2024 Duration: 14min

    Discover the transformative power of mindful walking as I share a personal story and insights on the benefits of being present in the moment. Learn how focusing on the now can help release the stress of past expectations and future worries. Embrace the practice of mindful walking to cultivate mindfulness and presence in your daily life. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals: A Mindful Approach

    01/06/2024 Duration: 25min

    In this episode, I delve into how to stop self-sabotaging your goals, whether they are related to weight loss, finances, health, or relationships. The key is tapping into the inner strength we all possess, rather than relying solely on willpower. By taking a new approach and embracing change, I encourage you to break free from old patterns to achieve different results. I emphasize the importance of being present and centered to listen to your inner wisdom and rewrite your story. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • Understanding BMI vs. Body Fat Percentage

    01/06/2024 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, I share my experience getting a DEXA scan for body composition as part of my well-being challenge. I explain the difference between BMI and body fat percentage, highlighting the importance of understanding these metrics. I discuss my results and talk about my motivation for taking on the well-being challenge. Tune in to learn more about my journey towards better health and wellness. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • Unconventional Strategies for Sustainable Weight Loss

    28/05/2024 Duration: 20min

    In this episode, we delve into the reasons why traditional weight loss methods may not be working for you. I discuss the pitfalls of the "eat less, move more" model and offers unconventional strategies for successful weight loss. Tune in to discover groundbreaking approaches that prioritize your health and may finally help you achieve your weight loss goals. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • Learning, Adapting, and Leveraging Technology for Weight Loss Success

    26/05/2024 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, I reflect on my 31st wedding anniversary before diving into the topic of losing weight by making smarter choices. I discuss incorporating behavioral economics and nudges in daily life to encourage better decision-making. I recommend the book "Nudge" and emphasize the importance of experience, good information, and prompt feedback in making better choices. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • How to Start a Plant-Based Diet: A Step-by-Step Guide

    25/05/2024 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, I discuss how to start a plant-based diet and highlight common pitfalls to avoid. I offer a free downloadable guide with step-by-step instructions, tips on what to do, and a simple meal plan with five ingredients or less. The guide aims to simplify the process for those feeling overwhelmed or unsure about transitioning to a plant-based diet. Drawing from over a decade of experience, I provide practical advice for starting this dietary journey. Download the Plant-Based Diet Guide for FREE beginners NOW! In it, you will find a 7-day meal plan with 5 or fewer ingredients, a step-by-step guide to getting started, and the 10 reasons people fail on a plant-based diet and how to avoid them. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach

  • 6 Easy Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

    25/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I discuss the importance of managing blood pressure to prevent serious health issues like hypertension. Hypertension is a silent killer and can lead to various chronic diseases. I also tease an upcoming hypertension summit where I will share insights from 37 experts on reversing hypertension naturally. Stay tuned for more information on how to lower your blood pressure effectively. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • How To Solve The Mystery of Your Weight Loss Struggles

    21/05/2024 Duration: 09min

    In this episode, I dive into a unique approach to weight loss by looking at it through the lens of a detective. Instead of asking why the weight isn't coming off, I encourage you to ask better questions and take a broader perspective on your weight loss journey. By adopting a CEO mindset towards your health, I guide you to set aside dedicated time to contemplate key questions, helping you develop a more personalized and effective weight loss strategy. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • Overcoming Weight Loss Plateaus

    19/05/2024 Duration: 13min

    Struggling with a weight loss plateau can be frustrating, but in this episode, I explore common reasons behind it and what to do. Drawing from years of patient experience, I uncover counterintuitive solutions to break through plateaus. Whether you're feeling stuck after initial success or battling fatigue and cravings, I discuss how to navigate these challenges and keep moving forward on your weight loss journey. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • Navigating Protein Needs on a Plant-Based Diet

    18/05/2024 Duration: 19min

    In this episode, I discuss how to get enough protein on a plant-based diet. I emphasize the importance of individual differences in protein needs based on factors like age, lifestyle, and goals. Understanding your unique requirements and tailoring your protein intake accordingly is crucial for optimal health. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • Breaking Free from Unhealthy Eating Habits with Mindfulness

    17/05/2024 Duration: 25min

    In this episode, I dive into the topic of cravings and how we often struggle to keep up with healthy habits when faced with stress or crises. I explore why we tend to fall back into old patterns and share a powerful tool that can help break these destructive cycles. This tool isn't just for healthy eating; it's universal and can help overcome various repetitive behaviors. Understanding how our minds operate on autopilot is crucial in our journey toward better health and weight loss. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more:

  • 9 Foods That Lower Your Cholesterol

    14/05/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I explore natural ways to lower cholesterol without relying solely on medications. I discuss the significance of lifestyle interventions and highlight the benefits of consuming foods like oats and barley, which are rich in beta-glucan and can reduce LDL cholesterol levels by five to ten percent. Additionally, I address the controversial topic of nuts and seeds in heart health, backed by scientific evidence and my clinical experience. Tune in to learn more about incorporating these foods into your diet for better heart health. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: To learn plant-based cooking and get your medical questions answered join The Healing Kitchen taught by Brittany Jaroudi and me! Click here to learn more: https://w

  • Four Unspoken Rules of Successful Long-Term Weight Loss

    12/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I'll be sharing four unspoken rules that I've found crucial for successful long-term weight loss, which I believe are applicable to various aspects of life. Drawing from my personal experience of balancing medical school with the responsibilities of caring for three young children and a sick grandmother, I've come to emphasize the significance of taking 100% responsibility for our actions and inner state. Rule number one, which we'll delve into first, underscores the vital role of mindset and attitude in shaping our behavior and determining long-term outcomes. Join me as we explore these rules and how they can empower us to achieve our goals not only in weight loss but in every aspect of our lives. Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master Your Metabolism and Lose Weight" To work with me: A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors: To work with the world's best plant-based coach, Maxime Sigouin visit his website: www.fitveganco

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