Friday Night Death Slot



A weekly podcast hosted by Ginger Alford and Christopher Butcher where we pit two tv pilots against each other and decide which one deserved to live and which one deserved to die a non-renewal death. Tweet us @fndeathslot !


  • FNDS #4 - Doogie Howser MD Vs House MD

    29/11/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    After a trip to the hospital we decide to have a medical review to see whether the 2004 House MD pilot or the 1989 Doogie Howser MD pilot deserved to make it off the operating table. The song this week is "Compare" by Caves from their new album "Leaving."

  • FNDS #3 - Quantum Leap Vs Sliders

    06/11/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    In episode 3 we take a trip down Ripping-off-Back-to-the-Future Lane, as we pit the 1989 Quantum Leap series pilot against 1995's Sliders. The song this week is "All We Are" by Math the Band the Band from their album "The Album."