Spiritual Marketing With Sierra Samuel



What is spiritual marketing? It's about marketing something that has a spiritual application or a purpose. Something that is meant to be progressive and benefit Humanity and people's lives in some way. Spiritual marketing is also about getting your story and message to people that need to hear it. Healing practitioners, ministers, authors, artists, musicians, bloggers, all can benefit from spiritual marketing.So can politicians. It's about learning how to come from the heart in your marketing and how to tell a story, your story, that captures an audience - teaches them a valuable lesson and spreads your message far and wide.I'm going to show you how to tap into the Divine intuition and let God do the heavy lifting in your business. To be inspired and to inspire others with your message and your voice. To find your voice and refine your story so that it is compelling, moving, and unforgettable. To define your avatar (target market), someone like you, that can benefit your product or service, learn what you know and learn what you've done to make your life better. It's as simple as that! Visit sierrasamuel.com/podcast to listen and subscribe.


  • Real Truth Sets You Free

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    28/02/2017 Duration: 11min

    Companies spend big money to get into the minds of their target customers. But what if I told you that YOU are your biggest resource? ...And by knowing yourself, understanding your own likes, interests, concerns, and even subconscious thoughts, you can tap into the hearts and minds of others?