Denton And Sasquatch Show



Two good ol' boys from different ends of the sticks telling you how it is or making it up as we go along. Either way they love this country and all she stands for.


  • Episode 413: Evil Does Not Sleep

    05/06/2024 Duration: 40min

    This week you'll get a much different take on the Trump verdict, The View has apparently been leaked the sentencing, Hunter Biden begins his gun charges trial and the coverage of it and the Trump trial couldn't be further apart *ahem* Propaganda. Maxine Waters being, well Maxine Waters, Biden FINALLY gets tough on the border but not really. Christopher Wray doesn't want to talk about Epstein Island (as many of the elites don't). California gets some karma AND may have outdone it's self with the most draconian law. We also have a great mailbag and even greater Weird News. Join us for the truth bomb you need.

  • Episode 412: Bo Diddley Is In The House

    30/05/2024 Duration: 53min

    The Trump trial is in deliberations and we give our unusual take on the matter. Also, there was a reason De Niro committed Election interference by being at the Trump Trial and we'll give you the REAL reason. Biden's failures are many and we'll talk about those PLUS, being the authoritarian the Democrats are they are going to ban yet another Freedom. But the are waiting until after the election. Hmmm, I wonder why? You also get two, two, two bans for one. Yes, they have even another ban. We'll give you a hint: It keeps you cool during the summer and warm in the winter and it rhymes with HVAC. This and much, much more! 

  • Episode 411: Shock The Monkey

    23/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    This week we have a somewhat different take on the issue of deadly force during the Mar-A-Lago raid. Some horrible white Christian girls beat up a Muslim girl because of her religion! Nah, just kidding it was the other way around. Joe Biden has Gaffe # 3,411,922 and Hunter seems to have perjured himself. Will he be held accountable? Probably not. Also the Mailbag and another round of Weird News!

  • Episode 410: Someone Is Begging For A Pardon

    21/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    We ask the hard question, what have we become? Joe Biden is handing out hunting permits. Inflation and gold go together like peanut butter and jelly. Someone is asking for a pardon and you won't believe who it is. An illegal alien attacked a member of Congresses family, oh my! You want to spend your values? We might just the thing. Plus The Mailbag and Weird News!  

  • Episode 409: Marxism Right Under Your Nose

    14/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    We start out with the Mail Bag and one of our awesome listeners. Have you heard of "B Corps"? Chances are your funding them and they are funding Marxism. We then do a little Tech segment and show you how to know if your purchase are funding your beliefs. Did you know Hamas is "donating" money to Ivy League schools? Yep. And, apparently, climate change is what did in Venus. Yes, the planet. It was climate change. 

  • Episode 408: Are You Falling For It?

    07/05/2024 Duration: 57min

    This week we try something new and give you some rapid fire News. Maxine Waters has resurfaced, which could explain why she looks like a water logged corpse. Another new segment: Celebrity Spotlight! Wonder whose been coordinating the University protests? We'll introduce her to you. Remember the infamous Mar-A-Lago raid where we were shown a photo of the Top Secret material Trump "stole"? Well, uh, it was faked by the DOJ. Hal Turner gets the wrath from Denton and, to round things out, we have the mailbag and one fun Weird News story.

  • Episode 407: It's Marxism Stupid

    01/05/2024 Duration: 34min

    There is no deep state and there is no swamp! I'll tell you why. Also the children are not the Marxists, they are the useful idiots. Speaking of Marxism we do a deep dive into Bernie Sanders past to see where our future maybe headed. Let's talk about how the Marxists bragged about persecuting their political rivals and you have to ask yourself a question: Do you want to pay for the Ukraine war for another 10 years? Could we do it even if we wanted to? Hint: No. Plus we have a FULL Mailbag tonight and some people are pissed at Sas. 

  • Episode 406: Turtles Living In Sin

    25/04/2024 Duration: 58min

    This week the Secret Service is literally fist fighting with each other.   Lies of Omission, what is it, who is doing it and why. Sas has been accused of harassment. Biden signs bill to ban Tik Tok. Good or bad? 3 States have decided to strip you of Constitutional Rights. We'll tell you who they are. And finally, drunk vultures! Yep, that happened.

  • Episode 405: She Instantly Regretted Doing This To Grandpa

    18/04/2024 Duration: 01h57s

    This week we've got a bone to pick with YOU the listener. Sasquatch has some weird phone numbers in his Contacts, including a Playboy Playmate,  a firefighter tries to save someone who is more worried about proper pronouns than being saved, a doctor predicts mass deaths from Covid vaccines, 1% of missiles launched by Iran made it into Israel and those are the ones you gotta worry about and one of our listeners predicts the end of the world.

  • Episode 404: That's Not What Blow-Dryers Are Made For

    09/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    This week we start off with a tail of two candidates...and how the media covers them differently. Climate Change is so important it shouldn't matter if we kill people or ruin the ecosystem to stop it! Seriously, we have a story that says just that. These people are insane. Also, if you get a young doctor they probably have no idea what they're doing because they spent their first year of medical school learning about systematic racism. Totally serious about that. And finally, the Weird News segment to end all Weird News segments. Did looses it over one of the stories.

  • Episode 403: When The Truth Hurts

    04/04/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    Denton returns for the bonus show! This week Sas has to make a retraction to a story on a previous show. We've gone so far into crazy world counties are having to advertise they will arrest you for crime. An Atheist sounds off about only wanting to live in a Christian country.Israel blew the crap out of some Iranian leaders and they're none too happy about it.RFK Jr. goes against the neo-marxist democrats narrative and says the truth on CNN. Bet they'll never invite him back.And finally, Botswana is tired of conservationists messing up their eco-system and threatens to sick their elephants on them.

  • Episode 402: Calling Balls And Strikes

    02/04/2024 Duration: 36min

    This week Denton loses his voice! A big win for you the listener. The crime page. What is it and why you need to see it. Remember we must always believe the victim. Wait, sorry. That's the old narrative. Now we've moved onto blame the victim. So some dude (we don't know the pronouns) rammed his car into an FBI HQ. Suspect not identified....aka not white. Dr. Owen Anderson is not only talking the talk but walking the walk and pushing back. We'll introduce you to his story. CA raised wages for Fast-Food workers and now many are being let go. Would you want to see the movie The Accountant 2? You might get to. Speaking of California, have you heard of the "Sonic Tax"? You will during the show and boy is it a doozy. Last but not least, everyone's favorite, Weird News!

  • Episode 401: Delicious Hobo Stew

    28/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    Denton makes his triumphant return to the show...and then mysteriously walks off the show. Is he being mind controlled by Russia, Russia, Russia? Sas is also back from Hawaii relaxed, tanned and with boring stories and pictures. A boat broke a bridge in Baltimore and if that's not bad enough they can't find cops to work. Also a girl's car tattles one her, we finally figure out what Democracy is and California welcomes people to steal other people's kids and transition them. No, seriously, that's exactly what CA just did.  And last but not least Sas is being hunted. He may end up someone's rug.

  • Episode 400: A Historic Day For Women

    16/03/2024 Duration: 26min

    Tulsi Gabbard as VP? What say you? Haiti has a new president and he's going to need some wet wipes. Girl power! Kamala became Historic today! Schumer the Schmuck? The MAGA extremists are cracking down. CA highspeed rail, a lesson in Democrat excellence. And lastly, Biden is making friends and influencing people. Those people are the Chinese Triad.   

  • Episode 399: The Pieces Are Finally Coming Together

    13/03/2024 Duration: 43min

    After his energetic State of the Union speech we are going Biden heavy. He's been a busy man taking care of business so we'll review a few of his biggest wins! The guy is literally capping prescription drug costs. How does he do it? He's a Wizard! Plus who is George Marcus? We'll tell you. And CA is in the News again. What wonderful thing have they done again? Also we give you some Weird News and we debut a song from a great band! 

  • Episode 398: Democracy is Dead!

    05/03/2024 Duration: 49min

    They gone and done it! They said Trump can be on the ballot. The HORROR! We breakdown the the dissent because that is much more fun. Why are our politicians creating 1 Trillion dollars of debt every 100 days? We'll tell you. New info from Judicial Watch on the Biden Crime family. Why would they ask for no Secret Service for a week while in another country? Hmmmm? Also this week we try some thought experiments. What if some things turned out different? We get some mailbag entries to discuss and finally, quite possibly the greatest sporting contest to ever be played. We'll give you a hint, it involves drinking beer while doing it. 

  • Episode 397: Conspiracy Theories or Spoiler Alerts

    28/02/2024 Duration: 55min

    Conspiracy theories seem to be become fact on a regular basis and people no longer have faith in Politicians or media. But what does that really mean? We'll jump into that. Hungary has a stark warning for the US about Communism. We should probably listen. In California Newsom is being recalled AGAIN! And is Measure HLA the Official beginning of the Marxist takeover? A little something special for you the listener at the end of the show. Sas worked REALLY hard to get some endorsements for the D&S show and these are doozies!

  • Episode 396: The Insanity Level Just Went To 11

    22/02/2024 Duration: 01h04min

    It's Russia, Russia, Russia all over again. But this time there are Nazi's involved and you won't believe who's supporting them. Okay maybe you will. Meanwhile, there's friendly old China just sitting over there doing nothing. Oh wait, sorry they are making some major moves the media is conveniently ignoring. We once again looked to Sas' stomping ground, California, to see how absurd things could actually become. President Biden flips the bird to SCOTUS with ANOTHER illegal Debt Forgiveness. And finally, when your city is being overrun and drained of resources by illegal immigrants what do you do? Well you dance of course!

  • Episode 395: Putting YOU On Blast America

    21/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    It's plain scary the lack of interest in the takeover of this country. You definitely won't like what we have to say in this episode. They came for them and I did not care because I was not them. Yeah, that's going on. They are threatening us! We take our first official phone call on the show. Bonnie knows what's up! The Left is, again, eating it's own and it's great. 18 USC 1182 could stop the invasion TO-DAY! And this week you get both stupid AND Weird News.! Plus so much more.

  • Episode 394: Wascally Wabbits

    15/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    BONUS SHOW!It's Valentine's Day but we promise there's no love or romance contained in this show.We’ll be discussing the main topics of the day at a lightening pace:  How Taylor Swift made it to the super bowl Shooting at KC Chiefs Parade Impeachment of Elmer Fudd Serious National Security Threat Tom Suozzi wins House seat after George Santos is ousted and what that means.

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