Mary Lindow ~ The Messenger Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 23:57:06
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This podcast is prayerfully created with the intention of giving you a time of resting in the Lord and allowing Him to speak into your life through 10 to 15 minute messages and prophetic insights.



    31/08/2024 Duration: 36min

    By Mary Lindow   Today’s podcast is going to be discussing a subject that a lot of people avoid because they honestly just don’t know how to approach it or, they are afraid to approach it. Somehow people think that people like myself who have been serving in ministry to the Body of Christ for many, many years, and who are called by the Lord to operate or flow in a prophetic ministry as well, do this 40 hours a week. And, of course, people do expect you to be on call and ready to deliver a clear and concise word from the Lord, without considering the fact that you are not just simply a prophet or a teacher/minister, but you are also a human being who lives and breathes and moves and feels.   BEING IN MINISTRY ON ANY LEVEL IS NOT FOR THE WEAK OF HEART and truly should not be something to be considered or pursued by those who are looking for a platform for fame or to hold power over others. It is a call to hear the voice of the Lord, to study his word and to always be ready to give a good report of what he has

  • "Aligned - Armored Up - Focused" - Spiritual Discernment

    17/07/2024 Duration: 10min

      By Mary Lindow   Hello Brothers and Sisters! Today’s podcast is specifically focused on a word from the Lord that I have had stirring in my spirit and with current events and all of the tragedies taking place around us, many people are either paralyzed, angry, or are extremely, extremely in despair.   Many are being driven into a deeper place of prayer and it is also bringing to light, the weaknesses that many of us as believers have! So, this word is a word of encouragement and also a directive from the Holy Spirit and I believe that it is a strong word and has such powerful encouragement in it so I’m going to deliver it to you just as I have received it from the Lord. So let’s go!   THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS SAYING... "Be very careful whom you share your treasures with. How many pearls have you cast before piggish users in the past, only to have them ground to powder? The servant Paul the apostle was more than a new herald in the order of the day. He stirred up old systems and disturbed demonic religio

  • "CALM AND CRISIS" - Spiritual Insight For Today's Troubled Times

    11/06/2024 Duration: 27min

    By Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit   JEREMIAH WAS KNOWN AS THE 'WEEPING PROPHET’.  Some say he was called at the age of 17.    He was called to reprove a crumbling nation. The Israelite nation.  Unfortunately for them they didn’t listen to him. But during his day, people were so hardened by sin that they neither believed God nor feared him. They seem to find Jeremiah's constant warning of judgment overbearing and frankly, annoying.   IT'S THE SAME WITH US NOW.  Those that hear our warning find us obnoxious!  But as believers we are supposed to follow God's instructions to warn a lost and dying world of upcoming judgment. Even though most are not listening, we still have to persevere in courageously speaking truth in order to rescue some from the terrible judgment that will inevitably come. If we are so easily discouraged at fighting the rude behavior of our peers what are we going to do, when we are confronted by demons?    The LORD rebukes Jeremiah for his impatience in Jeremiah 12:5 saying,  “If you ha


    07/05/2024 Duration: 27min

    By Mary Lindow    WE LIVE IN A CORRUPT WORLD and therefore, have the “effects and affects” of that corruption ever influencing, ever tainting and ever wooing the flesh.  Let’s look at the definition of a key word I am going to use in this crucial message. Plumbline: a tool that consists of a small, heavy object attached to a string or rope and that is used especially to see if something (such as a wall) is perfectly vertical or in alignment)     A plumbline is a simple but accurate tool used for determining whether or not something is perfectly vertical or upright. The Lord also used, and uses, a "plumbline," His Word, to determine how upright His people truly are in His sight. How upright they think they are, or how upright they proclaim themselves to be, means nothing to God.  "Behold, I WILL set a plumbline in the midst of My people".  -Amos 7:7    A PLUMBLINE SET OUT BY THE HAND OF GOD IS ONE THAT WE CAN ANCHOR OUR HEARTS TO.  It will always, always, ALWAYS, direct us to the truth in a matter; even if it

  • The Torrents of Religious and Political Posturing Vs. The Authentic Voice of God - Prophetic Exhortation and Insights

    09/04/2024 Duration: 15min

    by Mary Lindow   We Are On The Cusp Of Probably One Of The Greatest Days Of The Dismantling Of Religious Behavior And Abuse  In The Charismatic Church And Evangelical Church To Date.   In the days ahead we’re going to see many people hungering for that sacred time in worship where there is a waiting upon the Lord, and in the honoring of his name. Clearly we attract the presence of the Lord when we are focused upon “The Presence”, and not upon the performance.   We shouldn’t be surprised if like Jesus, we collide with torrents of political & religious and cultural expectations. So, on a daily basis, our purity of vision to move toward the Kingdom will also cause us deep discomforts that will ask us to set aside our preferences, and our convenience.   This  pressing towards the kingdom will ask us to say things that we’d rather not say, to go places that we’d rather not go, to give away things that we’d rather keep.   And in this discomfort, each time we have an opportunity to cry out to God:   “Where


    07/03/2024 Duration: 11min

    by Mary Lindow DO YOU FEEL AS IF THINGS ARE UTTERLY HOPELESS  AND COMPLETELY UPSIDE DOWN RIGHT NOW?   Maybe you have you been in that scary place before. Most people, if they are being transparent and honest will admit to times of experiencing hopelessness and feeling alone and afraid. Friend. You aren’t without hope, You aren’t hopeless, But you ARE helpless!   God Has Allowed This Time And Position Of Helplessness And Complete Dependency On Him, And You Are Helpless To Help Yourself.   We struggle to gain back some measure of control over our lives when this pressure is upon us, but our personal pride (that we didn’t even know that we had) is being crushed, and the only thing for us to do is to surrender!   NOW YOU MAY FEEL HOPELESS, BUT REALLY…  …IT’S THE CONDITION OF HELPLESSNESS THAT IS CAUSING YOU PAIN.   God Wants You Completely Dependent On Him, and He will keep you a “prisoner of hope” until you are.   OH HOW WEARY YOU ARE OF THE AWFUL REFINER’S FLAME AND THAT SEEMINGLY ENDLESS TWEAKING OF YOUR ATT


    10/02/2024 Duration: 15min

    By Mary Lindow This  podcast is going to be directed towards the question that many people are asking, (and of course a lot of times believers don’t “ask the question” because they fear that they are going to be judged for asking such a question!)  But if we don’t ask, we don’t get answers, and so today’s podcast is addressing “What is the Holy Spirit doing during this season”.   I have spent time praying and seeking the Lord well for a good month now  and it’s been an interesting time since the last time we were together, and of course, the assignments God puts or put us into, IN different season of life, they never come without challenges and also without redemptive opportunities! And so, that’s what I’m going to be addressing!    I’ve heard from the Spirit of God about what I’m to share.  I am cautious about giving a word for a specific year because it begins to be kind of a measuring stick for some people to then either compete with or, that’s all they go by. “What the Lord said for 2024, 2023”, whatever


    12/12/2023 Duration: 25min

    By Mary Lindow I had just worked four days and had put in 46 hours on my feet. I was tired. I had spoken life and ministered to many people in my position as an office manager and chiropractic assistant to a wonderful Doctor that loves people and loves God. But nonetheless, I was tired.   I had been asked to come and minister at a women’s gathering on my day off, which would be Friday evening. I rested part of the day, did laundry the rest of the day and spoke to the Lord and prepared what he was giving me for the evening ministry meeting.   As I Got In The Car, I Noticed That My Indicators Were Telling Me There Was Something Wrong With The Car. Engine light flashing, cruise button not working and I had no time to spare to get to the meeting on time. So, I simply prayed, put my pedal to the metal and prayed all the way there.   When I Arrived, The Room Was Filled With Tired, Weary Women, Who Had Also Been Working Hard. Many of them, single mothers, many of them were parents who had taken on the adoption of t

  • The Night That I Totally Blew Off the Warning of The LORD!

    30/10/2023 Duration: 24min

    It’s not just “my opinion” that playing close to the edge of occult involvement is a trap and a lure. It’s my very deep conviction after having a full on and horrifying experience when we were young and first married. Steve and I had watched a James Bond 007 show earlier that evening called "Live and Let Die", with a lot of “harmless” voodoo, (incantations and curses being put on people) and "fun" spies disturbing graves, and dark evil spirits attacking them. While we were watching, I had a very quiet but persistent warning inside my heart to “stop watching the show”. I blew it off saying to myself that, “I could handle it…  It was just a show… harmless entertainment.” After we had gone to bed and had fallen asleep, I was awakened by a loud crashing sound outside of our bedroom door, which was our living room. I turned my head to look in that direction and standing in the door frame was a hunched over, very tall, long haired, naked from waist up, long armed, pig snouted with a brass ring pierced through it,


    05/10/2023 Duration: 28min

    By Mary Lindow  It’s a wonderful thing to be able to give a hand to someone who is in turmoil, but we can’t do it by just quoting nice Christian sayings or throwing out a random scripture at them. It’s so easy to say, “Oh yes! Just trust in God! It’ll all work out. Somehow somewhere God will help you!”   When we see a person who is going through trials and who knows God, but is struggling hard, who is deeply fatigued and bobbing up and down under the water, barely keeping afloat, due to some difficulty or trial of their faith, we need to lift them up and we are not to judge them, because it is a slander against the very loved creation of Jesus Christ. Oswald Chambers had a tremendous statement about this. He said, “It’s a great thing to see physical courage, and still even strong, moral courage, but the greatest thing is to see spiritual courage, to see that we can help others stand true and strong in the integrity of Jesus, no matter what they are going through. People who have gone through a hot fire or


    24/08/2023 Duration: 34min

    By Mary Lindow In this podcast I am going to share two interesting supernatural events that took place in regards to “prayer walking” in two different locations. If you will remember the story of the battle at Jericho, Joshua and the people who marched around that fortified city, you will know that prayer walking and praise have a potent affect! We would often have groups of people walk among our community near where our church facility was and they would simply pray quietly for the neighborhoods they were walking in. Often there would be people out in their yards or sitting on their front porches, and they would stop to visit with them, simply asking if there were something they could pray about with them, and would state that they had no agenda other than just a walk through the neighborhood and to pray.  Out of that came great moments where peoples live were being touched, and changed! These individuals would often end up coming to church where they could be loved on, discipled and find family in Christ


    27/07/2023 Duration: 35min

    By Mary Lindow In this podcast I will be speaking about an experience that I had which was completely unexpected, yet several consecutive things took place indicating a Word and warning from the Lord regarding our City. This happened in late August of 2019, right before the WuhanCovid19 biological disaster was unleashed, shortly after. This is a difficult message somewhat for me to deliver yet, it’s also a wonderful insight for us all during such volatile and darks days. This podcast was unusually difficult to pull together, due to several events that simultaneously warred against us. Pipes broke in our home and we are still sorting out that situation with great difficulty. I was suddenly very ill with a kidney/bladder situation, (I’ve never had any problems previously,) and my husband was then in pain with a sudden kidney stone! We took this to prayer along with several others praying for and with us and have seen the Lord do the work of restoring our bodies. The pipes are still in a place of prayer and dec


    21/06/2023 Duration: 29min

    By Mary Lindow   Hello to all of you who are listening via podcast today or who are reading this message! I just finished being a part of our weekly prayer gathering this evening, and I have to tell you, the presence of the Father was so absolutely strong and evident in our time together! I am literally to the point that I anticipate all day long on Thursday evenings, getting together with the group that we pray with. I practically run to the family room and get things prepared, and get in position so that when everyone arrives we can just get right at it! We have been blessed week after week, month after month with the sweet and strong presence of God as we intercede for our nation, for the globe, and for so many other things that the Lord lays on our hearts to pray about.   I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THE PODCAST THAT I HAD TALKED ABOUT EARLIER, REGARDING A SUPERNATURAL EVENT THAT TOOK PLACE IN AUGUST 2019. I am still trying to get it to compile and come together and I know that if I rush this, I will not share


    27/04/2023 Duration: 18min

    The World Is Whirling In Many Storms Right Now! It’s Crazy Out There, And Dark! And yet, we all have those things that we are personally raging war against as well. Maybe You’re In A Storm Right Now. Maybe it’s a storm named divorce. Maybe it’s a storm called money, or loss of a career. Maybe it’s friendship. Maybe loneliness. Maybe grief or addictions. Kids, in-laws, friends. Maybe it’s a storm called cancer.   Sometimes We Wonder Where Is God In The Midst Of Our Struggles. Why is God allowing this to happen? We usually don’t understand, (even if we’re the culprit, it still doesn’t seem fair or right.) Yet God is there. His name “Immanuel” means, God WITH us. In Matthew: 1:23 it says, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel” (which means, God with us.” That’s our theme. It’s really believing and trusting that God is with us. With that in mind, I want to look at a passage from Acts 27.   As Paul Was Being Transported To Rome, The Focus Was On A Storm On Th


    06/04/2023 Duration: 12min

      By Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit   This podcast message has been sitting strongly in my spirit and of course, not all of it will be easy to hear because our flesh doesn’t like to hear about change or where God must correct us. There is also a Prophetic Word from the Lord at the end of this message, which I feel holds so much insight and promise for those He loves.   THE TIMES ARE RAPIDLY CHANGING AND I KNOW THAT FOR ME, IT WILL REQUIRE A DIFFERENT STRATEGY TO HANDLE THEM  AND THAT I MUST BE WILLING AND ABLE TO WALK OUT THE DAYS AHEAD.   It seems as if I identify with the prophet Jeremiah more often now than ever before.  And so, I am CHOOSING to adjust the way of delivering my portion of what the Spirit of God would give me, as He leads me. Daily.   I AM IN WORDLESS, TEAR-STREAMING GRIEF over the rapid forms of meditation, eastern mysticism, competitive daily trendy “prophetic” articles/ words (advertisements!) — and outright fear mongering one moment and then “hysterical” any moment breakthrough m

  • The Clash of Kingdoms and Moves of God - WE ARE NOT ALONE

    20/03/2023 Duration: 13min

    By Mary Lindow   TODAY’S PODCAST IS ADDRESSING SOMETHING THAT I FEEL THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD HAS GIVEN TO ME TO SHARE WITH ALL OF YOU, AS WELL AS HAVING A PROPHETIC WORD AT THE END. THERE IS ALSO A BEAUTIFUL SONG FROM THE LORD TALKING ABOUT HOW HIS MERCY REDEEMS. This was a song that our son, Joel our oldest son recorded while he was going through a very difficult and deep time in his life and out of that came this beautiful song out of his grief and out of his hurt. Out of his challenges and change came this beautiful worship song, which I feel will encourage you today!   IT’S A CRAZY, UPSIDE DOWN, DISPLACING PHENOMENON WITH ALL THAT IS BEING THROWN AT US IN THE WORLD AND IT’S NARRATIVES. It’s trying to get us to feel completely off balance and mentally weary. Resting, reading, getting outdoors, crying, laughing and expressing healthy anger gets a good detox going, shaking off the "world slime" and, its agendas. Quiet resting in the presence of God just letting His grace and unfailing "nurture" wash us cle

  • The Power of God’s Intervention and Protection From the Evils of The Day

    17/02/2023 Duration: 17min

      Today’s podcast is going to be, addressing what it means to have the Lord protect us, and save us from evil or harm that may come our way we learn to hear his voice when he tells us to go somewhere or to not go somewhere, or when he puts something down on the inside of us that is not at peace because we are supposed to be doing something differently.   One particular indication in our life, where the Lord protected us will be vivid forever for my husband Steve and I. It was the weekend of my birthday which is May 1, and we had traveled from where we were living at the time which was O’Fallon Missouri, to a town nine miles west of us called Wentzville. There was a restaurant called Isabella’s and we were having the fun of Steve’s parents who came to visit us from Belleville, Illinois to celebrate with us. We also had our two little toddler boys with us.    We had a wonderful lunch and on the way home we had decided to stop by a church building that my husband Steve has been involved in helping to redesign t


    22/01/2023 Duration: 14min

    By the Holy Spirit through Mary Lindow   "Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm,  and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter,  though a man's misery weighs heavily upon him." Ecclesiastes 8:5-6   NOTE: At the end of this podcast there is a short spontaneous song of the Lord that was recorded in a small studio several years ago. There were other wonderful and gifted percussionists and musicians joining in as the Holy Spirit moved through us all and gave me the beautiful melody and orchestral keyboard accompaniment. My hope is that it will stir your heart to worship and be even hungrier for the Presence of the Lord in your life. In all of our lives as believers, we face times and settings where there is a feeling of being pulled and tested, stretched, and restrained. Often, during these excruciating events, those who avoid personal character development tend to give unrestrained advice, spiritualized platitudes, and often, tru

  • ”The Timing of God and His Impeccable Attention To Details”

    31/12/2022 Duration: 17min

    By Mary Lindow Today’s podcast is one that I am going to share with you about “another wonderful story” of how the Holy Spirit can prompt us to do things for others at the most uncanny times, and as if they were perfectly orchestrated years and years beforehand. And, of course, the Lord knows the heart desire of every one of his children, but he often uses his own children to help bring about the heart’s desire for many other people by being obedient and acting when the Holy Spirit in first Corinthians says, “Don’t you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don’t belong to yourselves.” 1 Corinthians 6:19   IT WAS NEAR CHRISTMAS TIME, and a local Women’s Aglow group, which happened to be a good sized chapter, was having a Christmas ladies luncheon and asked if I would come in and be their keynote speaker. The room was decorated beautifully and of course the tables were festive for the holiday! As I was sitting at the tab

  • “A “Chosen” Moment In Time - An Act Of Obedience - A Life Changed Forever”

    14/12/2022 Duration: 24min

    by Mary Lindow TODAY’S PODCAST IS ONE OF SEVERAL THAT I WILL BE DOING IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WHICH I TRUST WILL ENHANCE YOUR CHRISTMAS SEASON, EVEN THOUGH THE MESSAGE IS ONE FOR ANY SEASON! I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to share with you, some very tender and beautiful moments where the Lord moved upon my husband, and I to obey the spirit of God promptly, and out of doing this God did great and amazing things! I also want to thank those of you that have been so consistent in helping me to produce podcasts. I am now reaching through the grace of God 60 countries freely, and also have been picked up by dozens of different podcast organizations. It does cost me to have to produce and publish these because they have to be parked somewhere. So again, I thank you and I know that at times it is difficult to give, and I do not take it lightly. It does help me do what I do because without you, I would have to stop!   NOW LET’S BEGIN WITH TODAY’S EXCITING “GOD STORY” PODCAST. My husband and I were given tickets to

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