America Won't Shut Up

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 46:26:18
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The show where we talk about what America won't stop talking about. Hosted every week by Jason Flowers and Pat O'Brien, America Won't Shut Up takes an in-depth look into the latest trend that is sweeping the nation to determine whether the fever surrounding it is here to stay.


  • About Music! with Zach Broussard & Siobhan Thompson

    20/08/2013 Duration: 51min

    From JFK to LAX, people are talking about the type of sounds they love the best, and that my friends, this week, is music. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll talk to a rabid music fan who owns more than 200 CDs, Doug Stank. Then later, we'll chat with someone who can make music with her mouth, Mackel Moore. As always, we'll look into the nation's headlines and we'll even dig into this week's top trending topics on the very popular website All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Zach Broussard ( and Siobhan Thompson ( They are both rock stars. Go follow them now!

  • About Viral Videos! with Steve Soroka & Katey Healy-Wurzburg

    13/08/2013 Duration: 01h09min

    All across the nation, people of all stripes are logging on and checking out some short, viral vids. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll talk to someone who can't no go viral, Brian O'Patrick. Then later, we'll chat with the world record holder for most cat videos watched, Elizabeth Snickerbottom. As always, we'll look into the nation's headlines and top twitter trends, and, of course, we'll be paid another visit from our good friend, Gadget Guru Dermitt Countertopp. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Steve Soroka ( and Katey Healy-Wurzburg ( We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

  • About Thinking Out Loud! with Craig Rowin & Bridey Elliott

    06/08/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    From east to west and everywhere in between, people everywhere are just saying things off the top of their head, that's right, they're Thinking Out Loud! To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll talk to an idea man from creative, Ned Erlich. Then later, we'll chat someone who actually says what they're thinking Cass Reinholdt. As always, we'll look into the week's headlines and top twitter trends, and, of course, we'll be paid another visit from our good friend and puzzle guru, Hank Schlitz, aka The Befuddler. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Craig Rowin ( and Bridey Elliott ( These two friends of the show are equally hilarious, and deserve your time and attention, so check them out on an internet near you.

  • About Needing Coffee! with Dru Johnston & Noah Forman

    30/07/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    Across the country, there is one word and one drink on everyone's lips, and that drink is Needing Coffee! To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll talk to workplace humorist and author of the book "Oh Brother, Me Need Coffee," Dilbert Swooptie. Then later, we'll chat with a person who would literally die without their coffee, Richard B. Clicky. As always, we'll look into the week's headlines and top twitter trends, and, of course, we'll be paid another visit from our good friend and the tech columnist at Parade Magazine, Gadget Guru Dermitt Countertopp. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Dru Johnston ( and Noah Forman ( Be sure to watch The Chris Gethard Show (, because what else are you doing?

  • About Jesus Christ! with Daniel Mirk & Dan Chamberlain

    23/07/2013 Duration: 59min

    This week, from coast to coast, people will not stop talking about that savior they love the most, his name's Jesus. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll talk to Jesus Christ impersonator, Chad Haggle. Then later, we'll discuss the influence of Jesus in film with syndicated movie columnist, Tom Corn, The Movie Doctor. As always, we'll look into the week's news and top twitter trends, and, of course, we'll be paid a visit from our good friend and Parade Magazine's Gadget Guru, Dermitt Countertopp. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Daniel Mirk ( and Dan Chamberlain ( Both of these hilarious men will be huge stars one day, so go befriend them now, while they are still willing to befriend you.

  • About Adult Siblings! with Arthur Meyer & Elaine Meyer

    16/07/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    They're grown up and they came out of the same parents, that's right, this week everybody loves Adult Siblings! To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll spend the hour talking to real life adult siblings, Arthur & Elaine Huxtable. We'll talk to them about just what it's like to be siblings as adults. Of course, we'll also look at this week's headlines, check-in on twitter, and we're, once again, paid a visit from our good friend and puzzle master, Hank Schlitz, aka The Befuddler. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Arthur Meyer ( and Elaine Meyer (, who are great at being both fictional characters and real people.

  • About Slime! with Dom Manzolillo & Halle Kiefer

    09/07/2013 Duration: 01h16s

    It's ooey, it's gooey and, of course, it's gross and this week, everyone is talking about it. That's right, kids. It's slime! To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll be talking to a swamp thing, Pepe O'Plastic. Then later in the show, we'll talk to the host of the PBS Kids series "Slime After Slime," a Kid. Of course, we'll take a look at the headlines, your twitter trend check-in of the week, and once again, we're paid a visit from our good friend and Parade Magazine's Gadget Guru, Dermitt Countertopp. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Dom Manzolillo ( and Halle Kiefer ( They're the slimiest of all and we love 'em!

  • About Getting Married! with Natasha Rothwell & Dan Hodapp

    02/07/2013 Duration: 52min

    All across this great land of ours, people are yelling and screaming about, you guessed it, tying the knot. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with a woman who's always a bridesmaid, never a bride, Melanie Chunt. Then later in the show, we'll talk to the man who can't hold his peace, Elliot Black. Of course, we'll look at this week's headlines, we've got your twitter trend check-in of the week, and once again, we're paid a visit from our good friend, Hank Schlitz, aka The Befuddler. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Natasha Rothwell ( and Dan Hodapp ( Together they make up the improv powerhouse, Hodapp & Rothwell. Check 'em out. Bye everyone!

  • About Dip! with Mike Scollins & Bridey Elliott

    25/06/2013 Duration: 01h02s

    From East Brunswick, New Jersey to South Bend, Indiana, Americans everywhere are buzzing about that sloppy, edible treat they love to call dip! To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with a Youtube sensation known as The Big Dipper, whose dip-themed viral videos have made him an overnight sensation, Francis Liebenstein. Then later in the show, we'll talk to a double-dipping advocate, and founder of Hamlisch & Hamlisch, Marv Hamlisch. Of course, we've got headlines, a quick twitter check-in, and we're paid yet another visit from our good friend and puzzle guru, Hank Schlitz, aka The Befuddler. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Mike Scollins ( and Bridey Elliott ( Be sure to check them out on stage and screen. Enjoy your week!

  • About Getting Stung by Bees! with Georgie Aldaco & Katie Simon

    18/06/2013 Duration: 01h49s

    From the Mall of America to the mall in your town, people everywhere are feeling the pain and swelling up with pride as they pursue their latest obsession, Getting Stung by Bees! To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with bee-sting designer to the stars, Honey DeNiro. Then later, we're joined by a medical doctor who has tips on how to best attract bees this summer, Dr. Theresa Dentist. Of course, we'll also take a look at the headlines, this week's twitter trends, and we're paid a special visit from our good friend and resident animal expert at West Chester County Animal Asylum, Click Tatties. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Georgie Aldaco ( and Katie Simon ( Be sure to check out their great sketch team Former Business Partners at the UCB Theatre in NYC. Goodbye!

  • About Chicken Pox! with Tim Daniels & Tom Reynolds

    11/06/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    People everywhere are standing in line, begging their friends and just doing whatever it takes to get a severe case or two of the hottest thing going in America right now, Chicken Pox. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with TV pitchman and inventor of the Pox Chamber, Jason Flowers. He has a great name, so naturally, we're excited to talk to him. Also on the show, we'll talk to a chicken pox party-planner to the stars, Alexander Graham Dell. As always, we'll see what's trending on twitter, scan the nation's headlines, and once again, we're paid a visit from our good friend and puzzle guru Hank Schlitz, aka The Befuddler. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Tim Daniels ( and Tom Reynolds ( Be sure to check out their great, and very successful, podcast, The Complete Guide to Everything at

  • About Garbage! with Justin Tyler & Michael Hartney

    04/06/2013 Duration: 01h59s

    On the Atlantic and the Pacific, and everywhere in between, it stinks, it smells, and people just love it. It's trash! To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with a human piece of garbage, Reb Frisco. He's the worst humankind has to offer. He's the best! Also on the show, we'll talk to the first person to ever pronounce it, "garbahge," Todd Turbot. Needless to say, Todd is a true trendsetter. As always, we'll see what's trending on twitter, scan the nation's headlines, and once again, we're paid a visit from our good from Parade Magazine, Gadget Guru, Dermitt Countertop. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Justin Tyler ( and Michael Hartney ( If you google them, you'll see they're both legitimate comic book experts, but that has nothing to do with garbage. So bye!

  • About Parents! with Adam Bozarth & Anna Rubanova

    28/05/2013 Duration: 01h48s

    From state to state, this week, it seems Americans everywhere won't stop gabbing about the moms and dads that raised them. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with a kid who has chosen to be raised by multiple parents, McCarren Park-Poole. You think you like parents? Think again. Also on the show, we'll talk to mother-in-training, Berta Bees. We're very excited to hear Berta's story, as she prepares to become a parent herself. As always, we'll dig into this week's hot twitter trends, take a look at the week's news, and once again, we're paid a visit from our good friend and puzzle master, Hank Schlitz, aka The Befudder. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters, this week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Adam Bozarth ( and Anna Rubanova ( Be sure to check out their podcast, Left Handed Radio at

  • About Sleep! with Sam West & Matt Klinman

    21/05/2013 Duration: 01h28s

    From morning to night, Americans everywhere are having trouble sleeping this week, as they are just so excited to be talking about some good ol' shut eye. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with sleep mogul/entrepreneur and owner of Sleep Vodka, Paleo. He knows the world of sleep better then anyone. Also on the show, Stunt Illusionist Damin Wain, will attempt to break the world record for longest nap right on the air. You won't want to miss it. As always, we'll scan the week's hot twitter topics, scan the week's news, and this week, we're paid a special visit from Celebrity Hypnotist, Kensington Bris. All that, and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Sam West ( and Matt Klinman ( Follow them online or check them out in real life. Your call, just do something.

  • About the 1992 Ross Perot Presidential Campaign! with Langan Kingsley & James Dwyer

    14/05/2013 Duration: 59min

    From New York, all the way to California, this week, people will not stop gabbing about this hot, hot new, old campaign. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with the organizer of Perotchella: A 3-Day 1992 Presidential Experience and Concert, Hilary Library. After that we'll talk to Ross Unclebutter, a Ross Perot superfan who has gotten surgery to look like Ross Perot circa-1992. And as always, we'll scan the week's twitter trends, dig into our nation's headlines, and we'll once again be visited by our good friend, and Gadget Guru for Parade Magazine, Dermitt Countertop. All that, and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Langan Kingsley ( and James Dwyer ( Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for their upcoming web series, Space Drifters, coming soon to an internet near you.

  • About Being Quiet! with Dan Chamberlain & Halle Kiefer

    07/05/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters, it seems, this week, no one in America can keep quiet about how much they love being quiet. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with quietness expert, Henley Menley, who teaches a class on the importance of quietness called, "Shh … Quiet Now." After that we'll talk to professional quiet person, Selena Gomez-Adams. Trust us, both of these guys have plenty to say about not saying much. As always, we'll scan the week's twitter trends, dig into the headlines, and we'll once again have a field piece from reporter, Taylor Moore. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week's episode stars Dan Chamberlain ( and Halle Kiefer ( If you're on tumblr, you probably know these two. And if not, hey that's OK, thanks for listening to our show anyway.

  • About Drinking Milk! with Jim Santangeli & Leslie Meisel

    30/04/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    All across the nation, people are pouring a glass of that cold white stuff and drinking it down. This week, we'll sit down to chat with Commerce Banks, the man with the world's strongest bones. He has an interesting story, you'll definitely want to hear. After that, we'll talk with a very tiny, young girl who has been stricken with one of the most severe cases of lactose intolerance ever recorded, Gammy Flash-droids. Of course, we'll dive head first into the twitter trends and our nation's headlines, and we'll once again be paid a visit by our good friend, Hank Schlitz, aka The Befuddler. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week, on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Jim Santangeli ( and Leslie Meisel ( Hopefully, you already know who these two are, but if not, we recommend typing their names into your search engine of choice. You won't be disappointed.

  • About Being Grateful for What You Have! with Diana Kolsky & Murf Meyer

    23/04/2013 Duration: 59min

    From coast to coast, everyone is thanking their lucky stars this week, for the things they have in their life. On the show, we talk to the most grateful woman in the world, Hallelujah Finger, whose new book, "My Husband Exploded and I'm Thankful for It," is sure to be something you'll be thankful for very soon. After that, we'll talk to the founder of the Church of Thanksgiving, Reverend Vance LeBeaux. Who, despite his controversial teachings, we're grateful to have on the show. Of course, we're also happy to be paid a visit from our good friend and tech columnist for Parade Magazine, Gadget Guru, Dermitt Countertop. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week, on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Diana Kolsky ( and Murf Meyer ( Be sure to check out their great new podcast, Menage a Trois at

  • About Toronto! with John Haskell & Elaine Meyer

    16/04/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    From the CN Tower to the NBA's Raptors, this week, Americans everywhere are falling in love with easily one of the top three Canadian cities, Toronto! On this week's show, we talk to a Toronto denier and founding member of the activist group TiT (Toronto Isn't True), whose controversial opinions are sure to angry some listeners, Larry Byurd. After that, to hopefully provide a more positive perspective, we'll sit down with real-life Torontonian, Margeax Shoehorse. Of course, we'll also check out twitter and the news, plus, we're paid a visit from our good friend and Travel Writer for, Willard Zilch. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week, on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars John Haskell ( and Elaine Meyer ( John is a writer for Late Night with Jimmy and Elaine Meyer is like, the best. Be sure to Google both of them on

  • About Spaghetti! with Benjamin Apple & Veronica Osorio

    09/04/2013 Duration: 54min

    Use your noodle and get on board already, because this week, people all across the nation are having a heaping helping of the deliciously wet, sloppy treat, known as spaghetti! To get to the bottom of this trend, we talk to a stock boy at Bed, Bags and Beyond and self-proclaimed "spaghexpert," Phillip Sghetii. He's here to teach us the ins and outs of this long, thing noodle. Of course, we'll also take a look into our spaghetti futures as we chat with world-famous Spaghetti Psychic, Jella Star. Also on this week's show, Jason partakes in the delicious pasta treat, we learn that Pat's two girls are amazing spaghetti chefs, and we're paid a visit from the tech columnist at Parade Magazine, Gadget Guru, Dermitt Countertop. All that, plus music from the Foo Fighters: this week, on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Benjamin Apple (@benjaminapple) and Veronica Osorio (@vaov). Benjamin is a writer for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and Veronica's new web series, Kate's Craft Corner is currently the

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